/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * SDC * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ 'use strict'; import * as _ from "lodash"; import {IAppConfigurtaion, User, IUser} from "app/models"; import {IUserProperties} from "../../models/user"; import {UserService} from "../../ng2/services/user.service"; import { AuthenticationService } from "../../ng2/services/authentication.service"; export class MenuItem { menuId:number; column:number; text:string; parentMenuId:number; url:string; children:Array<MenuItem> } export interface IEcompHeaderDirectiveScope extends ng.IScope { menuData:Array<MenuItem>; version:string; clickableLogo:string; contactUsUrl:string; getAccessUrl:string; megaMenuDataObjectTemp:Array<any>; megaMenuDataObject:Array<any>; selectedTopMenu:MenuItem; selectedSubMenu:MenuItem; firstMenuLevelClick:Function; subMenuEnterAction:Function; subMenuLeaveAction:Function; memuItemClick:Function; user:IUser; } export class EcompHeaderDirective implements ng.IDirective { constructor(private $http:ng.IHttpService, private sdcConfig:IAppConfigurtaion, private userService:UserService, private authService:AuthenticationService) { } scope = { menuData: '=', version: '@', clickableLogo: '@?' }; public replace = true; public restrict = 'E'; public controller = EcompHeaderController; template = ():string => { return 'src/app/directives/ecomp-header/ecomp-header.html'; }; link = ($scope:IEcompHeaderDirectiveScope, $elem:JQuery, attr:any) => { if (!$scope.clickableLogo) { $scope.clickableLogo = "true"; } let findMenuItemById = (menuId):MenuItem => { let selectedMenuItem:MenuItem = _.find($scope.menuData, (item:MenuItem)=> { if (item.menuId === menuId) { return item; } }); return selectedMenuItem; }; let initUser = ():void => { let defaultUserId:string; let userInfo:IUserProperties = this.authService.getLoggedinUser(); if (!userInfo) { defaultUserId = this.$http.defaults.headers.common[this.sdcConfig.cookie.userIdSuffix]; this.userService.getUser(defaultUserId).subscribe((defaultUserInfo):void => { $scope.user = new User(defaultUserInfo); }); } else { $scope.user = new User(userInfo); } }; $scope.firstMenuLevelClick = (menuId:number):void => { let selectedMenuItem:MenuItem = _.find($scope.megaMenuDataObjectTemp, (item:MenuItem)=> { if (item.menuId === menuId) { return item; } }); if (selectedMenuItem) { $scope.selectedTopMenu = selectedMenuItem; //console.log("Selected menu item: " + selectedMenuItem.text); } }; $scope.subMenuEnterAction = (menuId:number):void => { $scope.selectedSubMenu = findMenuItemById(menuId); }; $scope.subMenuLeaveAction = (menuId:number):void => { $scope.selectedTopMenu = undefined; }; $scope.memuItemClick = (menuItem:MenuItem):void => { if (menuItem.url) { window.location.href = menuItem.url; } else { console.log("Menu item: " + menuItem.text + " does not have defined URL!"); } }; initUser(); }; public static factory = ($http:ng.IHttpService, sdcConfig:IAppConfigurtaion, userService:UserService, authService:AuthenticationService)=> { return new EcompHeaderDirective($http, sdcConfig, userService, authService); }; } export class EcompHeaderController { messages:any; getAttachId:Function; render:any; reRender:Function; register:Function; deregister:Function; head:any; static '$inject' = [ '$element', '$scope', '$attrs', '$animate' ]; constructor(private $element:JQuery, private $scope:IEcompHeaderDirectiveScope, private $attrs:ng.IAttributes, private $animate:any) { this.$scope = $scope; this.$scope.$watch('menuData', (newVal, oldVal) => { if (newVal) { this.init(); } }); } init = ():void => { this.$scope.contactUsUrl = "https://wiki.web.att.com/display/EcompPortal/ECOMP+Portal+Home"; this.$scope.getAccessUrl = "http://ecomp-tlv-dev2.uccentral.att.com:8080/ecompportal/get_access"; let unflatten = (array, parent?, tree?) => { tree = typeof tree !== 'undefined' ? tree : []; parent = typeof parent !== 'undefined' ? parent : {menuId: null}; let children = _.filter(array, function (child) { return child["parentMenuId"] == parent.menuId; }); if (!_.isEmpty(children)) { if (parent.menuId === null) { tree = children; } else { parent['children'] = children } _.each(children, function (child) { unflatten(array, child) }); } return tree; }; let menuStructureConvert = (menuItems) => { console.log(menuItems); this.$scope.megaMenuDataObjectTemp = [ { menuId: 1001, text: "ECOMP", children: menuItems }, { menuId: 1002, text: "Help", children: [ { text: "Contact Us", url: this.$scope.contactUsUrl }] } ]; /*{ text:"Get Access", url: this.$scope.getAccessUrl }*/ return this.$scope.megaMenuDataObjectTemp; }; let a = unflatten(this.$scope.menuData); this.$scope.megaMenuDataObject = menuStructureConvert(a); //console.log(this.$scope.megaMenuDataObject); }; } EcompHeaderDirective.factory.$inject = ['$http', 'sdcConfig', 'UserServiceNg2', 'AuthenticationServiceNg2'];