import { SchemaPropertyGroupModel, SchemaProperty } from "../aschema-property"; import { PROPERTY_DATA, PROPERTY_TYPES } from 'app/utils'; export enum DerivedPropertyType { SIMPLE, LIST, MAP, COMPLEX } export class PropertyBEModel { defaultValue: string; description: string; fromDerived: boolean; name: string; parentUniqueId: string; password: boolean; required: boolean; schema: SchemaPropertyGroupModel; type: string; uniqueId: string; value: string; definition: boolean; inputPath: string; propertiesName: string; ownerId: string; input: PropertyBEModel; constructor(property?: PropertyBEModel, childProperty?:PropertyBEModel) { if (property) { this.defaultValue = property.defaultValue; this.description = property.description; this.fromDerived = property.fromDerived; =; this.parentUniqueId = property.parentUniqueId; this.password = property.password; this.required = property.required; this.schema = property.schema; this.type = property.type; this.uniqueId = property.uniqueId; this.value = property.value ? property.value : property.defaultValue; this.definition = property.definition; this.ownerId = property.ownerId; if (property.inputPath) { this.inputPath = property.inputPath; } } if (childProperty) { this.input = childProperty; this.propertiesName = childProperty.propertiesName; } else { this.propertiesName =; } if (!this.schema || ! { this.schema = new SchemaPropertyGroupModel(new SchemaProperty()); } else { //forcing creating new object, so editing different one than the object in the table this.schema = new SchemaPropertyGroupModel(new SchemaProperty(; } } public toJSON = (): any => { let temp = angular.copy(this); temp.value = temp.value === "{}" || temp.value === "[]" ? undefined : temp.value; temp.defaultValue = temp.defaultValue === "{}" || temp.defaultValue === "[]" ? undefined : temp.defaultValue; return temp; }; public getDerivedPropertyType = () => { if (PROPERTY_DATA.SIMPLE_TYPES.indexOf(this.type) > -1) { return DerivedPropertyType.SIMPLE; } else if (this.type == PROPERTY_TYPES.LIST) { return DerivedPropertyType.LIST; } else if (this.type == PROPERTY_TYPES.MAP) { return DerivedPropertyType.MAP; } else { return DerivedPropertyType.COMPLEX; } } } // EXTRAS FROM CONSTRUCTOR: // this.source = property.source; // this.valueUniqueUid = property.valueUniqueUid; // this.path = property.path; // this.rules = property.rules; // this.resourceInstanceUniqueId = property.resourceInstanceUniqueId; // this.readonly = property.readonly; // this.simpleType = property.simpleType; // this.componentInstanceId = property.componentInstanceId; // this.parentValue = property.parentValue; //NEW PROPERTIES MAY NEED: // export class PropertyFEModel extends PropertyBEModel { // componentInstanceId: string; // isAlreadySelected: boolean; // filterTerm: string; // } //FOR INPUTS, BE ALSO INCLUDES: //export class InputFEModel extends PropertyBEModel { // hidden: boolean; // label: string; // immutable: boolean; // }