import sys debugFlag = True def join_strings(lst): return ''.join([str(string) for string in lst]) def debug(desc, *args): if debugFlag: print(desc, join_strings(args)) def log(desc, arg): print(desc, arg) def print_and_exit(error_code, error_desc): if error_code > 0: print("status={0}. {1}".format(error_code, '' if not error_desc else error_desc)) else: print("status={0}".format(error_code)) sys.exit(error_code) def print_name_and_return_code(name, code, with_line=True): if _strings_correct(name, code): if with_line: print("----------------------------------------") print("{0:30} | {1:6}".format(name, code)) if with_line: print("----------------------------------------") else: print("name of the item or return code from request is none -> error occurred!!") def _strings_correct(*strings): results = [(string is not None and string != "") for string in strings] return all(results) is True # def parse_cmd_line_params(argv): # print('Number of arguments:', len(sys.argv), 'arguments.') # # opts = [] # # be_host = 'localhost' # be_port = '8080' # admin_user = 'jh0003' # scheme = 'http' # # try: # opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "i:p:u:h:s:", ["ip=", "port=", "user=", "scheme="]) # except getopt.GetoptError: # usage() # error_and_exit(2, 'Invalid input') # # for opt, arg in opts: # # print opt, arg # if opt == '-h': # usage() # sys.exit(3) # elif opt in ("-i", "--ip"): # be_host = arg # elif opt in ("-p", "--port"): # be_port = arg # elif opt in ("-u", "--user"): # admin_user = arg # elif opt in ("-s", "--scheme"): # scheme = arg # # print('scheme =', scheme, ', be host =', be_host, ', be port =', be_port, ', user =', admin_user) # # if be_host is None: # usage() # sys.exit(3) # return scheme, be_host, be_port, admin_user # # # def usage(): # print(sys.argv[0], '[optional -s | --scheme=, default http ] ' # '[-i | --ip=] [-p | ' # '--port= ] [-u | --user= ] ')