tosca.interfaces.nfv.vnf.lifecycle.Nfv: instantiate: description: Invoked upon receipt of an Instantiate VNF request instantiate_start: description: Invoked before instantiate instantiate_end: description: Invoked after instantiate terminate: description: Invoked upon receipt Terminate VNF request terminate_start: description: Invoked before terminate terminate_end: description: Invoked after terminate modify_information: description: Invoked upon receipt of a Modify VNF Information request modify_information_start: description: Invoked before modify_information modify_information_end: description: Invoked after modify_information change_flavour: description: Invoked upon receipt of a Change VNF Flavour request change_flavour_start: description: Invoked before change_flavour change_flavour_end: description: Invoked after change_flavour change_external_connectivity: description: Invoked upon receipt of a Change External VNF Connectivity request change_external_connectivity_start: description: Invoked before change_external_connectivity change_external_connectivity_end: description: Invoked after change_external_connectivity operate: description: Invoked upon receipt of an Operate VNF request operate_start: description: Invoked before operate operate_end: description: Invoked after operate heal: description: Invoked upon receipt of a Heal VNF request heal_start: description: Invoked before heal heal_end: description: Invoked after heal scale: description: Invoked upon receipt of a Scale VNF request scale_start: description: Invoked before scale scale_end: description: Invoked after scale scale_to_level: description: Invoked upon receipt of a Scale VNF to Level request scale_to_level_start: description: Invoked before scale_to_level scale_to_level_end: description: Invoked after scale_to_level tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard: create: description: Standard lifecycle create operation. configure: description: Standard lifecycle configure operation. start: description: Standard lifecycle start operation. stop: description: Standard lifecycle stop operation. delete: description: Standard lifecycle delete operation.