import { OnInit, animate, Component, EventEmitter, Input, Output, state, style, transition, trigger } from '@angular/core'; import { FilterBarComponent } from "../filterbar/filter-bar.component"; import { URLSearchParams, Http } from "@angular/http"; import { AutocompletePipe } from "./autocomplete.pipe"; import template from "./autocomplete.component.html"; import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'; export interface IDataSchema { key: string; value: string; } @Component({ selector: 'sdc-autocomplete', template: template, animations: [ trigger('displayResultsAnimation', [ state('true', style({ height: '*', opacity: 1 })), state('false', style({ height: 0, opacity: 0 })), transition('* => *', animate('200ms')) ]), ], providers: [AutocompletePipe] }) export class SearchWithAutoCompleteComponent implements OnInit { @Input() public data: any[] = []; @Input() public dataSchema: IDataSchema; @Input() public dataUrl: string; @Input() public label: string; @Input() public placeholder: string; @Output() public itemSelected: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); private searchQuery: string; private complexData: any[] = []; private autoCompleteResults: any[] = []; private isItemSelected: boolean = false; public constructor(private http: Http, private autocompletePipe: AutocompletePipe) { } public ngOnInit(): void { if ( { this.handleLocalData(); } this.searchQuery = ""; } private handleLocalData = (): void => { // Convert the data (simple | complex) to unified complex data with key value. // In case user supplied dataSchema, this is complex data if (!this.dataSchema) { this.convertSimpleData(); } else { this.convertComplexData(); } } private convertSimpleData = (): void => { this.complexData = []; any) => { this.complexData.push({key: item, value: item}); }); } private convertComplexData = (): void => { this.complexData = []; any) => { this.complexData.push({key: item[this.dataSchema.key], value: item[this.dataSchema.value]}); }); } private onItemSelected = (selectedItem: IDataSchema): void => { this.searchQuery = selectedItem.value; this.isItemSelected = true; this.autoCompleteResults = []; this.itemSelected.emit(selectedItem.key); } private onSearchQueryChanged = (searchText: string): void => { if (searchText !== this.searchQuery) { this.searchQuery = searchText; if (!this.searchQuery) { this.onClearSearch(); } else { if (this.dataUrl) { const params: URLSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(); params.set('searchQuery', this.searchQuery); this.http.get(this.dataUrl, {search: params}) .map((response) => { = response.json(); this.handleLocalData(); this.autoCompleteResults = this.complexData; }).subscribe(); } else { this.autoCompleteResults = this.autocompletePipe.transform(this.complexData, this.searchQuery); } } this.isItemSelected = false; } } private onClearSearch = (): void => { this.autoCompleteResults = []; if (this.isItemSelected) { this.itemSelected.emit(); } } }