import {async, ComponentFixture} from "@angular/core/testing"; import {CacheService} from "../../../../../services/cache.service"; import {ConfigureFn, configureTests} from "../../../../../../../jest/test-config.helper"; import {NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA} from "@angular/core"; import {LinkRowComponent} from "./link-row.component"; import {DropdownValue} from "../../../../../components/ui/form-components/dropdown/ui-element-dropdown.component"; import {MapItemData, ServicePathMapItem} from "../../../../../../models/graph/nodes-and-links-map"; describe('artifact form component', () => { let fixture: ComponentFixture; let cacheServiceMock: Partial; beforeEach( async(() => { cacheServiceMock = { contains: jest.fn(), remove: jest.fn(), set: jest.fn(), get: jest.fn() } const configure: ConfigureFn = testBed => { testBed.configureTestingModule({ declarations: [LinkRowComponent], imports: [], schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA], providers: [] , }); }; configureTests(configure).then(testBed => { fixture = testBed.createComponent(LinkRowComponent); }); }) ); it('should match current snapshot of artifact form component', () => { expect(fixture).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('ngOnChanges() -> in case data exist -> call to parseInitialData()' ,() => { // init values / mock functions let data = 'something'; fixture.componentInstance.parseInitialData = jest.fn(); = data; // call to the tested function fixture.componentInstance.ngOnChanges(); // expect that expect(fixture.componentInstance.parseInitialData).toHaveBeenCalledWith(data); }); it('onSourceSelected() -> in case id -> srcCP, link.fromCP, link.toNode, link.toCP, target, targetCP should be updated accordingly' ,() => { // init values / mock functions let id = 'id'; let data = 'data'; let link = { fromCP:'testVal', toNode:'testVal', toCP:'testVal' } let target = ['val1', 'val2']; let targetCP = ['val1', 'val2']; fixture.componentInstance.findOptions = jest.fn(); fixture.componentInstance.convertValuesToDropDownOptions = jest.fn(() => 'dummyConvertedVal'); = data; = link; = target; fixture.componentInstance.targetCP = targetCP; // call to the tested function fixture.componentInstance.onSourceSelected(id); // expect that expect(fixture.componentInstance.findOptions).toHaveBeenCalledWith(data, id); expect(fixture.componentInstance.srcCP).toBe('dummyConvertedVal'); expect(''); expect(''); expect(''); expect(; expect(fixture.componentInstance.targetCP.length).toBe(0); }); it('onSourceSelected() -> in case id undefined -> No Change to srcCP, link.fromCP, link.toNode, link.toCP, target, targetCP' ,() => { // init values / mock functions let id; let data = 'data'; let link = { fromCP:'testVal', toNode:'testVal', toCP:'testVal' } let target = ['val1', 'val2']; let targetCP = ['val1', 'val2']; fixture.componentInstance.findOptions = jest.fn(); fixture.componentInstance.convertValuesToDropDownOptions = jest.fn(() => 'dummyConvertedVal'); = data; = link; = target; fixture.componentInstance.targetCP = targetCP; // call to the tested function fixture.componentInstance.onSourceSelected(id); // expect that expect(; expect(; expect(; expect(; expect([0]).toBe('val1') expect(fixture.componentInstance.targetCP.length).toBe(2); expect(fixture.componentInstance.targetCP[1]).toBe('val2'); }); it('onSrcCPSelected() -> in case id -> Verify target, link.fromCPOriginId, link.toNode, link.toCP, targetCP.length' ,() => { // init values / mock functions let id = 'id'; let link = { fromNode:'testVal', toCPOriginId: 'initValue_ShouldBeChanged' }; let option1 = { id: 'something' }; let option2 = { id: 'id', data: {"ownerId":1} }; = link; fixture.componentInstance.findOptions = jest.fn(() => [option1, option2]); fixture.componentInstance.convertValuesToDropDownOptions = jest.fn(() => 'dummyConvertedVal'); // call to the tested function fixture.componentInstance.onSrcCPSelected(id); // expect that expect('dummyConvertedVal'); expect(; expect(''); expect(''); expect(fixture.componentInstance.targetCP.length).toBe(0); }); it('onSrcCPSelected() -> in