/** * Created by rc2122 on 5/31/2018. */ import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import { IDropDownOption } from 'onap-ui-angular/dist/form-elements/dropdown/dropdown-models'; import { Subject } from 'rxjs/Subject'; import { ArtifactModel } from '../../../../models'; import { ArtifactType, ComponentType } from '../../../../utils'; import { Dictionary } from '../../../../utils/dictionary/dictionary'; import { CacheService } from '../../../services/cache.service'; import { ArtifactConfigService } from '../../../services/artifact-config.service'; @Component({ selector: 'artifact-form', templateUrl: './artifact-form.component.html', styleUrls: ['./artifact-form.component.less'] }) export class ArtifactFormComponent { @Input() artifact: ArtifactModel; @Input() artifactType: ArtifactType; @Input() componentType: string; @Input() resourceType: string; @Input() instanceId: string; @Input() isViewOnly: boolean; public artifactTypesOptions: IDropDownOption[] = []; public validationPatterns: Dictionary; public selectedFileType: IDropDownOption; public showTypeFields: boolean; private onValidationChange: Subject = new Subject(); private descriptionIsValid: boolean; private labelIsValid: boolean; constructor(private cacheService: CacheService, private artifactConfigService: ArtifactConfigService) { } ngOnInit(): void { this.validationPatterns = this.cacheService.get('validation').validationPatterns; this.initArtifactTypes(); this.artifact.artifactGroupType = this.artifact.artifactGroupType || this.artifactType.toString(); this.showTypeFields = (this.artifact.artifactGroupType === 'DEPLOYMENT' || !this.artifact.mandatory) && this.artifact.artifactGroupType !== 'SERVICE_API'; } public onTypeChange = (selectedFileType: IDropDownOption) => { this.artifact.artifactType = selectedFileType.value; this.verifyTypeAndFileWereFilled(); }; public onUploadFile = (file) => { if (file) { this.artifact.artifactName = file.filename; this.artifact.payloadData = file.base64; console.log('FILE UPLOADED', file); } else { this.artifact.artifactName = null; } this.verifyTypeAndFileWereFilled(); }; private initArtifactTypes = (): void => { let artifactTypesList: string[]; switch (this.artifactType) { case ArtifactType.DEPLOYMENT: if (this.artifact.artifactType === ArtifactType.HEAT_ENV || this.instanceId) { artifactTypesList = this.artifactConfigService.findAllTypeBy(this.artifactType, ComponentType.RESOURCE_INSTANCE, this.resourceType); } else { artifactTypesList = this.artifactConfigService.findAllTypeBy(this.artifactType, this.componentType, this.resourceType); } break; case ArtifactType.INFORMATION: if (this.instanceId) { artifactTypesList = this.artifactConfigService.findAllTypeBy(this.artifactType, ComponentType.RESOURCE_INSTANCE, this.resourceType); } else { artifactTypesList = this.artifactConfigService.findAllTypeBy(this.artifactType, this.componentType, this.resourceType); } break; } _.forEach(artifactTypesList, (artifactType: string) => { this.artifactTypesOptions.push({ label: artifactType, value: artifactType }); }); this.selectedFileType = _.find(this.artifactTypesOptions, (artifactType) => { return artifactType.value === this.artifact.artifactType; }); }; // Verify that the Type and the Name (file) are filled in the Modal // For Description and Label - I used this.descriptionIsValid:boolean & this.labelIsValid:boolean as part of the sdc-validation Element private verifyTypeAndFileWereFilled = () => { if (this.artifact.artifactType === 'DEPLOYMENT' || !this.artifact.mandatory && this.artifact.artifactGroupType !== 'SERVICE_API') { // In case of all fields are required: // File, Description, Type and Label if (this.artifact.artifactType && this.artifact.artifactName && this.descriptionIsValid && this.labelIsValid) { this.onValidationChange.next(true); } else { this.onValidationChange.next(false); } } else { // In case of like Information Artifact // Only file and description are required if (this.descriptionIsValid && this.artifact.artifactName) { this.onValidationChange.next(true); } else { this.onValidationChange.next(false); } } }; // sdc-validation for Description private onDescriptionChange = (isValid: boolean): void => { this.descriptionIsValid = isValid; this.onValidationChange.next(isValid) && this.verifyTypeAndFileWereFilled(); }; // sdc-validation for Label private onLabelChange = (isValid: boolean): void => { this.labelIsValid = isValid; this.onValidationChange.next(isValid) && this.verifyTypeAndFileWereFilled(); }; }