import {Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter} from "@angular/core"; import { PropertyBEModel, PropertyFEModel, DerivedFEProperty, DerivedPropertyType, SchemaPropertyGroupModel, DataTypeModel } from "app/models"; import { PROPERTY_DATA, PROPERTY_TYPES } from 'app/utils'; import { PropertiesUtils } from "app/ng2/pages/properties-assignment/properties.utils"; import { DataTypeService } from "../../../services/data-type.service"; import { UUID } from "angular2-uuid"; @Component({ selector: 'dynamic-property', templateUrl: './dynamic-property.component.html', styleUrls: ['./dynamic-property.component.less'] }) export class DynamicPropertyComponent { derivedPropertyTypes = DerivedPropertyType; // propType: DerivedPropertyType; propPath: string; isPropertyFEModel: boolean; mapOfIDsAndKeys: Map = new Map(); //used for map and list childrenCanBeDeclared: boolean; @Input() canBeDeclared: boolean; @Input() property: PropertyFEModel | DerivedFEProperty; @Input() propChildren: Array; @Input() expandedChildId: string; @Input() selectedPropertyId: string; @Output() valueChanged: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); @Output() expandChild: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); @Output() checkProperty: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); @Output() deleteItem: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); @Output() clickOnPropertyRow: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); constructor(private propertiesUtils: PropertiesUtils, private dataTypeService: DataTypeService) { } ngOnInit() { this.isPropertyFEModel = instanceof PropertyFEModel; if ( instanceof PropertyFEModel) { this.propType = this.getDerivedPropertyType(; this.propPath =; } else { this.propType =; this.propPath =; } this.childrenCanBeDeclared = this.canBeDeclared && this.propType != this.derivedPropertyTypes.MAP && this.propType != this.derivedPropertyTypes.LIST; if (this.propType == this.derivedPropertyTypes.LIST || this.propType == this.derivedPropertyTypes.MAP) { this.initializeValues(); } } initializeValues = () => { let tempValue: any; if ( { tempValue = JSON.parse(; if (!_.isEmpty(tempValue)) { tempValue.forEach((element, key) => { let newChildID: string = this.createNewChildProperty(JSON.stringify(element)); this.mapOfIDsAndKeys[newChildID] = key; console.log(this.mapOfIDsAndKeys); }); } } //this.pseudoChildren = []; //this.valueObjRef = []; //TODO: generate necessary elements for existing values here // if (this.propType == this.derivedPropertyTypes.LIST) { // this.valueObjRef = ( ? JSON.parse( : []; // } else if (this.propType == this.derivedPropertyTypes.MAP) { // this.valueObjRef = ( JSON.parse( : {}; // } console.log(; } onClickPropertyRow = (property, event) => { // Because DynamicPropertyComponent is recrusive second time the event is fire event.stopPropagation = undefined event && event.stopPropagation && event.stopPropagation(); this.clickOnPropertyRow.emit(property); } deleteListOrMapItem = (itemName: string) => { this.propChildren = this.propChildren.filter(prop => prop.propertiesName.indexOf(itemName) != 0); //remove item and children; } propValueChanged = (property) => { console.log("property value change!! Prop type: " + property.type + " New value: " + property.value); this.valueChanged.emit(property); }; expandChildById = (id: string) => { this.expandedChildId = id; this.expandChild.emit(id); } checkedChange = (propName: string) => { this.checkProperty.emit(propName); } addRows = (): void => { //from within the template, when creating empty item let childPropId = this.createNewChildProperty(); this.expandChildById(this.propPath + "#" + childPropId); } createNewChildProperty = (value?:string):string => { let propUUID:string = UUID.UUID(); let newProp: DerivedFEProperty; if (this.propType == this.derivedPropertyTypes.LIST) { //for list - create new prop of schema type newProp = new DerivedFEProperty(propUUID, this.propPath,, value, true); } else { //for map - create new prop of type map, with schema, but with flag that its a child newProp = new DerivedFEProperty(propUUID, this.propPath,, value, true,; } this.propChildren = this.propChildren || []; this.propChildren.push(newProp); //if it's a complex type, add children properties if (! { let schemaDataType: DataTypeModel = this.dataTypeService.getDataTypeByTypeName(; this.dataTypeService.getDerivedDataTypeProperties(schemaDataType, this.propChildren, newProp.propertiesName); this.propertiesUtils.assignValuesRecursively(JSON.parse(value), this.propChildren, newProp.propertiesName); console.log(JSON.stringify(this.propChildren)); } return propUUID; } //TODO: remove this and move to somewhere central!! (or make all properties be the same type...) getDerivedPropertyType = (type) => { if (PROPERTY_DATA.SIMPLE_TYPES.indexOf(type) > -1) { return DerivedPropertyType.SIMPLE; } else if (type == PROPERTY_TYPES.LIST) { return DerivedPropertyType.LIST; } else if (type == PROPERTY_TYPES.MAP) { return DerivedPropertyType.MAP; } else { return DerivedPropertyType.COMPLEX; } } }