case id undefined -> Verify target, link.fromCPOriginId, link.toNode, link.toCP, targetCP.length' ,() => { // init values / mock functions let id; let targetInput:Array = [{value:'Value', label:'Label', hidden:true, selected:true}]; let linkInput = { fromCPOriginId:'expectedLinkFromCPOriginId', toNode:'expectedLinkToNode', toCP:'expectedLinkToCP', // Link Object canEdit:true, canRemove:true, isFirst:true, // ForwardingPathLink Object ownerId:'', fromNode:'', fromCP:'', toCPOriginId:'' } = targetInput; = linkInput; fixture.componentInstance.targetCP = targetInput; // call to the tested function fixture.componentInstance.onSrcCPSelected(id); // expect that expect(; expect('expectedLinkFromCPOriginId'); expect('expectedLinkToNode'); expect('expectedLinkToCP'); expect(fixture.componentInstance.targetCP.length).toBe(1); }); it('onTargetSelected() -> in case id -> Verify targetCP & link.toCP' ,() => { // init values / mock functions let id = 'id'; let link = { toCP:'testVal' } let targetCP = ['val1', 'val2']; fixture.componentInstance.findOptions = jest.fn(); fixture.componentInstance.convertValuesToDropDownOptions = jest.fn(() => 'dummyConvertedVal'); = link; fixture.componentInstance.targetCP = targetCP; // call to the tested function fixture.componentInstance.onTargetSelected(id); // expect that expect(fixture.componentInstance.targetCP).toBe('dummyConvertedVal'); expect(''); }); it('onTargetSelected() -> in case id undefined -> Verify targetCP & link.toCP' ,() => { // init values / mock functions let id; let link = { toCP:'toCP_testVal' } let targetCP = ['val1', 'val2']; fixture.componentInstance.findOptions = jest.fn(); fixture.componentInstance.convertValuesToDropDownOptions = jest.fn(() => 'dummyConvertedVal'); = link; fixture.componentInstance.targetCP = targetCP; // call to the tested function fixture.componentInstance.onTargetSelected(id); // expect that expect(fixture.componentInstance.targetCP.length).toBe(2); expect(fixture.componentInstance.targetCP).toEqual(['val1', 'val2']); expect('toCP_testVal'); }); it('onTargetCPSelected() -> in case id -> Validate toCPOriginId' ,() => { // init values / mock functions let id = 'id'; let link = { toNode:'testVal', toCPOriginId: 'initValue_ShouldBeChanged' }; let option1 = { id: 'something' }; let option2 = { id: 'id', data: {"ownerId":1} }; = link; fixture.componentInstance.findOptions = jest.fn(() => [option1, option2]); // call to the tested function fixture.componentInstance.onTargetCPSelected(id); // expect that expect(; }); it('onTargetCPSelected() -> in case id undefined -> Validate toCPOriginId' ,() => { // init values / mock functions let id; let link = { toNode:'testVal', toCPOriginId: 'initValue_ShouldRemain' }; let option1 = { id: 'something' }; let option2 = { id: 'id', data: {"ownerId":1} }; = link; fixture.componentInstance.findOptions = jest.fn(() => [option1, option2]); // call to the tested function fixture.componentInstance.onTargetCPSelected(id); // expect that expect('initValue_ShouldRemain'); }); it('findOptions() -> in case -> Validate return' ,() => { // init values / mock functions const innerMapItemData1: MapItemData = { id: 'innerMapItemData1_id', name: 'innerMapItemData1_name', options: []}; const innerServicePathItem: ServicePathMapItem = { id: 'innerServicePathItem_id', data: innerMapItemData1 }; const mapItemData1: MapItemData = { id: 'mapItemData1_id', name: 'mapItemData1_name', options: [innerServicePathItem]}; const servicePathItem: ServicePathMapItem = { id: 'servicePathItem_id', data: mapItemData1 }; const arrServicePathItems: ServicePathMapItem[] = [servicePathItem]; let nodeOrCPId: string =; // call to the tested function let res = fixture.componentInstance.findOptions(arrServicePathItems, nodeOrCPId); // expect that expect(res).toEqual([innerServicePathItem]); }); it('findOptions() -> in case NOT item || || -> Validate return null' ,() => { // init values / mock functions let item = [{ // data: { data:{ name:'data_name', id: 