angular.module('infinite-scroll', []) .value('THROTTLE_MILLISECONDS', null) .directive 'infiniteScroll', [ '$rootScope', '$window', '$interval', 'THROTTLE_MILLISECONDS', ($rootScope, $window, $interval, THROTTLE_MILLISECONDS) -> scope: infiniteScroll: '&' infiniteScrollContainer: '=' infiniteScrollDistance: '=' infiniteScrollDisabled: '=' infiniteScrollUseDocumentBottom: '=', infiniteScrollListenForEvent: '@' link: (scope, elem, attrs) -> windowElement = angular.element($window) scrollDistance = null scrollEnabled = null checkWhenEnabled = null container = null immediateCheck = true useDocumentBottom = false unregisterEventListener = null checkInterval = false height = (elem) -> elem = elem[0] or elem if isNaN(elem.offsetHeight) then elem.document.documentElement.clientHeight else elem.offsetHeight offsetTop = (elem) -> if not elem[0].getBoundingClientRect or elem.css('none') return elem[0].getBoundingClientRect().top + pageYOffset(elem) pageYOffset = (elem) -> elem = elem[0] or elem if isNaN(window.pageYOffset) then elem.document.documentElement.scrollTop else elem.ownerDocument.defaultView.pageYOffset # infinite-scroll specifies a function to call when the window, # or some other container specified by infinite-scroll-container, # is scrolled within a certain range from the bottom of the # document. It is recommended to use infinite-scroll-disabled # with a boolean that is set to true when the function is # called in order to throttle the function call. handler = -> if container == windowElement containerBottom = height(container) + pageYOffset(container[0].document.documentElement) elementBottom = offsetTop(elem) + height(elem) else containerBottom = height(container) containerTopOffset = 0 if offsetTop(container) != undefined containerTopOffset = offsetTop(container) elementBottom = offsetTop(elem) - containerTopOffset + height(elem) if(useDocumentBottom) elementBottom = height((elem[0].ownerDocument || elem[0].document).documentElement) remaining = elementBottom - containerBottom shouldScroll = remaining <= height(container) * scrollDistance + 1 if shouldScroll checkWhenEnabled = true if scrollEnabled if scope.$$phase || $rootScope.$$phase scope.infiniteScroll() else scope.$apply(scope.infiniteScroll) else if checkInterval then $interval.cancel checkInterval checkWhenEnabled = false # The optional THROTTLE_MILLISECONDS configuration value specifies # a minimum time that should elapse between each call to the # handler. N.b. the first call the handler will be run # immediately, and the final call will always result in the # handler being called after the `wait` period elapses. # A slimmed down version of underscore's implementation. throttle = (func, wait) -> timeout = null previous = 0 later = -> previous = new Date().getTime() $interval.cancel(timeout) timeout = null return -> now = new Date().getTime() remaining = wait - (now - previous) if remaining <= 0 $interval.cancel(timeout) timeout = null previous = now else timeout = $interval(later, remaining, 1) unless timeout if THROTTLE_MILLISECONDS? handler = throttle(handler, THROTTLE_MILLISECONDS) scope.$on '$destroy', -> container.unbind 'scroll', handler if unregisterEventListener? unregisterEventListener() unregisterEventListener = null if checkInterval $interval.cancel checkInterval # infinite-scroll-distance specifies how close to the bottom of the page # the window is allowed to be before we trigger a new scroll. The value # provided is multiplied by the container height; for example, to load # more when the bottom of the page is less than 3 container heights away, # specify a value of 3. Defaults to 0. handleInfiniteScrollDistance = (v) -> scrollDistance = parseFloat(v) or 0 scope.$watch 'infiniteScrollDistance', handleInfiniteScrollDistance # If I don't explicitly call the handler here, tests fail. Don't know why yet. handleInfiniteScrollDistance scope.infiniteScrollDistance # infinite-scroll-disabled specifies a boolean that will keep the # infnite scroll function from being called; this is useful for # debouncing or throttling the function call. If an infinite # scroll is triggered but this value evaluates to true, then # once it switches back to false the infinite scroll function # will be triggered again. handleInfiniteScrollDisabled = (v) -> scrollEnabled = !v if scrollEnabled && checkWhenEnabled checkWhenEnabled = false handler() scope.$watch 'infiniteScrollDisabled', handleInfiniteScrollDisabled # If I don't explicitly call the handler here, tests fail. Don't know why yet. handleInfiniteScrollDisabled scope.infiniteScrollDisabled # use the bottom of the document instead of the element's bottom. # This useful when the element does not have a height due to its # children being absolute positioned. handleInfiniteScrollUseDocumentBottom = (v) -> useDocumentBottom = v scope.$watch 'infiniteScrollUseDocumentBottom', handleInfiniteScrollUseDocumentBottom handleInfiniteScrollUseDocumentBottom scope.infiniteScrollUseDocumentBottom # infinite-scroll-container sets the container which we want to be # infinte scrolled, instead of the whole window. Must be an # Angular or jQuery element, or, if jQuery is loaded, # a jQuery selector as a string. changeContainer = (newContainer) -> if container? container.unbind 'scroll', handler container = newContainer if newContainer? container.bind 'scroll', handler changeContainer windowElement if scope.infiniteScrollListenForEvent unregisterEventListener = $rootScope.$on scope.infiniteScrollListenForEvent, handler handleInfiniteScrollContainer = (newContainer) -> # TODO: For some reason newContainer is sometimes null instead # of the empty array, which Angular is supposed to pass when the # element is not defined # ( # So I leave both checks. if (not newContainer?) or newContainer.length == 0 return if newContainer.nodeType && newContainer.nodeType == 1 newContainer = angular.element newContainer else if typeof newContainer.append == 'function' newContainer = angular.element newContainer[newContainer.length - 1] else if typeof newContainer == 'string' newContainer = angular.element document.querySelector newContainer if newContainer? changeContainer newContainer else throw new Error("invalid infinite-scroll-container attribute.") scope.$watch 'infiniteScrollContainer', handleInfiniteScrollContainer handleInfiniteScrollContainer(scope.infiniteScrollContainer or []) # infinite-scroll-parent establishes this element's parent as the # container infinitely scrolled instead of the whole window. if attrs.infiniteScrollParent? changeContainer angular.element elem.parent() # infinte-scoll-immediate-check sets whether or not run the # expression passed on infinite-scroll for the first time when the # directive first loads, before any actual scroll. if attrs.infiniteScrollImmediateCheck? immediateCheck = scope.$eval(attrs.infiniteScrollImmediateCheck) checkInterval = $interval (-> if immediateCheck handler() $interval.cancel checkInterval ) ] if typeof module != "undefined" && typeof exports != "undefined" && module.exports == exports module.exports = 'infinite-scroll'