tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0 node_types: tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.VirtualBlockStorage: derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root description: This node type describes the specifications of requirements related to virtual block storage resources properties: virtual_block_storage_data: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualBlockStorageData description: Describes the block storage characteristics. required: true sw_image_data: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.SwImageData description: Defines information related to a SwImage artifact used by this Vdu.Compute node. required: false # property is required when the node template has an associated artifact of type tosca.artifacts.nfv.SwImage and not required otherwise status: deprecated capabilities: virtual_storage: type: tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualStorage description: Defines the capabilities of virtual_storage.