'data_id' }, name:'name', id: 'id' // } }]; let items: Array = item; let nodeOrCPId: string = 'someString'; // call to the tested function let res = fixture.componentInstance.findOptions(items, nodeOrCPId); // expect that expect(res).toBe(null); }); it('convertValuesToDropDownOptions() -> Verify that the result is sorted' ,() => { // init values / mock functions const mapItemData1: MapItemData = { id: 'Z_ID', name: 'Z_NAME'}; const servicePathItem1: ServicePathMapItem = { id: 'Z_servicePathItem_id', data: mapItemData1 }; const mapItemData2: MapItemData = { id: 'A_ID', name: 'A_NAME'}; const servicePathItem2: ServicePathMapItem = { id: 'A_servicePathItem_id', data: mapItemData2 }; const mapItemData3: MapItemData = { id: 'M_ID', name: 'M_NAME'}; const servicePathItem3: ServicePathMapItem = { id: 'M_servicePathItem_id', data: mapItemData3 }; const arrServicePathItems: ServicePathMapItem[] = [servicePathItem1, servicePathItem2, servicePathItem3]; // call to the tested function let res = fixture.componentInstance.convertValuesToDropDownOptions(arrServicePathItems); // expect that expect(res.length).toBe(3); expect(res[0].value).toBe("A_servicePathItem_id"); expect(res[0].label).toBe("A_NAME"); expect(res[1].value).toBe("M_servicePathItem_id"); expect(res[1].label).toBe("M_NAME"); expect(res[2].value).toBe("Z_servicePathItem_id"); expect(res[2].label).toBe("Z_NAME"); }); it('parseInitialData() -> link.fromNode Exist => Verify srcCP' ,() => { // init values / mock functions //Simulate Array = []; result[0] = new DropdownValue(value, label); fixture.componentInstance.convertValuesToDropDownOptions = jest.fn(() => result); //Simulate the response from findOptions() const innerMapItemData1: MapItemData = { id: 'innerMapItemData1_id', name: 'innerMapItemData1_name', options: []}; const options: ServicePathMapItem = { id: 'innerServicePathItem_id', data: innerMapItemData1 }; fixture.componentInstance.findOptions = jest.fn(() => options); // call to the tested function fixture.componentInstance.parseInitialData(arrServicePathItems); // expect that expect(fixture.componentInstance.srcCP.length).toBe(1); expect(fixture.componentInstance.srcCP[0]).toEqual({ "value": value, "label": label, "hidden": false, "selected": false }); }); it('parseInitialData() -> link.fromNode & link.fromCP Exist => Verify srcCP' ,() => { // init values / mock functions //Simulate Array = []; result[0] = new DropdownValue(value, label); fixture.componentInstance.convertValuesToDropDownOptions = jest.fn(() => result); //Simulate the response from findOptions() const innerMapItemData1: MapItemData = { id: 'innerMapItemData1_id', name: 'innerMapItemData1_name', options: []}; const options: ServicePathMapItem = { id: 'innerServicePathItem_id', data: innerMapItemData1 }; fixture.componentInstance.findOptions = jest.fn(() => options); // call to the tested function fixture.componentInstance.parseInitialData(arrServicePathItems); // expect that expect(fixture.componentInstance.srcCP.length).toBe(1); expect(fixture.componentInstance.srcCP[0]).toEqual({ "value": value, "label": label, "hidden": false, "selected": false }); }); it('parseInitialData() -> link.fromNode & link.fromCP & link.toNode Exist => Verify srcCP' ,() => { // init values / mock functions //Simulate Array = []; result[0] = new DropdownValue(value, label); fixture.componentInstance.convertValuesToDropDownOptions = jest.fn(() => result); //Simulate the response from findOptions() const innerMapItemData1: MapItemData = { id: 'innerMapItemData1_id', name: 'innerMapItemData1_name', options: []}; const options: ServicePathMapItem = { id: 'innerServicePathItem_id', data: innerMapItemData1 }; fixture.componentInstance.findOptions = jest.fn(() => options); // call to the tested function fixture.componentInstance.parseInitialData(arrServicePathItems); // expect that expect(fixture.componentInstance.srcCP.length).toBe(1); expect(fixture.componentInstance.srcCP[0]).toEqual({ "value": value, "label": label, "hidden": false, "selected": false }); }); });