import json import sys dict = {} dupliacteUid = {} #debugFlag = True debugFlag = False def debug(str1, str2=""): 'print only if debug enabled' if (debugFlag == True): print str1, str2 print 'Number of arguments:', len(sys.argv), 'arguments.' with open(sys.argv[1]) as json_file: json_data = json.load(json_file) for x in json_data['vertices']: uid = None nodeLabel=x.get('nodeLabel') debug(nodeLabel) if ( nodeLabel == 'user' ): uid = x['userId'] elif ( nodeLabel == 'tag' ): uid = x['name'] elif ( nodeLabel == None ): pass elif ( nodeLabel == 'lockNode' ): uid = x.get('uid') else: uid = x['uid'] debug(nodeLabel, uid) existId = dict.get(uid) if (existId == None): dict[uid] = x.get('_id') else: dupliacteUid[uid] = existId print dupliacteUid # with open('data.txt', 'w') as outfile: # json.dump(json_data, outfile) # print x['uid']