/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * SDC * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ /** * Created by obarda on 2/3/2016. */ 'use strict'; import * as _ from "lodash"; import {InstancesInputsOrPropertiesMapData} from "../instance-inputs-properties-map"; import {PropertyModel} from "../properties"; import {DisplayModule} from "../modules/base-module"; import {InputModel} from "../inputs"; import {ResourceType} from "../../utils/constants"; import {Component} from "./component"; import {FileUploadModel} from "../../directives/file-upload/file-upload"; import {IResourceService} from "../../services/components/resource-service"; import {ComponentMetadata} from "../component-metadata"; export class Resource extends Component { public interfaces:any; public derivedFrom:Array<string>; public componentService:IResourceService; public resourceType:string; public payloadData:string; public payloadName:string; public importedFile:FileUploadModel; public resourceVendorModelNumber:string; // Onboarding parameters public csarUUID:string; public csarVersion:string; public csarVersionId: string; public csarPackageType:string; public packageId:string; constructor(componentService:IResourceService, $q:ng.IQService, component?:Resource) { super(componentService, $q, component); if (component) { this.interfaces = component.interfaces; this.derivedFrom = component.derivedFrom; this.payloadData = component.payloadData ? component.payloadData : undefined; this.payloadName = component.payloadName ? component.payloadName : undefined; this.resourceType = component.resourceType; this.csarUUID = component.csarUUID; this.csarVersion = component.csarVersion; this.csarVersionId = component.csarVersionId; this.resourceVendorModelNumber = component.resourceVendorModelNumber; this.filterTerm = this.name + ' ' + this.description + ' ' + (this.tags ? this.tags.toString() : '') + ' ' + this.version + ' ' + this.resourceType; if (component.categories && component.categories[0] && component.categories[0].subcategories && component.categories[0].subcategories[0]) { component.mainCategory = component.categories[0].name; component.subCategory = component.categories[0].subcategories[0].name; this.selectedCategory = component.mainCategory + "_#_" + component.subCategory; this.importedFile = component.importedFile; } } else { this.resourceType = ResourceType.VF; } this.componentService = componentService; this.iconSprite = "sprite-resource-icons"; } public setComponentMetadata(componentMetadata: ComponentMetadata) { super.setComponentMetadata(componentMetadata); this.resourceType = componentMetadata.resourceType; this.csarUUID = componentMetadata.csarUUID; this.csarVersion = componentMetadata.csarVersion; this.csarVersionId = componentMetadata.csarVersionId; this.derivedFrom = componentMetadata.derivedFrom; this.resourceVendorModelNumber = componentMetadata.resourceVendorModelNumber; this.setComponentDisplayData(); }; public getComponentSubType = ():string => { return this.resourceType; }; public isComplex = ():boolean => { return this.resourceType === ResourceType.VF || this.resourceType === ResourceType.PNF || this.resourceType === ResourceType.CVFC || this.resourceType === ResourceType.CR; }; public isVl = ():boolean => { return ResourceType.VL == this.resourceType; }; public isCsarComponent = ():boolean => { return !!this.csarUUID; }; public createComponentOnServer = ():ng.IPromise<Component> => { let deferred = this.$q.defer<Component>(); let onSuccess = (component:Resource):void => { this.payloadData = undefined; this.payloadName = undefined; deferred.resolve(component); }; let onError = (error:any):void => { deferred.reject(error); }; this.handleTags(); if (this.importedFile) { this.payloadData = this.importedFile.base64; this.payloadName = this.importedFile.filename; } this.componentService.createComponent(this).then(onSuccess, onError); return deferred.promise; }; public updateResourceGroupProperties = (module:DisplayModule, properties:Array<PropertyModel>):ng.IPromise<Array<PropertyModel>> => { let deferred = this.$q.defer<Array<PropertyModel>>(); let onSuccess = (updatedProperties:Array<PropertyModel>):void => { _.forEach(updatedProperties, (property:PropertyModel) => { // Replace all updated properties on the module we needed to update _.extend(_.find(module.properties, {uniqueId: property.uniqueId}), property); }); //_.extend(_.findWhere(this.groups, {uniqueId: module.uniqueId }), module); // replace the module on the component so all data will be updates if the module sent to the function is a copy deferred.resolve(updatedProperties); }; let onError = (error:any):void => { deferred.reject(error); }; this.componentService.updateResourceGroupProperties(this.uniqueId, module.uniqueId, properties).then(onSuccess, onError); return deferred.promise; }; // For now we only implement the logic in service level public createInputsFormInstances = (instanceInputsPropertiesMap:InstancesInputsOrPropertiesMapData):ng.IPromise<Array<InputModel>> => { let deferred = this.$q.defer<Array<InputModel>>(); return deferred.promise; }; getTypeUrl():string { return 'resources/'; } setComponentDisplayData():void { this.filterTerm = this.name + ' ' + this.description + ' ' + (this.tags ? this.tags.toString() : '') + ' ' + this.version + ' ' + this.resourceType; if (this.categories && this.categories[0] && this.categories[0].subcategories && this.categories[0].subcategories[0]) { this.mainCategory = this.categories[0].name; this.subCategory = this.categories[0].subcategories[0].name; this.selectedCategory = this.mainCategory + "_#_" + this.subCategory; this.iconSprite = "sprite-resource-icons"; } }; public toJSON = ():any => { let temp = angular.copy(this); temp.componentService = undefined; temp.filterTerm = undefined; temp.iconSprite = undefined; temp.mainCategory = undefined; temp.subCategory = undefined; temp.selectedInstance = undefined; temp.showMenu = undefined; temp.$q = undefined; temp.selectedCategory = undefined; temp.importedFile = undefined; temp.modules = undefined; temp.groupInstances = undefined; temp.policies = undefined; return temp; }; }