/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * SDC * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2021 Nordix Foundation. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ import * as _ from "lodash"; import {PROPERTY_DATA, PROPERTY_TYPES} from 'app/utils'; import { AttributeBEModel, DerivedAttributeType } from "app/models/attributes-outputs/attribute-be-model"; import {DerivedFEAttribute} from "app/models/attributes-outputs/derived-fe-attribute"; export class AttributeFEModel extends AttributeBEModel { expandedChildAttributeId: string; flattenedChildren: Array<DerivedFEAttribute>; isDeclared: boolean; isDisabled: boolean; isSelected: boolean; isSimpleType: boolean; //for convenience only - we can really just check if derivedDataType == derivedPropertyTypes.SIMPLE to know if the attrib is simple attributesName: string; uniqueId: string; valueObj: any; //this is the only value we relate to in the html templates valueObjValidation: any; valueObjIsValid: boolean; valueObjOrig: any; //this is valueObj representation as saved in server valueObjIsChanged: boolean; derivedDataType: DerivedAttributeType; origName: string; constructor(attribute: AttributeBEModel) { super(attribute); this.value = attribute.value ? attribute.value : attribute.defaultValue;//In FE if a attribute doesn't have value - display the default value this.isSimpleType = PROPERTY_DATA.SIMPLE_TYPES.indexOf(this.type) > -1; this.setNonDeclared(); this.derivedDataType = this.getDerivedAttributeType(); this.flattenedChildren = []; this.attributesName = this.name; this.valueObj = null; this.updateValueObjOrig(); this.resetValueObjValidation(); this.origName = this.name; } public updateValueObj(valueObj: any, isValid: boolean) { this.valueObj = AttributeFEModel.cleanValueObj(valueObj); this.valueObjValidation = this.valueObjIsValid = isValid; this.valueObjIsChanged = this.hasValueObjChanged(); } public updateValueObjOrig() { this.valueObjOrig = _.cloneDeep(this.valueObj); this.valueObjIsChanged = false; } public calculateValueObjIsValid(valueObjValidation?: any) { valueObjValidation = (valueObjValidation !== undefined) ? valueObjValidation : this.valueObjValidation; if (valueObjValidation instanceof Array) { return valueObjValidation.every((v) => this.calculateValueObjIsValid(v)); } else if (valueObjValidation instanceof Object) { return Object.keys(valueObjValidation).every((k) => this.calculateValueObjIsValid(valueObjValidation[k])); } return Boolean(valueObjValidation); } public resetValueObjValidation() { if (this.derivedDataType === DerivedAttributeType.SIMPLE) { this.valueObjValidation = null; } else if (this.derivedDataType === DerivedAttributeType.LIST) { this.valueObjValidation = []; } else { this.valueObjValidation = {}; } this.valueObjIsValid = true; } public getJSONValue = (): string => { return AttributeFEModel.stringifyValueObj(this.valueObj, this.schema.property.type, this.derivedDataType); } public getValueObj = (): any => { return AttributeFEModel.parseValueObj(this.value, this.type, this.derivedDataType, this.defaultValue); } public setNonDeclared = (childPath?: string): void => { if (!childPath) { //un-declaring a child attrib this.isDeclared = false; } else { let childProp: DerivedFEAttribute = this.flattenedChildren.find(child => child.attributesName == childPath); childProp.isDeclared = false; } } public setAsDeclared = (childNameToDeclare?: string): void => { if (!childNameToDeclare) { //declaring a child attrib this.isSelected = false; this.isDeclared = true; } else { let childProp: DerivedFEAttribute = this.flattenedChildren.find(child => child.attributesName == childNameToDeclare); if (!childProp) { console.log("ERROR: Unabled to find child: " + childNameToDeclare, this); return; } childProp.isSelected = false; childProp.isDeclared = true; } } //For expand-collapse functionality - used within HTML template public updateExpandedChildAttributeId = (childAttributeId: string): void => { if (childAttributeId.lastIndexOf('#') > -1) { this.expandedChildAttributeId = (this.expandedChildAttributeId == childAttributeId) ? (childAttributeId.substring(0, childAttributeId.lastIndexOf('#'))) : childAttributeId; } else { this.expandedChildAttributeId = this.name; } } public getIndexOfChild = (childPropName: string): number => { return this.flattenedChildren.findIndex(attrib => attrib.attributesName.indexOf(childPropName) === 0); } public getCountOfChildren = (childPropName: string): number => { let matchingChildren: Array<DerivedFEAttribute> = this.flattenedChildren.filter(attrib => attrib.attributesName.indexOf(childPropName) === 0) || []; return matchingChildren.length; } /* Updates parent valueObj when a child attrib's value has changed */ public childPropUpdated = (childProp: DerivedFEAttribute): void => { let parentNames = this.getParentNamesArray(childProp.attributesName, []); if (parentNames.length) { const childPropName = parentNames.join('.'); // unset value only if is null and valid, and not in a list if (childProp.valueObj === null && childProp.valueObjIsValid) { const parentChildProp = this.flattenedChildren.find((ch) => ch.attributesName === childProp.parentName) || this; if (parentChildProp.derivedDataType !== DerivedAttributeType.LIST) { _.unset(this.valueObj, childPropName); this.valueObj = AttributeFEModel.cleanValueObj(this.valueObj); } else { _.set(this.valueObj, childPropName, null); } } else { _.set(this.valueObj, childPropName, childProp.valueObj); } if (childProp.valueObjIsChanged) { _.set(this.valueObjValidation, childPropName, childProp.valueObjIsValid); this.valueObjIsValid = childProp.valueObjIsValid && this.calculateValueObjIsValid(); this.valueObjIsChanged = true; } else { _.unset(this.valueObjValidation, childPropName); this.valueObjIsValid = this.calculateValueObjIsValid(); this.valueObjIsChanged = this.hasValueObjChanged(); } } }; childPropMapKeyUpdated = (childProp: DerivedFEAttribute, newMapKey: string, forceValidate: boolean = false) => { if (!childProp.isChildOfListOrMap || childProp.derivedDataType !== DerivedAttributeType.MAP) { return; } const childParentNames = this.getParentNamesArray(childProp.parentName); const oldActualMapKey = childProp.getActualMapKey(); childProp.mapKey = newMapKey; if (childProp.mapKey === null) { // null -> remove map key childProp.mapKeyError = null; } else if (!childProp.mapKey) { childProp.mapKeyError = 'Key cannot be empty.'; } else if (this.flattenedChildren .filter((fch) => fch !== childProp && fch.parentName === childProp.parentName) // filter sibling child props .map((fch) => fch.mapKey) .indexOf(childProp.mapKey) !== -1) { childProp.mapKeyError = 'This key already exists.'; } else { childProp.mapKeyError = null; } const newActualMapKey = childProp.getActualMapKey(); const newMapKeyIsValid = !childProp.mapKeyError; // if mapKey was changed, then replace the old key with the new one if (newActualMapKey !== oldActualMapKey) { const oldChildPropNames = childParentNames.concat([oldActualMapKey]); const newChildPropNames = (newActualMapKey) ? childParentNames.concat([newActualMapKey]) : null; // add map key to valueObj and valueObjValidation if (newChildPropNames) { const newChildVal = _.get(this.valueObj, oldChildPropNames); if (newChildVal !== undefined) { _.set(this.valueObj, newChildPropNames, newChildVal); _.set(this.valueObjValidation, newChildPropNames, _.get(this.valueObjValidation, oldChildPropNames, childProp.valueObjIsValid)); } } // remove map key from valueObj and valueObjValidation _.unset(this.valueObj, oldChildPropNames); _.unset(this.valueObjValidation, oldChildPropNames); // force validate after map key change forceValidate = true; } if (forceValidate) { // add custom entry for map key validation: const childMapKeyNames = childParentNames.concat(`%%KEY:${childProp.name}%%`); if (newActualMapKey) { _.set(this.valueObjValidation, childMapKeyNames, newMapKeyIsValid); } else { _.unset(this.valueObjValidation, childMapKeyNames); } this.valueObjIsValid = newMapKeyIsValid && this.calculateValueObjIsValid(); this.valueObjIsChanged = this.hasValueObjChanged(); } }; /* Returns