be_ip=node['Nodes'][:BE] if node['disableHttp'] protocol = "https" be_port = node['BE']['https_port'] param="-i #{be_ip} -p #{be_port} --https" else protocol = "http" be_port = node['BE']['http_port'] param="-i #{be_ip} -p #{be_port}" end cookbook_file "/var/tmp/normatives.tar.gz" do source "normatives.tar.gz" end bash "executing-import_Normatives" do code <<-EOH set -ex cd /var/tmp/ tar -xvf normatives.tar.gz # executing the normatives # add --debug to the arguments to enable debug check_normative="/tmp/check_normative.out" status_code=$(curl -k -s -o ${check_normative} -w "%{http_code}\\n" -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' -H 'USER_ID: jh0003' -H 'X-ECOMP-RequestID: cbe744a0-037b-458f-aab5-df6e543c4090' "#{protocol}://#{be_ip}:#{be_port}/sdc2/rest/v1/screen") if [ "$status_code" != 200 ] ; then exit "$status_code" fi #curl -s -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "USER_ID: jh0003" -H "X-ECOMP-RequestID: cbe744a0-037b-458f-aab5-df6e543c4090" "#{protocol}://#{be_ip}:#{be_port}/sdc2/rest/v1/screen" > ${check_normative} resources_len=`cat ${check_normative}| jq '.["resources"]|length'` mkdir -p /var/lib/jetty/logs cd /var/tmp/normatives/import/tosca/ if [ $resources_len -eq 0 ] ; then sdcimportall #{param} > /var/lib/jetty/logs/importNormativeAll.log rc=$? if [[ $rc != 0 ]]; then exit $rc; fi else sdcupgradeall #{param} > /var/lib/jetty/logs/upgradeNormative.log rc=$? if [[ $rc != 0 ]]; then exit $rc; fi fi EOH end