'use strict'; export interface IValidationOnLoadScope extends ng.IScope { formToValidate:ng.IFormController; } export class ValidationOnLoadDirective implements ng.IDirective { constructor(private $timeout:ng.ITimeoutService) { } scope = { formToValidate: '=' }; public replace = false; public restrict = 'A'; public link = (scope:IValidationOnLoadScope, $elem:ng.IAugmentedJQuery, $attrs:angular.IAttributes) => { let init = ()=> { //validate errors if (scope.formToValidate.$error) { angular.forEach(scope.formToValidate.$error, (value, key)=> { //skip on the required error if its a new form if (key != 'required') { angular.forEach(value, function (field) { field.$setDirty();//trigger to show the error label }); } }) } }; this.$timeout(()=> { init(); }, 0); }; public static factory = ($timeout:ng.ITimeoutService)=> { return new ValidationOnLoadDirective($timeout); }; } ValidationOnLoadDirective.factory.$inject = ['$timeout'];