/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * SDC * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ /** * Created by obarda on 2/4/2016. */ 'use strict'; import * as _ from "lodash"; import {ArtifactGroupModel, CapabilitiesGroup,RequirementsGroup, PropertyModel, InputModel, Module} from "../../models"; import {ResourceType,ComponentType} from "../../utils/constants"; import {Capability} from "../capability"; import {Requirement} from "../requirement"; export class ComponentInstance { public componentUid:string; public componentName:string; public posX:number; public posY:number; public componentVersion:string; public description:string; public icon:string; public name:string; public normalizedName:string; public originType:string; public deploymentArtifacts:ArtifactGroupModel; public artifacts:ArtifactGroupModel; public propertyValueCounter:number; public uniqueId:string; public creationTime:number; public modificationTime:number; public capabilities:CapabilitiesGroup; public requirements:RequirementsGroup; public customizationUUID:string; public sourceModelInvariant:string; public sourceModelName:string; public sourceModelUid:string; public sourceModelUuid:string; //custom properties public certified:boolean; public iconSprite:string; public inputs:Array; public properties:Array; public groupInstances:Array; public invariantName:string; public originArchived:boolean; public directives: Array; DIRECTIVES_TYPES = { SELECTABLE: 'selectable' }; constructor(componentInstance?:ComponentInstance) { if (componentInstance) { this.componentUid = componentInstance.componentUid; this.componentName = componentInstance.componentName; this.componentVersion = componentInstance.componentVersion; this.description = componentInstance.description; this.icon = componentInstance.icon; this.name = componentInstance.name; this.normalizedName = componentInstance.normalizedName; this.originType = componentInstance.originType; this.deploymentArtifacts = new ArtifactGroupModel(componentInstance.deploymentArtifacts); this.artifacts = new ArtifactGroupModel(componentInstance.artifacts); this.uniqueId = componentInstance.uniqueId; this.creationTime = componentInstance.creationTime; this.modificationTime = componentInstance.modificationTime; this.propertyValueCounter = componentInstance.propertyValueCounter; this.capabilities = new CapabilitiesGroup(componentInstance.capabilities); this.requirements = new RequirementsGroup(componentInstance.requirements); this.certified = componentInstance.certified; this.customizationUUID = componentInstance.customizationUUID; this.updatePosition(componentInstance.posX, componentInstance.posY); this.groupInstances = componentInstance.groupInstances; this.invariantName = componentInstance.invariantName; this.sourceModelInvariant = componentInstance.sourceModelInvariant; this.sourceModelName = componentInstance.sourceModelName; this.sourceModelUid = componentInstance.sourceModelUid; this.sourceModelUuid = componentInstance.sourceModelUuid; this.originArchived = componentInstance.originArchived; this.directives = componentInstance.directives; } } public isUcpe = ():boolean => { if (this.originType === 'VF' && this.capabilities && this.capabilities['tosca.capabilities.Container'] && this.name.toLowerCase().indexOf('ucpe') > -1) { return true; } return false; }; public isVl = ():boolean => { return this.originType === 'VL'; }; public isComplex = () : boolean => { return this.originType === ResourceType.VF || this.originType === ResourceType.PNF || this.originType === ResourceType.CVFC || this.originType === ResourceType.CR ; } public isServiceProxy = () :boolean => { return this.originType === ComponentType.SERVICE_PROXY; } public setInstanceRC = ():void=> { _.forEach(this.requirements, (requirementValue:Array, requirementKey)=> { _.forEach(requirementValue, (requirement)=> { if (!requirement.ownerName) { requirement['ownerId'] = this.uniqueId; requirement['ownerName'] = this.name; } }); }); _.forEach(this.capabilities, (capabilityValue:Array, capabilityKey)=> { _.forEach(capabilityValue, (capability)=> { if (!capability.ownerName) { capability['ownerId'] = this.uniqueId; capability['ownerName'] = this.name; } }); }); }; public updatePosition(posX:number, posY:number) { this.posX = posX; this.posY = posY; } public findRequirement(reqType:string, uniqueId:string, ownerId:string, name:string):Requirement|undefined { let requirement:Requirement = undefined; const searchGroup = (reqType) ? [this.requirements[reqType]] : this.requirements; _.some(_.keys(searchGroup), (searchType) => { requirement = _.find(searchGroup[searchType], (req:Requirement) => ( req.uniqueId === uniqueId && req.ownerId === ownerId && req.name === name )); return requirement; }); return requirement; } public findCapability(capType:string, uniqueId:string, ownerId:string, name:string):Capability|undefined { let capability:Capability = undefined; const searchGroup = (capType) ? [this.capabilities[capType]] : this.capabilities; _.some(_.keys(searchGroup), (searchType) => { capability = _.find(searchGroup[searchType], (cap:Capability) => ( cap.uniqueId === uniqueId && cap.ownerId === ownerId && cap.name === name )); return capability; }); return capability; } public toJSON = ():any => { let temp = angular.copy(this); temp.certified = undefined; temp.iconSprite = undefined; temp.inputs = undefined; temp.groupInstances = undefined; temp.properties = undefined; temp.requirements = undefined; temp.capabilities = undefined; return temp; }; public get iconClass() { return this.iconSprite + ' ' + this.icon; } public isDependent = () : boolean => { return this.directives && this.directives.indexOf(this.DIRECTIVES_TYPES.SELECTABLE) !== -1; } public markAsDependent = () : void => { this.directives.push(this.DIRECTIVES_TYPES.SELECTABLE); } public unmarkAsDependent = () : void => { let index = this.directives.indexOf(this.DIRECTIVES_TYPES.SELECTABLE); if(index >= 0) { this.directives.splice(index, 1); } } }