require 'base64' be_ip=node['Nodes'][:BE] if node['disableHttp'] protocol = "https" be_port = node['BE']['https_port'] param="-i #{be_ip} -p #{be_port} --https" else protocol = "http" be_port = node['BE']['http_port'] param="-i #{be_ip} -p #{be_port}" end if node['basic_auth'] basic_auth_enabled = node['basic_auth']['enabled'] basic_auth_user = node['basic_auth']['user_name'] basic_auth_pass = node['basic_auth']['user_pass'] if basic_auth_enabled basic_auth_config = "--header " + Base64.encode64(basic_auth_user + ":" + basic_auth_pass) else # set default user configuration file basic_auth_config = "" end end cookbook_file "/var/tmp/normatives.tar.gz" do source "normatives.tar.gz" end bash "executing-import_Normatives" do code <<-EOH set -ex cd /var/tmp/ tar -xvf normatives.tar.gz # executing the normatives # add --debug to the sdcinit command to enable debug cd /var/tmp/normatives/import/tosca sdcinit #{param} #{basic_auth_config} > /var/lib/jetty/logs/init.log rc=$? if [[ $rc != 0 ]]; then exit $rc; fi EOH returns [0] end