import pycurl import sys, getopt, os from StringIO import StringIO import json import copy from importCommon import * import importCommon import zipfile ################################################################################################################################################ # # ################################################################################################################################################ def createZipFromYml(ymlFile, zipFile): zip = zipfile.ZipFile(zipFile, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) zip.write(ymlFile, os.path.basename(ymlFile)) zip.close() def createUserNormativeType(scheme, beHost, bePort, adminUser, fileDir, ELEMENT_NAME): try: log("in create normative type ", ELEMENT_NAME) debug("userId", adminUser) debug("fileDir", fileDir) buffer = StringIO() c = pycurl.Curl() url = scheme + '://' + beHost + ':' + bePort + '/sdc2/rest/v1/catalog/upload/multipart' c.setopt(c.URL, url) c.setopt(c.POST, 1) adminHeader = 'USER_ID: ' + adminUser #c.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type: application/json', 'Accept: application/json', adminHeader]) c.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, [adminHeader]) ymlFile = fileDir + ELEMENT_NAME + "/normative-types-new-" + ELEMENT_NAME + ".yml" zipFile = fileDir + ELEMENT_NAME + "/normative-types-new-" + ELEMENT_NAME + ".zip" debug(ymlFile) debug(zipFile) path = zipFile debug("path=" + path) CURRENT_JSON_FILE=fileDir + ELEMENT_NAME + "/" + ELEMENT_NAME + ".json" debug(CURRENT_JSON_FILE) jsonFile = open(CURRENT_JSON_FILE) debug("before load json") json_data = json.load(jsonFile, strict=False) debug(json_data) jsonAsStr = json.dumps(json_data) debug(path) send = [('resourceMetadata', jsonAsStr), ('resourceZip', (pycurl.FORM_FILE, path))] debug(send) c.setopt(pycurl.HTTPPOST, send) c.setopt(c.WRITEFUNCTION, buffer.write) if scheme == 'https': c.setopt(c.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0) res = c.perform() #print("Before get response code") httpRes = c.getinfo(c.RESPONSE_CODE) if (httpRes != None): debug("http response=", httpRes) #print('Status: ' + str(responseCode)) debug(buffer.getvalue()) c.close() return (ELEMENT_NAME, httpRes, buffer.getvalue()) except Exception as inst: print("ERROR=" + str(inst)) return (ELEMENT_NAME, None, None) def usage(): print sys.argv[0], '[optional -s | --scheme=, default http] [-i | --ip=] [-p | --port= ] [-u | --user= ] [-l | --location=] [-e | --element=]' print "----------------- Example -------------------" print "python -d false -l /home/vagrant/catalog-be-1604. -e root1" def main(argv): print 'Number of arguments:', len(sys.argv), 'arguments.' beHost = 'localhost' bePort = '8080' adminUser = 'jh0003' debugf = None location = None element = None scheme = 'http' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"i:p:u:d:l:e:h:s:",["ip=","port=","user=","location=","element=", "debug=","scheme="]) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() error_and_exit(2, 'Invalid input') for opt, arg in opts: #print opt, arg if opt == '-h': usage() sys.exit(3) elif opt in ("-i", "--ip"): beHost = arg elif opt in ("-p", "--port"): bePort = arg elif opt in ("-u", "--user"): adminUser = arg elif opt in ("-l", "--location"): location = arg elif opt in ("-e", "--element"): element = arg elif opt in ("-s", "--scheme"): scheme = arg elif opt in ("-d", "--debug"): print arg debugf = bool(arg.lower() == "true" or arg.lower() == "yes") print 'scheme =',scheme,', be host =',beHost,', be port =', bePort,', user =', adminUser if ( beHost == None ): usage() sys.exit(3) if (debugf != None): print 'set debug mode to ' + str(debugf) importCommon.debugFlag = debugf if (location == None): print 'Missing file location' usage() sys.exit(3) if (element == None): print 'Missing element name. E.g. root, compute, ...' usage() sys.exit(3) #pathdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) #baseFileLocation = pathdir + "/../../../import/tosca/" #fileDir = baseFileLocation + "user-normative-types/" #normativeType = "root1" result = createUserNormativeType(scheme, beHost, bePort, adminUser, location, element) #result = createUserNormativeType(beHost, bePort, adminUser, fileDir, normativeType) print "---------------------------------------" print "{0:30} | {1:6}".format(result[0], result[1]) print "---------------------------------------" if ( result[1] == None or result[1] not in [200, 201] ) : print "Failed creating normative type " + element + ". " + str(result[1]) error_and_exit(1, None) error_and_exit(0, None) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])