
# catalog backend hostname
beFqdn: localhost

appVersion: 2.3.77

# catalog backend http port
beHttpPort: 8080

# catalog backend http context
beContext: /sdc/rest/config/get

# catalog backend protocol
beProtocol: http

# catalog backend ssl port
beSslPort: 8443

version: 1.1.0
released: 2012-11-30
toscaConformanceLevel: 8.0
minToscaConformanceLevel: 3.0

janusGraphCfgFile: /home/vagrant/catalog-be/config/catalog-be/
janusGraphInMemoryGraph: false
janusGraphLockTimeout: 1800

# The interval to try and reconnect to janusGraph DB when it is down during ASDC startup:
janusGraphReconnectIntervalInSeconds: 3

# The read timeout towards Janus Graph DB when health check is invoked:
janusGraphHealthCheckReadTimeout: 1

# The interval to try and reconnect to Elasticsearch when it is down during ASDC startup:
esReconnectIntervalInSeconds: 3
uebHealthCheckReconnectIntervalInSeconds: 15
uebHealthCheckReadTimeout: 4

# Protocols
  - http
  - https

# Default imports
  - nodes:
      file: nodes.yml
  - datatypes:
      file: data.yml
  - capabilities:
      file: capabilities.yml
  - relationships:
      file: relationships.yml
  - groups:
      file: groups.yml
  - policies:
      file: policies.yml

# Users
  tom: passwd