 * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
 * SDC
 * ================================================================================
 * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
 * ================================================================================
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================

import { CapabilitiesGroup, RequirementsGroup } from 'app/models';
import { ComponentType } from 'app/utils';
import { IMainCategory } from './category';
import { Metadata } from "app/models/metadata";
 * Created by obarda on 4/18/2017.
export interface IComponentMetadata {

    abstract: string;
    uniqueId: string;
    uuid: string;
    invariantUUID: string;
    name: string;
    version: string;
    creationDate: number;
    lastUpdateDate: number;
    description: string;
    lifecycleState: string;
    tags: string[];
    icon: string;
    contactId: string;
    allVersions: any;
    creatorUserId: string;
    creatorFullName: string;
    lastUpdaterUserId: string;
    lastUpdaterFullName: string;
    componentType: string;
    categories: IMainCategory[];
    highestVersion: boolean;
    normalizedName: string;
    systemName: string;
    archived: boolean;
    vspArchived: boolean;
    selectedCategory: string;
    filterTerm: string;
    categorySpecificMetadata: Metadata;

    // Resource only
    resourceType: string;
    csarUUID: string;
    csarVersion: string;
    csarVersionId: string;
    derivedList: string[];
    vendorName: string;
    vendorRelease: string;
    derivedFrom: string[];
    resourceVendorModelNumber: string;
    csarPackageType: string;
    packageId: string;
    iconSprite: string;

    // Service only
    serviceFunction: string;
    distributionStatus: string;
    ecompGeneratedNaming: boolean;
    namingPolicy: string;
    serviceType: string;
    serviceRole: string;
    environmentContext: string;
    instantiationType: string;

    // backend lifecycleState
    state: string;

    capabilities: CapabilitiesGroup;
    requirements: RequirementsGroup;

    // Model
    model: string;


export class ComponentMetadata implements IComponentMetadata {

    public abstract: string;
    public uniqueId: string;
    public uuid: string;
    public invariantUUID: string;
    public name: string;
    public version: string;
    public creationDate: number;
    public lastUpdateDate: number;
    public description: string;
    public lifecycleState: string;
    public tags: string[];
    public icon: string;
    public contactId: string;
    public allVersions: any;
    public creatorUserId: string;
    public creatorFullName: string;
    public lastUpdaterUserId: string;
    public lastUpdaterFullName: string;
    public componentType: string;
    public categories: IMainCategory[];
    public highestVersion: boolean;
    public normalizedName: string;
    public systemName: string;
    public archived: boolean;
    public vspArchived: boolean;
    public toscaResourceName: string;
    public selectedCategory: string;
    public filterTerm: string;
    public categorySpecificMetadata: Metadata = new Metadata();

    // Resource only
    public resourceType: string;
    public csarUUID: string;
    public csarVersion: string;
    public csarVersionId: string;
    public derivedList: string[];
    public vendorName: string;
    public vendorRelease: string;
    public derivedFrom: string[];
    public resourceVendorModelNumber: string;
    public csarPackageType: string;
    public packageId: string;
    public iconSprite: string;
    public models: string[];

    // Service only
    public serviceFunction: string;
    public distributionStatus: string;
    public ecompGeneratedNaming: boolean;
    public namingPolicy: string;
    public serviceType: string;
    public serviceRole: string;
    public environmentContext: string;
    public instantiationType: string;
    public model: string;

    // backend lifecycleState
    public state: string;

    // requirements
    public capabilities;
    public requirements;

    deserialize(response): ComponentMetadata {
        this.abstract = response.abstract;
        this.uniqueId = response.uniqueId;
        this.uuid = response.uuid;
        this.invariantUUID = response.invariantUUID;
        this.contactId = response.contactId;
        this.categories = response.categories;
        this.creatorUserId = response.creatorUserId;
        this.creationDate = response.creationDate;
        this.creatorFullName = response.creatorFullName;
        this.description = response.description;
        this.icon = response.icon;
        this.lastUpdateDate = response.lastUpdateDate;
        this.lastUpdaterUserId = response.lastUpdaterUserId;
        this.lastUpdaterFullName = response.lastUpdaterFullName;
        this.lifecycleState = response.lifecycleState;
        this.name = response.name;
        this.version = response.version;
        this.tags = angular.copy(response.tags, this.tags);
        this.allVersions = response.allVersions;
        this.componentType = response.componentType;
        this.distributionStatus = response.distributionStatus;
        this.highestVersion = response.highestVersion;
        this.vendorName = response.vendorName;
        this.vendorRelease = response.vendorRelease;
        this.derivedList = response.derivedList;
        this.normalizedName = response.normalizedName;
        this.systemName = response.systemName;
        this.serviceFunction = response.serviceFunction;
        this.resourceType = response.resourceType;
        this.csarUUID = response.csarUUID;
        this.csarVersion = response.csarVersion;
        this.csarVersionId = response.csarVersionId;
        this.state = response.state;
        this.ecompGeneratedNaming = response.ecompGeneratedNaming;
        this.namingPolicy = response.namingPolicy;
        this.derivedFrom = response.derivedFrom;
        this.resourceVendorModelNumber = response.resourceVendorModelNumber;
        this.serviceType = response.serviceType;
        this.serviceRole = response.serviceRole;
        this.environmentContext = response.environmentContext;
        this.archived = response.archived;
        this.instantiationType = response.instantiationType;
        this.vspArchived = response.vspArchived;
        this.toscaResourceName = response.toscaResourceName;
        this.capabilities = response.capabilities;
        this.requirements = response.requirements;
        this.categorySpecificMetadata = response.categorySpecificMetadata;
        this.model = response.model;
        return this;

    public isService = (): boolean => {
        return this.componentType === ComponentType.SERVICE;

    public getTypeUrl(): string {
        return this.componentType === ComponentType.RESOURCE ? 'resources/' : 'services/';