/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * SDC * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ /** * Created by obarda on 6/28/2016. */ import * as _ from "lodash"; import {GraphUIObjects} from "app/utils"; import {LoaderService} from "app/services"; import { NodeUcpe, CompositionCiNodeVf, Match, CompositionCiNodeBase, RelationshipModel, ConnectRelationModel, LinksFactory, Component, LinkMenu, Point, CompositionCiLinkBase } from "app/models"; import {CommonGraphUtils} from "../../common/common-graph-utils"; import {CompositionGraphGeneralUtils} from "./composition-graph-general-utils"; import {MatchCapabilitiesRequirementsUtils} from "./match-capability-requierment-utils"; import {CompositionCiServicePathLink} from "../../../../models/graph/graph-links/composition-graph-links/composition-ci-service-path-link"; export class CompositionGraphLinkUtils { constructor(private linksFactory:LinksFactory, private loaderService:LoaderService, private generalGraphUtils:CompositionGraphGeneralUtils, private commonGraphUtils:CommonGraphUtils, private matchCapabilitiesRequirementsUtils:MatchCapabilitiesRequirementsUtils) { } /** * Delete the link on server and then remove it from graph * @param component * @param releaseLoading - true/false release the loader when finished * @param link - the link to delete */ public deleteLink = (cy:Cy.Instance, component:Component, releaseLoading:boolean, link:Cy.CollectionEdges) => { this.loaderService.showLoader('composition-graph'); let onSuccessDeleteRelation = (response) => { cy.remove(link); }; if (!releaseLoading) { this.generalGraphUtils.getGraphUtilsServerUpdateQueue().addBlockingUIAction( () => component.deleteRelation(link.data().relation).then(onSuccessDeleteRelation) ); } else { this.generalGraphUtils.getGraphUtilsServerUpdateQueue().addBlockingUIActionWithReleaseCallback( () => component.deleteRelation(link.data().relation).then(onSuccessDeleteRelation), () => this.loaderService.hideLoader('composition-graph')); } }; /** * create the link on server and than draw it on graph * @param link - the link to create * @param cy * @param component */ public createLink = (link:CompositionCiLinkBase, cy:Cy.Instance, component:Component):void => { this.loaderService.showLoader('composition-graph'); let onSuccess:(response:RelationshipModel) => void = (relation:RelationshipModel) => { link.setRelation(relation); this.commonGraphUtils.insertLinkToGraph(cy, link, component.getRelationRequirementCapability.bind(component)); }; link.updateLinkDirection(); this.generalGraphUtils.getGraphUtilsServerUpdateQueue().addBlockingUIActionWithReleaseCallback( () => component.createRelation(link.relation).then(onSuccess), () => this.loaderService.hideLoader('composition-graph') ); }; private createSimpleLink = (match:Match, cy:Cy.Instance, component:Component):void => { let newRelation:RelationshipModel = match.matchToRelationModel(); let linkObg:CompositionCiLinkBase = this.linksFactory.createGraphLink(cy, newRelation, newRelation.relationships[0]); this.createLink(linkObg, cy, component); }; public batchDeleteEdges(cy: Cy.Instance, component: Component, edgesToDelete: Cy.CollectionEdges, alreadyDeleteNodeIds?: Array): void { let toDeleteLinks: Array = new Array(); if (alreadyDeleteNodeIds && alreadyDeleteNodeIds.length > 0) { edgesToDelete.each((i: number, link: Cy.CollectionEdges) => { if (alreadyDeleteNodeIds.indexOf(link.data().source) < 0 && alreadyDeleteNodeIds.indexOf(link.data().target) < 0) { toDeleteLinks.push(link.data().relation); } }); } else { edgesToDelete.each((i: number, link: Cy.CollectionEdges) => { toDeleteLinks.push(link.data().relation); }); } this.loaderService.showLoader('composition-graph'); let onSuccessDeleteRelations = (response: Array) => { console.info('onSuccessDeleteRelations response is ', response); //remove tempSimplePortNodes if (alreadyDeleteNodeIds && alreadyDeleteNodeIds.length > 0) { edgesToDelete.each((i: number, link: Cy.CollectionEdges) => { if (alreadyDeleteNodeIds.indexOf(link.data().source) < 0 && alreadyDeleteNodeIds.indexOf(link.data().target) < 0) { cy.remove(edgesToDelete); } }); } else { edgesToDelete.each((i: number, link: Cy.CollectionEdges) => { cy.remove(edgesToDelete); }); } }; if (toDeleteLinks.length > 0) { this.generalGraphUtils.getGraphUtilsServerUpdateQueue().addBlockingUIActionWithReleaseCallback( () => component.batchDeleteRelation(toDeleteLinks).then(onSuccessDeleteRelations), () => this.loaderService.hideLoader('composition-graph')); } }; public createLinkFromMenu = (cy:Cy.Instance, chosenMatch:Match, component:Component):void => { if (chosenMatch) { if (chosenMatch && chosenMatch instanceof Match) { this.createSimpleLink(chosenMatch, cy, component); } } }; /** * Filters the matches for UCPE links so that shown requirements and capabilites are only related to the selected ucpe-cp * @param fromNode * @param toNode * @param matchesArray * @returns {Array} */ public filterUcpeLinks(fromNode:CompositionCiNodeBase, toNode:CompositionCiNodeBase, matchesArray:Array):any { let matchLink:Array; if (fromNode.isUcpePart) { matchLink = _.filter(matchesArray, (match:Match) => { return match.isOwner(fromNode.id); }); } if (toNode.isUcpePart) { matchLink = _.filter(matchesArray, (match:Match) => { return match.isOwner(toNode.id); }); } return matchLink ? matchLink : matchesArray; } /** * open the connect link menu if the link drawn is valid - match requirements & capabilities * @param cy * @param fromNode * @param toNode * @returns {any} */ public onLinkDrawn(cy:Cy.Instance, fromNode:Cy.CollectionFirstNode, toNode:Cy.CollectionFirstNode):ConnectRelationModel { if (!this.commonGraphUtils.nodeLocationsCompatible(cy, fromNode, toNode)) { return null; } let linkModel:Array = this.generalGraphUtils.getAllCompositionCiLinks(cy); let possibleRelations:Array = this.matchCapabilitiesRequirementsUtils.getMatchedRequirementsCapabilities(fromNode.data().componentInstance, toNode.data().componentInstance, linkModel); //filter relations found to limit to specific ucpe-cp possibleRelations = this.filterUcpeLinks(fromNode.data(), toNode.data(), possibleRelations); //if found possibleRelations between the nodes we create relation menu directive and open the link menu if (possibleRelations.length) { // let menuPosition = this.generalGraphUtils.getLinkMenuPosition(cy, toNode.renderedPoint()); return new ConnectRelationModel(fromNode.data(), toNode.data(), possibleRelations); } return null; }; /** * when we drag instance in to UCPE or out of UCPE - get all links we need to delete - one node in ucpe and one node outside of ucpe * @param node - the node we dragged into or out of the ucpe */ public deleteLinksWhenNodeMovedFromOrToUCPE(component:Component, cy:Cy.Instance, nodeMoved:Cy.CollectionNodes, vlsPendingDeletion?:Cy.CollectionNodes):void { let linksToDelete:Cy.CollectionElements = cy.collection(); _.forEach(nodeMoved.neighborhood('node'), (neighborNode)=> { if (neighborNode.data().isUcpePart) { //existing connections to ucpe or ucpe-cp - we want to delete even though nodeLocationsCompatible will technically return true linksToDelete = linksToDelete.add(nodeMoved.edgesWith(neighborNode)); // This