/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * SDC * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ /// module Sdc.ViewModels { import IUserProperties = Sdc.Models.IUserProperties; 'use strict'; interface IUserManagementViewModelScope extends ng.IScope { sdcConfig:Models.IAppConfigurtaion; usersList: Array; isLoading: boolean; isNewUser: boolean; sortBy:string; reverse:boolean; tableHeadersList:any; roles:Array; newUser: Models.IUser; currentUser: Sdc.Services.IUserResource; userIdValidationPattern: RegExp; editForm:ng.IFormController; getAllUsers():void; editUserRole(user:IUserProperties); sort(sortBy:string): void; createUser(): void; deleteUser(userId:string) : void; onEditUserPressed(user:IUserProperties): void; saveUserChanges(user:IUserProperties) :void; getTitle(role:string): string; clearForm():void; } export class UserManagementViewModel { static '$inject' = [ '$scope', 'sdcConfig', 'Sdc.Services.UserResourceService', '$templateCache', '$modal', 'UserIdValidationPattern', '$filter', 'ModalsHandler' ]; constructor(private $scope:IUserManagementViewModelScope, private sdcConfig:Models.IAppConfigurtaion, private userResourceService:Sdc.Services.IUserResourceClass, private $templateCache:ng.ITemplateCacheService, private $modal:ng.ui.bootstrap.IModalService, private UserIdValidationPattern:RegExp, private $filter:ng.IFilterService, private ModalsHandler: Utils.ModalsHandler ) { this.initScope(); } private getAllUsers = ():void => { this.$scope.isLoading = true; let onError = (response) => { this.$scope.isLoading = false; console.info('onFaild', response); }; let onSuccess = (response: Array) => { this.$scope.usersList = response; _.forEach(this.$scope.usersList,(user:any,i:number)=>{ user.index = i; }); this.$scope.isLoading = false; }; this.userResourceService.getAllUsers(onSuccess, onError); }; private updateUserFilterTerm = (user: IUserProperties): void =>{ user.filterTerm = user.firstName + ' ' + user.lastName + ' ' + user.userId + ' ' + user.email + ' ' + user.role + ' ' + this.$filter('date')(user.lastLoginTime, "MM/dd/yyyy"); }; private initScope = ():void => { let self=this; this.$scope.tableHeadersList = [ {title: "First Name", property: 'firstName'}, {title: "Last Name", property: 'lastName'}, {title: this.$filter('translate')("USER_MANAGEMENT_TABLE_HEADER_USER_ID"), property: 'userId'}, {title: "Email", property: 'email'}, {title: "Role", property: 'role'}, {title: "Last Active", property: 'lastLoginTime'} ]; this.$scope.userIdValidationPattern = this.UserIdValidationPattern; this.$scope.sortBy = 'lastLoginTime'; this.$scope.reverse = false; this.$scope.roles = this.sdcConfig.roles; this.$scope.isNewUser = false; this.$scope.currentUser = this.userResourceService.getLoggedinUser(); this.getAllUsers(); let resource : Services.IUserResource = {}; this.$scope.newUser = new Sdc.Models.User(resource); this.$scope.sort = (sortBy:string):void => {//default sort by descending last update. default for alphabetical = ascending this.$scope.isNewUser = false; this.$scope.reverse = (this.$scope.sortBy === sortBy) ? ( !this.$scope.reverse) : this.$scope.reverse = false; this.$scope.sortBy = sortBy; }; this.$scope.createUser = () : void => { let onError = (response) => { this.$scope.isLoading = false; console.info('onFaild', response); }; let onSuccess = (response: Models.IUserProperties) => { this.$scope.newUser.resource['index'] = this.$scope.usersList.length; this.$scope.newUser.resource.lastLoginTime = "0"; this.$scope.newUser.resource.status = response.status; this.updateUserFilterTerm(this.$scope.newUser.resource); this.$scope.usersList.unshift(this.$scope.newUser.resource); this.$scope.isNewUser = true; this.$scope.sortBy = 'index'; this.$scope.reverse = true; this.$scope.isLoading = false; this.$scope.newUser = new Sdc.Models.User(null); this.$scope.editForm.$setPristine(); let _self = this; setTimeout(function () { _self.$scope.isNewUser = false; }, 7000); }; this.userResourceService.createUser({ userId: this.$scope.newUser.resource.userId, role: this.$scope.newUser.resource.role}, onSuccess, onError); }; this.$scope.onEditUserPressed = (user:IUserProperties): void => { user.isInEditMode = true; user.tempRole = user.role; }; this.$scope.editUserRole = (user:IUserProperties): void => { let roleBeforeUpdate: string = user.role; user.role= user.tempRole; let onError = (response) => { this.$scope.isLoading = false; user.role = roleBeforeUpdate; console.info('onFaild', response); }; let onSuccess = (response: any) => { this.$scope.isLoading = false; user.tempRole = user.role; this.updateUserFilterTerm(user); }; this.userResourceService.editUserRole({ id: user.userId, role: user.role}, onSuccess, onError); }; this.$scope.saveUserChanges = (user:IUserProperties): void => { if(user.tempRole != user.role){ this.$scope.editUserRole(user) } user.isInEditMode = false; }; this.$scope.deleteUser = (userId:string): void => { let onOk = ():void => { this.$scope.isLoading = true; let onError = (response):void => { this.$scope.isLoading = false; console.info('onFaild', response); }; let onSuccess = (response: any) :void => { _.remove(this.$scope.usersList, {userId: userId }); this.$scope.isLoading = false; }; this.userResourceService.deleteUser({ id: userId}, onSuccess, onError); }; let title:string = this.$filter('translate')("USER_MANAGEMENT_VIEW_DELETE_MODAL_TITLE"); let message:string = this.$filter('translate')("USER_MANAGEMENT_VIEW_DELETE_MODAL_TEXT"); this.ModalsHandler.openConfirmationModal(title, message, false).then(onOk); }; this.$scope.getTitle = (role:string):string =>{ return role.toLowerCase().replace('governor','governance_Rep').replace('_',' '); }; this.$scope.clearForm =():void =>{ if(!this.$scope.editForm['contactId'].$viewValue && !this.$scope.editForm['role'].$viewValue){ this.$scope.editForm.$setPristine(); } }; } } }