/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * SDC * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ /// module Sdc.ViewModels { 'use strict'; import Resource = Sdc.Models.Components.Resource; import ComponentFactory = Sdc.Utils.ComponentFactory; interface IOnboardingModalViewModelScope { modalOnboarding: ng.ui.bootstrap.IModalServiceInstance; componentsList: Array; tableHeadersList: Array; selectedComponent: Models.Components.Component; componentFromServer: Models.Components.Component; reverse: boolean; sortBy: string; searchBind: string; okButtonText: string; isCsarComponentExists: boolean; user: Models.IUser; isLoading: boolean; doSelectComponent(component: Models.Components.Component): void; doUpdateCsar(): void; doImportCsar(): void; sort(sortBy: string): void; downloadCsar(packageId: string): void; } export class OnboardingModalViewModel { static '$inject' = [ '$scope', '$filter', '$state', 'sdcConfig', '$modalInstance', 'Sdc.Services.OnboardingService', 'okButtonText', 'currentCsarUUID', 'Sdc.Services.CacheService', 'FileUtils', 'ComponentFactory', 'ModalsHandler' ]; constructor(private $scope: IOnboardingModalViewModelScope, private $filter: ng.IFilterService, private $state: any, private sdcConfig: Models.IAppConfigurtaion, private $modalInstance: ng.ui.bootstrap.IModalServiceInstance, private onBoardingService: Sdc.Services.OnboardingService, private okButtonText: string, private currentCsarUUID: string, private cacheService: Services.CacheService, private fileUtils: Sdc.Utils.FileUtils, private componentFactory: Utils.ComponentFactory, private modalsHandler: Sdc.Utils.ModalsHandler) { this.init(); } /** * Called from controller constructor, this will call onboarding service to get list * of "mini" components (empty components created from CSAR). * The list is inserted to componentsList on $scope. * And then call initScope method. */ private init = (): void => { this.initOnboardingComponentsList(); }; private initScope = (): void => { this.initSortedTableScope(); this.initModalScope(); this.$scope.sortBy = "name"; // Default sort by this.$scope.user = this.cacheService.get('user'); this.$scope.okButtonText = this.okButtonText; // Dismiss the modal and pass the "mini" component to workspace general page this.$scope.doImportCsar = (): void => { this.$modalInstance.dismiss(); this.$state.go('workspace.general', { type: Utils.Constants.ComponentType.RESOURCE.toLowerCase(), componentCsar: this.$scope.selectedComponent }); }; this.$scope.doUpdateCsar = (): void => { // In case user select on update the checkin and submit for testing buttons (in general page) should be disabled. // to do that we need to pass to workspace.general state parameter to know to disable the buttons. this.$modalInstance.close(); // Change the component version to the CSAR version we want to update. /*(this.$scope.componentFromServer).csarVersion = (this.$scope.selectedComponent).csarVersion; let component:Models.Components.Component = this.componentFactory.createComponent(this.$scope.componentFromServer); this.$state.go('workspace.general', {vspComponent: component, disableButtons: true });*/ this.cacheService.set(Utils.Constants.CHANGE_COMPONENT_CSAR_VERSION_FLAG, (this.$scope.selectedComponent).csarVersion); this.$state.go('workspace.general', { id: this.$scope.componentFromServer.uniqueId, type: this.$scope.componentFromServer.componentType.toLowerCase(), disableButtons: true }); }; this.$scope.downloadCsar = (packageId: string): void => { this.onBoardingService.downloadOnboardingCsar(packageId).then( (file: any): void => { if (file) { this.fileUtils.downloadFile(file, packageId + '.zip'); } }, (): void => { let data: Sdc.ViewModels.IServerMessageModalModel = { title: 'Download error', message: "Error downloading file", severity: Utils.Constants.SEVERITY.ERROR, messageId: "", status: "" }; this.modalsHandler.openServerMessageModal(data); } ); }; // When the user select a row, set the component as selectedComponent this.$scope.doSelectComponent = (component: Models.Components.Component): void => { if (this.$scope.selectedComponent === component) { // Collapse the item this.$scope.selectedComponent = undefined; return; } this.$scope.isLoading = true; this.$scope.componentFromServer = undefined; this.$scope.selectedComponent = component; let onSuccess = (componentFromServer: Models.Components.Component): void => { this.$scope.isLoading = false; if (componentFromServer) { this.$scope.componentFromServer = componentFromServer; this.$scope.isCsarComponentExists = true; } else { this.$scope.componentFromServer = component; this.$scope.isCsarComponentExists = false; } }; let onError = (): void => { this.$scope.isLoading = false; this.$scope.componentFromServer = component; this.$scope.isCsarComponentExists = false; }; this.onBoardingService.getComponentFromCsarUuid((component).csarUUID).then(onSuccess, onError); }; }; private initSortedTableScope = (): void => { this.$scope.tableHeadersList = [ {title: 'Name', property: 'name'}, {title: 'Vendor', property: 'vendorName'}, {title: 'Category', property: 'categories'}, {title: 'Version', property: 'csarVersion'}, {title: '#', property: 'importAndUpdate'} //{title: 'Date', property: 'componentDate'} ]; this.$scope.sort = (sortBy: string): void => { this.$scope.reverse = (this.$scope.sortBy === sortBy) ? !this.$scope.reverse : false; this.$scope.sortBy = sortBy; }; }; private initModalScope = (): void => { // Enable the modal directive to close this.$scope.modalOnboarding = this.$modalInstance; }; private initOnboardingComponentsList = (): void => { let onSuccess = (onboardingResponse: Array): void => { initMaxVersionOfItemsInList(onboardingResponse); if (this.currentCsarUUID) { //this.$scope.componentsList = this.$filter('filter')(this.$scope.componentsList, {csarUUID: this.currentCsarUUID}); this.$scope.componentsList = this.$filter('filter')(this.$scope.componentsList, (input): boolean => { return input.csarUUID === this.currentCsarUUID; } ); } this.initScope(); }; let onError = (): void => { console.log("Error getting onboarding list"); this.initScope(); }; let initMaxVersionOfItemsInList = (onboardingResponse: Array): void => { // Get only the latest version of each item this.$scope.componentsList = []; // Get all unique items from the list let uniqueItems = _.uniqBy(onboardingResponse, 'packageId'); // Loop on all the items with unique packageId _.each(uniqueItems, (item: any): void => { // Find all the items that has same packageId let ItemsFound: Array = _.filter(onboardingResponse, (inListItem: any): any => { return inListItem.packageId === item.packageId; }); // Loop on all the items with same packageId and find the max version. let maxItem: any; _.each(ItemsFound, (ItemFound: any): void => { if (!maxItem) { maxItem = ItemFound; } else if (maxItem && parseInt(maxItem.csarVersion) < parseInt(ItemFound.csarVersion)) { maxItem = ItemFound; } }); this.$scope.componentsList.push(maxItem); }); }; this.onBoardingService.getOnboardingComponents().then(onSuccess, onError); }; } }