import {Component, EventEmitter, Inject, Input, OnInit, Output} from "@angular/core"; import {URLSearchParams} from '@angular/http'; import {Plugin} from "app/models"; import {EventBusService} from "../../../services/event-bus.service"; import {PluginsService} from "../../../services/plugins.service"; @Component({ selector: 'plugin-frame', templateUrl: './plugin-frame.component.html', styleUrls: ['plugin-frame.component.less'] }) export class PluginFrameComponent implements OnInit { @Input() plugin: Plugin; @Input() queryParams: Object; @Output() onLoadingDone: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); pluginUrl: string; private urlSearchParams: URLSearchParams; private isClosed: boolean; private isReady: boolean; private isPluginCheckDone: boolean; constructor(private eventBusService: EventBusService, private pluginsService: PluginsService, @Inject('$scope') private $scope: ng.IScope, @Inject('$state') private $state: ng.ui.IStateService) { this.urlSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(); this.isPluginCheckDone = false; } ngOnInit(): void { this.pluginsService.isPluginOnline(this.plugin.pluginId).subscribe(isPluginOnline => { this.plugin.isOnline = isPluginOnline; this.isPluginCheckDone = true; if (this.plugin.isOnline) { this.initPlugin(); } else { this.onLoadingDone.emit(); } }); } private initPlugin() { this.pluginUrl = this.plugin.pluginSourceUrl; this.isClosed = false; this.isReady = false; if (this.queryParams && !_.isEmpty(this.queryParams)) { _.forOwn(this.queryParams, (value, key) => { this.urlSearchParams.set(key, value); }); this.pluginUrl += '?'; this.pluginUrl += this.urlSearchParams.toString(); } let readyEvent = (eventData) => { if (eventData.originId === this.plugin.pluginId) { if (eventData.type == "READY") { this.isReady = true; this.onLoadingDone.emit(); } } }; this.eventBusService.on(readyEvent); // Listening to the stateChangeStart event in order to notify the plugin about it being closed // before moving to a new state this.$scope.$on('$stateChangeStart', (event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) => { if (( !== || ( === && (toParams.path !== fromParams.path)) { if (!this.isReady) { this.onLoadingDone.emit(); } if (this.eventBusService.NoWindowOutEvents.indexOf(this.eventBusService.lastEventNotified) == -1) { if (!this.isClosed) { event.preventDefault(); this.eventBusService.notify("WINDOW_OUT").subscribe(() => { this.isClosed = true; this.eventBusService.unregister(this.plugin.pluginId); this.$state.go(, toParams); }); } } else { this.eventBusService.unregister(this.plugin.pluginId); } } }); } }