services: Mobility: name: "Mobility" icons: ['mobility'] Network_L1_3: name: "Network L1-3" icons: ['network_l_1-3'] Network_L4: name: "Network L4" icons: ['network_l_4'] VoIP_Call_Control: name: "VoIP Call Control" icons: ['call_controll'] Category_With_ServiceSubstitution_True: name: "Category With Service Substitution True" icons: ['network_l_4'] useServiceSubstitutionForNestedServices: true Category_With_ServiceSubstitution_False: name: "Category With Service Substitution False" icons: ['network_l_4'] useServiceSubstitutionForNestedServices: false resources: NetworkLayer23: name: "Network Layer 2-3" subcategories: Router: name: "Router" icons: ['router'] Gateway: name: "Gateway" icons: ['gateway'] WAN_Connectors: name: "WAN Connectors" icons: ['connector'] LAN_Connectors: name: "LAN Connectors" icons: ['connector'] NetworkLayer4: name: "Network Layer 4+" subcategories: Common_Network_Resources: name: "Common Network Resources" icons: ['network', 'loadBalancer'] ApplicationLayer4: name: "Application Layer 4+" subcategories: Border_Elements: name: "Border Elements" icons: ['borderElement'] Application_Servers: name: "Application Servers" icons: ['applicationServer', 'server'] Web_Server: name: "Web Server" icons: ['applicationServer', 'server'] Call_Control: name: "Call Control" icons: ['call_controll'] Media_Servers: name: "Media Servers" icons: ['applicationServer', 'server'] Load_Balancer: name: "Load Balancer" icons: ['loadBalancer'] Database: name: "Database" icons: ['database'] Generic: name: "Generic" subcategories: Infrastructure: name: "Infrastructure" icons: ['objectStorage', 'compute'] Abstract: name: "Abstract" icons: ['objectStorage', 'compute'] Network_Elements: name: "Network Elements" icons: ['port', 'network', 'router'] Database: name: "Database" icons: ['database']