array of individual parents for given attrib path, with list/map UUIDs replaced with index/mapkey */ public getParentNamesArray = (parentPropName: string, parentNames?: Array<string>, noHashKeys: boolean = false): Array<string> => { parentNames = parentNames || []; if (parentPropName.indexOf("#") == -1) { return parentNames; } //finished recursing parents. return let parentAttrib: DerivedFEAttribute = this.flattenedChildren.find(attrib => attrib.attributesName === parentPropName); let nameToInsert: string = parentAttrib.name; if (parentAttrib.isChildOfListOrMap) { if (!noHashKeys && parentAttrib.derivedDataType == DerivedAttributeType.MAP) { nameToInsert = parentAttrib.getActualMapKey(); } else { //LIST let siblingProps = this.flattenedChildren.filter(attrib => attrib.parentName == parentAttrib.parentName).map(attrib => attrib.attributesName); nameToInsert = siblingProps.indexOf(parentAttrib.attributesName).toString(); } } parentNames.splice(0, 0, nameToInsert); //add attrib name to array return this.getParentNamesArray(parentAttrib.parentName, parentNames, noHashKeys); //continue recursing } public hasValueObjChanged() { return !_.isEqual(this.valueObj, this.valueObjOrig); } static stringifyValueObj(valueObj: any, attributeType: PROPERTY_TYPES, derivedAttributeType: DerivedAttributeType): string { // if valueObj is null, return null if (valueObj === null || valueObj === undefined) { return null; } //If type is JSON, need to try parsing it before we stringify it so that it appears property in TOSCA - change per Bracha due to AMDOCS //TODO: handle this.derivedDataType == DerivedAttributeType.MAP if (derivedAttributeType == DerivedAttributeType.LIST && attributeType == PROPERTY_TYPES.JSON) { try { return JSON.stringify(valueObj.map(item => (typeof item == 'string') ? JSON.parse(item) : item)); } catch (e) { } } // if type is anything but string, then stringify valueObj if ((typeof valueObj) !== 'string') { return JSON.stringify(valueObj); } // return string value as is return valueObj; } static parseValueObj(value: string, attributeType: PROPERTY_TYPES, derivedAttributeType: DerivedAttributeType, defaultValue?: string): any { let valueObj; if (derivedAttributeType === DerivedAttributeType.SIMPLE) { valueObj = value || defaultValue || null; // use null for empty value object if (valueObj && attributeType !== PROPERTY_TYPES.STRING && attributeType !== PROPERTY_TYPES.JSON && PROPERTY_DATA.SCALAR_TYPES.indexOf(<string>attributeType) == -1) { valueObj = JSON.parse(value); // the value object contains the real value ans not the value as string } } else if (derivedAttributeType == DerivedAttributeType.LIST) { valueObj = _.merge([], JSON.parse(defaultValue || '[]'), JSON.parse(value || '[]')); // value object should be merged value and default value. Value takes higher precedence. Set value object to empty obj if undefined. } else { valueObj = _.merge({}, JSON.parse(defaultValue || '{}'), JSON.parse(value || '{}')); // value object should be merged value and default value. Value takes higher precedence. Set value object to empty obj if undefined. } return valueObj; } static cleanValueObj(valueObj: any, unsetEmpty?: boolean): any { // By default - unsetEmpty undefined - will make valueObj cleaned (no null or empty objects, but array will keep null or empty objects). if (valueObj === undefined || valueObj === null || valueObj === '') { return null; } if (valueObj instanceof Array) { const cleanArr = valueObj.map((v) => AttributeFEModel.cleanValueObj(v)).filter((v) => v !== null); valueObj.splice(0, valueObj.length, ...cleanArr) } else if (valueObj instanceof Object) { Object.keys(valueObj).forEach((k) => { // clean each item in the valueObj (by default, unset empty objects) valueObj[k] = AttributeFEModel.cleanValueObj(valueObj[k], unsetEmpty !== undefined ? unsetEmpty : true); if (valueObj[k] === null) { delete valueObj[k]; } }); // if unsetEmpty flag is true and valueObj is empty if (unsetEmpty && !Object.keys(valueObj).length) { return null; } } return valueObj; } }