/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * SDC * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ /// <reference path="../references.ts"/> module Sdc.Utils { 'use strict'; export class MenuItem { text: string; callback: (...args: Array<any>) => ng.IPromise<boolean>; state: string; action: string; params: Array<any>; isDisabled: boolean; disabledRoles: Array<string>; blockedForTypes:Array<string>; // This item will not be shown for specific components types. //TODO check if needed confirmationModal:string; // Open confirmation modal (user should select "OK" or "Cancel"), and continue with the action. emailModal:string; // Open email modal (user should fill email details), and continue with the action. url:string; // Data added to menu item, in case the function need to use it, example: for function "changeLifecycleState", I need to pass also the state "CHECKOUT" that I want the state to change to. constructor(text: string, callback: (...args: Array<any>) => ng.IPromise<boolean>, state:string, action:string, params?: Array<any>, blockedForTypes?:Array<string>) { this.text = text; this.callback = callback; this.state = state; this.action = action; this.params = params; this.blockedForTypes = blockedForTypes; } } export class MenuItemGroup { selectedIndex: number; menuItems: Array<MenuItem>; itemClick: boolean; constructor(selectedIndex?:number, menuItems?: Array<MenuItem>, itemClick?: boolean) { this.selectedIndex = selectedIndex; this.menuItems = menuItems; this.itemClick = itemClick; } public updateSelectedMenuItemText (newText: string) { this.menuItems[this.selectedIndex].text = newText; } } export class MenuHandler { static '$inject' = [ 'sdcConfig', 'sdcMenu', 'ComponentFactory', '$templateCache', '$filter', '$modal', 'ModalsHandler', '$state', '$q' ]; constructor( private sdcConfig:Models.IAppConfigurtaion, private sdcMenu:Models.IAppMenu, private ComponentFactory: ComponentFactory, private $templateCache:ng.ITemplateCacheService, private $filter:ng.IFilterService, private $modal:ng.ui.bootstrap.IModalService, private ModalsHandler: ModalsHandler, private $state:ng.ui.IStateService, private $q:ng.IQService ) { } generateBreadcrumbsModelFromComponents = (components: Array<Sdc.Models.Components.Component>, selected:Sdc.Models.Components.Component):MenuItemGroup => { let result = new MenuItemGroup(0, [], false); if (components) { // Search the component in all components by uuid (and not uniqueid, gives access to an assets's minor versions). let selectedItem = _.find(components, (item:Sdc.Models.Components.Component) => { return item.uuid === selected.uuid; }); // If not found search by invariantUUID if(undefined == selectedItem){ selectedItem = _.find(components, (item:Sdc.Models.Components.Component) => { //invariantUUID && Certified State matches between major versions return item.invariantUUID === selected.invariantUUID && item.lifecycleState === Utils.Constants.ComponentState.CERTIFIED; }); } // If not found search by name (name is unique). if(undefined == selectedItem){ selectedItem = _.find(components, (item:Sdc.Models.Components.Component) => { return item.name === selected.name; }); } result.selectedIndex = components.indexOf(selectedItem); components[result.selectedIndex] = selected; let clickItemCallback = (component: Sdc.Models.Components.Component): ng.IPromise<boolean> => { this.$state.go('workspace.general', {id: component.uniqueId, type:component.componentType.toLowerCase(), mode: Utils.Constants.WorkspaceMode.VIEW}); return this.$q.when(true); }; components.forEach((component:Sdc.Models.Components.Component) => { let menuItem = new MenuItem( // component.name, component.getComponentSubType() + ': ' + this.$filter('resourceName')(component.name), clickItemCallback, null, null, [component] ); // menuItem.text = component.name; result.menuItems.push(menuItem); }); } return result; }; } }