import {SchemaPropertyGroupModel, SchemaProperty} from '../aschema-property'; import { PROPERTY_DATA, PROPERTY_TYPES } from 'app/utils'; import { FilterPropertiesAssignmentData, PropertyBEModel, DerivedPropertyType, DerivedFEPropertyMap, DerivedFEProperty } from 'app/models'; export class PropertyFEModel extends PropertyBEModel { expandedChildPropertyId: string; flattenedChildren: Array; isDeclared: boolean; isDisabled: boolean; isSelected: boolean; isSimpleType: boolean; //for convenience only - we can really just check if derivedDataType == derivedPropertyTypes.SIMPLE to know if the prop is simple propertiesName: string; uniqueId: string; valueObj: any; //this is the only value we relate to in the html templates derivedDataType: DerivedPropertyType; constructor(property: PropertyBEModel){ super(property); this.isSimpleType = PROPERTY_DATA.SIMPLE_TYPES.indexOf(this.type) > -1; this.setNonDeclared(); this.derivedDataType = this.getDerivedPropertyType(); this.flattenedChildren = []; this.propertiesName =; } public getJSONValue = (): string => { //If type is JSON, need to try parsing it before we stringify it so that it appears property in TOSCA - change per Bracha due to AMDOCS //TODO: handle this.derivedDataType == DerivedPropertyType.MAP if (this.derivedDataType == DerivedPropertyType.LIST && == PROPERTY_TYPES.JSON) { try { return JSON.stringify( => (typeof item == 'string')? JSON.parse(item) : item)); } catch (e){} } return (this.derivedDataType == DerivedPropertyType.SIMPLE) ? this.valueObj : JSON.stringify(this.valueObj); } public setNonDeclared = (childPath?: string): void => { if (!childPath) { //un-declaring a child prop this.isDeclared = false; } else { let childProp: DerivedFEProperty = this.flattenedChildren.find(child => child.propertiesName == childPath); childProp.isDeclared = false; } } public setAsDeclared = (childNameToDeclare?:string): void => { if (!childNameToDeclare) { //declaring a child prop this.isSelected = false; this.isDeclared = true; } else { let childProp: DerivedFEProperty = this.flattenedChildren.find(child => child.propertiesName == childNameToDeclare); if (!childProp) { console.log("ERROR: Unabled to find child: " + childNameToDeclare, this); return; } childProp.isSelected = false; childProp.isDeclared = true; } } //For expand-collapse functionality - used within HTML template public updateExpandedChildPropertyId = (childPropertyId: string): void => { if (childPropertyId.lastIndexOf('#') > -1) { this.expandedChildPropertyId = (this.expandedChildPropertyId == childPropertyId) ? (childPropertyId.substring(0, childPropertyId.lastIndexOf('#'))) : childPropertyId; } else { this.expandedChildPropertyId =; } } public getIndexOfChild = (childPropName: string): number => { return this.flattenedChildren.findIndex(prop => prop.propertiesName.indexOf(childPropName) === 0); } public getCountOfChildren = (childPropName: string):number => { let matchingChildren:Array = this.flattenedChildren.filter(prop => prop.propertiesName.indexOf(childPropName) === 0) || []; return matchingChildren.length; } // public getListIndexOfChild = (childPropName: string): number => { //gets list of siblings and then the index within that list // this.flattenedChildren.filter(prop => prop.parentName == item.parentName).map(prop => prop.propertiesName).indexOf(item.propertiesName) // } /* Updates parent valueObj when a child prop's value has changed */ public childPropUpdated = (childProp: DerivedFEProperty): void => { let parentNames = this.getParentNamesArray(childProp.propertiesName, []); if (parentNames.length) { _.set(this.valueObj, parentNames.join('.'), childProp.valueObj); } }; /* Returns array of individual parents for given prop path, with list/map UUIDs replaced with index/mapkey */ private getParentNamesArray = (parentPropName: string, parentNames?: Array): Array => { if (parentPropName.indexOf("#") == -1) { return parentNames; } //finished recursing parents. return let parentProp: DerivedFEProperty = this.flattenedChildren.find(prop => prop.propertiesName === parentPropName); let nameToInsert: string =; if (parentProp.isChildOfListOrMap) { if (parentProp.derivedDataType == DerivedPropertyType.MAP) { nameToInsert = parentProp.mapKey; } else { //LIST let siblingProps = this.flattenedChildren.filter(prop => prop.parentName == parentProp.parentName).map(prop => prop.propertiesName); nameToInsert = siblingProps.indexOf(parentProp.propertiesName).toString(); } } parentNames.splice(0, 0, nameToInsert); //add prop name to array return this.getParentNamesArray(parentProp.parentName, parentNames); //continue recursing } }