import pycurl import sys, getopt, os from StringIO import StringIO import json import copy import time from importCategoryTypes import importCategories from upgradeHeatAndNormativeTypes import upgradeTypesPerConfigFile from importDataTypes import importDataTypes from importPolicyTypes import importPolicyTypes from importGroupTypes import importGroupTypes from importNormativeCapabilities import importNormativeCapabilities from importNormativeRelationships import importNormativeRelationships from importNormativeInterfaceLifecycleTypes import importNormativeInterfaceLifecycleType from importAnnotationTypes import import_annotation_types from importCommon import * import importCommon ################################################################################################################################################################################################################################# # # # Upgrades the normative types # # # # activation : # # python [-s | --scheme= ] [-i | --ip=] [-p | --port= ] [-u | --user= ] [-d | --debug=] # # # # # # shortest activation (be host = localhost, be port = 8080, user = jh0003): # # python # # # ################################################################################################################################################################################################################################# def usage(): print sys.argv[0], '[optional -s | --scheme=, default http] [-i | --ip=] [-p | --port= ] [-u | --user= ] [-d | --debug=]' def handleResults(results, updateversion): print_frame_line() for result in results: print_name_and_return_code(result[0], result[1]) print_frame_line() failedResults = filter(lambda x: x[1] == None or x[1] not in [200, 201, 409], results) if (len(failedResults) > 0): error_and_exit(1, None) def main(argv): print 'Number of arguments:', len(sys.argv), 'arguments.' beHost = 'localhost' bePort = '8080' adminUser = 'jh0003' debugf = None updateversion = 'true' importCommon.debugFlag = False scheme = 'http' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"i:p:u:d:h:s:",["ip=","port=","user=","debug=","scheme="]) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() error_and_exit(2, 'Invalid input') for opt, arg in opts: #print opt, arg if opt == '-h': usage() sys.exit(3) elif opt in ("-i", "--ip"): beHost = arg elif opt in ("-p", "--port"): bePort = arg elif opt in ("-u", "--user"): adminUser = arg elif opt in ("-s", "--scheme"): scheme = arg elif opt in ("-d", "--debug"): print arg debugf = bool(arg.lower() == "true" or arg.lower() == "yes") print 'scheme =',scheme,', be host =',beHost,', be port =', bePort,', user =', adminUser, ', debug =', debugf if (debugf != None): print 'set debug mode to ' + str(debugf) importCommon.debugFlag = debugf if ( beHost == None ): usage() sys.exit(3) print sys.argv[0] pathdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) debug("path dir =" + pathdir) baseFileLocation = pathdir + "/../../../import/tosca/" fileLocation = baseFileLocation + "categories/" importCategories(scheme, beHost, bePort, adminUser, False, fileLocation) fileLocation = baseFileLocation + "relationship-types/" importNormativeRelationships(scheme, beHost, bePort, adminUser, False, fileLocation) fileLocation = baseFileLocation + "data-types/" importDataTypes(scheme, beHost, bePort, adminUser, False, fileLocation) fileLocation = baseFileLocation + "policy-types/" importPolicyTypes(scheme, beHost, bePort, adminUser, False, fileLocation) fileLocation = baseFileLocation + "capability-types/" importNormativeCapabilities(scheme, beHost, bePort, adminUser, False, fileLocation) fileLocation = baseFileLocation + "group-types/" importGroupTypes(scheme, beHost, bePort, adminUser, False, fileLocation) fileLocation = baseFileLocation + "interface-lifecycle-types/" importNormativeInterfaceLifecycleType(scheme, beHost, bePort, adminUser, False, fileLocation) import_annotation_types(scheme, beHost, bePort, adminUser, False) print 'sleep until data type cache is updated' time.sleep( 70 ) resultsHeat = upgradeTypesPerConfigFile(scheme, beHost, bePort, adminUser, baseFileLocation, updateversion) handleResults(resultsHeat, 'false') error_and_exit(0, None) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])