# Configure AAF aaf_locate_url=<%= node['access_restriction']['aaf_locate_url'] %> aaf_url=<%= node['access_restriction']['aaf_url'] %> #if you are running aaf service from a docker image you have to use aaf service IP and port number aaf_id=<%= node['access_restriction']['aaf_id'] %> #Encrypt the password using AAF Jar aaf_password=<%= node['access_restriction']['aaf_password'] %> # Sample CADI Properties, from CADI 1.4.2 hostname=<%= node['BE_VIP'] %> csp_domain=<%= node['access_restriction']['csp_domain'] %> # Add Absolute path to Keyfile cadi_keyfile=<%= node['access_restriction']['cadi_keyfile'] %> # This is required to accept Certificate Authentication from Certman certificates. # can be TEST, IST or PROD aaf_env=<%= node['access_restriction']['aaf_env'] %> # DEBUG prints off all the properties. Use to get started. cadi_loglevel=<%= node['access_restriction']['cadi_loglevel'] %> # Become CSO Poodle Compliant by only allowing sanctioned TLS versions # The following is the default # cadi_protocols=TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2 # Default TrustStore - REQUIRED for changing PROTOCOL Defaults for DME2 # Read https://wiki.web.att.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=574623569#URGENT:SolvingSSL2-3/TLSv1removalissues-Up-to-dateTruststore # Add Absolute path to truststore2020.jks cadi_truststore=<%= node['access_restriction']['cadi_truststore'] %> # Note: This is the ONLY password that doesn't have to be encrypted. All Java's TrustStores are this passcode by default, because they are public certs cadi_truststore_password=<%= node['access_restriction']['cadi_truststore_password'] %> # how to turn on SSL Logging #javax.net.debug=ssl ## # Hint # Use "maps.bing.com" to get Lat and Long for an Address AFT_LATITUDE=32.780140 AFT_LONGITUDE=-96.800451 AFT_ENVIRONMENT=<%= node['access_restriction']['AFT_ENVIRONMENT'] %> AFT_DME2_CLIENT_IGNORE_SSL_CONFIG=<%= node['access_restriction']['AFT_DME2_CLIENT_IGNORE_SSL_CONFIG'] %> DME2.DEBUG=true AFT_DME2_HTTP_EXCHANGE_TRACE_ON=<%= node['access_restriction']['AFT_DME2_HTTP_EXCHANGE_TRACE_ON'] %> cadi_latitude=32.780140 cadi_longitude=-96.800451 aaf_root_ns=<%= node['aafNamespace'] %> aaf_api_version=2.0