will delete the ucpe-host-link, or the vl-ucpe-link if nodeMoved is vl } else if (!this.commonGraphUtils.nodeLocationsCompatible(cy, nodeMoved, neighborNode)) { //connection to regular node or vl - check if locations are compatible if (!vlsPendingDeletion || !vlsPendingDeletion.intersect(neighborNode).length) { //Check if this is a link to a VL pending deletion, to prevent double deletion of between the node moved and vl linksToDelete = linksToDelete.add(nodeMoved.edgesWith(neighborNode)); } } }); linksToDelete.each((i, link)=> { this.deleteLink(cy, component, false, link); }); }; /** * Creates a hostedOn link between a VF and UCPE * @param component * @param cy * @param ucpeNode * @param vfNode */ public createVfToUcpeLink = (component:Component, cy:Cy.Instance, ucpeNode:NodeUcpe, vfNode:CompositionCiNodeVf):void => { let hostedOnMatch:Match = this.generalGraphUtils.canBeHostedOn(cy, ucpeNode.componentInstance, vfNode.componentInstance); /* create relation */ let newRelation = new RelationshipModel(); newRelation.fromNode = ucpeNode.id; newRelation.toNode = vfNode.id; let link:CompositionCiLinkBase = this.linksFactory.createUcpeHostLink(newRelation); link.relation = hostedOnMatch.matchToRelationModel(); this.createLink(link, cy, component); }; private handlePathLink(cy:Cy.Instance, event:Cy.EventObject) { let linkData = event.cyTarget.data(); let selectedPathId = linkData.pathId; let pathEdges = cy.collection(`[pathId='${selectedPathId}']`); if (pathEdges.length > 1) { setTimeout(() => { pathEdges.select(); }, 0); } } private handleVLLink(event:Cy.EventObject) { let vl:Cy.CollectionNodes = event.cyTarget[0].target('.vl-node'); let connectedEdges:Cy.CollectionEdges = vl.connectedEdges(`[type!="${CompositionCiServicePathLink.LINK_TYPE}"]`); if (vl.length && connectedEdges.length > 1) { setTimeout(() => { vl.select(); connectedEdges.select(); }, 0); } } /** * Handles click event on links. * If one edge selected: do nothing. * Two or more edges: first click - select all, secondary click - select single. * @param cy * @param event */ public handleLinkClick(cy:Cy.Instance, event:Cy.EventObject) { if (cy.$('edge:selected').length > 1 && event.cyTarget[0].selected()) { cy.$(':selected').unselect(); } else { if (event.cyTarget[0].data().type === CompositionCiServicePathLink.LINK_TYPE) { this.handlePathLink(cy, event); } else { this.handleVLLink(event); } } } /** * Calculates the position for the menu that modifies an existing link * @param event * @param elementWidth * @param elementHeight * @returns {Point} */ public calculateLinkMenuPosition(event, elementWidth, elementHeight):Point { let point:Point = new Point(event.originalEvent.clientX, event.originalEvent.clientY); if (event.originalEvent.view.screen.height - elementHeight < point.y) { point.y = event.originalEvent.view.screen.height - elementHeight; } if (event.originalEvent.view.screen.width - elementWidth < point.x) { point.x = event.originalEvent.view.screen.width - elementWidth; } return point; }; /** * Gets the menu that is displayed when you click an existing link. * @param link * @param event * @returns {LinkMenu} */ public getModifyLinkMenu(link:Cy.CollectionFirstEdge, event:Cy.EventObject):LinkMenu { let point:Point = this.calculateLinkMenuPosition(event, GraphUIObjects.MENU_LINK_VL_WIDTH_OFFSET, GraphUIObjects.MENU_LINK_VL_HEIGHT_OFFSET); let menu:LinkMenu = new LinkMenu(point, true, link); return menu; }; } CompositionGraphLinkUtils.$inject = [ 'LinksFactory', 'LoaderService', 'CompositionGraphGeneralUtils', 'CommonGraphUtils', 'MatchCapabilitiesRequirementsUtils' ];