Tiles Generic

Tile do not have size, you can define the size in the wrapping container, or adding them to css in your project.
Note: specific tiles like sdc-tile-catalog has specifc width & height.
Tiles content has overflow auto, so if the content overflow a scroll will appear.

Basic tile

Tile without width or height

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec volutpat, lorem at vulputate sollicitudin, neque magna hendrerit diam, nec sagittis eros libero ut dolor. Donec tincidunt, elit nec vestibulum tristique, nulla tellus aliquam eros, at rutrum massa purus quis ipsum. In aliquet non augue quis condimentum. Praesent efficitur tellus quis mauris auctor, vel semper erat vulputate. Mauris rhoncus nunc et ante dapibus, id luctus urna sodales. Proin eu augue efficitur ligula tincidunt placerat. Suspendisse potenti.

Tile with header & footer

Note: The background-color is just for showing header, content & footer sections. This is done using inline styles which should not be included in the final component.
The content will resize automaticly his height.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec volutpat, lorem at vulputate sollicitudin, neque magna hendrerit diam, nec sagittis eros libero ut dolor. Donec tincidunt, elit nec vestibulum tristique, nulla tellus aliquam eros, at rutrum massa purus quis ipsum. In aliquet non augue quis condimentum. Praesent efficitur tellus quis mauris auctor, vel semper erat vulputate. Mauris rhoncus nunc et ante dapibus, id luctus urna sodales. Proin eu augue efficitur ligula tincidunt placerat. Suspendisse potenti.

Catalog tile (VSP)

Specific tile of SDC.
Note: The differences betweeb the tiles is the color (diffrent class) and the icons. The div with class='sdc-tile-content-info-vendor-name' is not needed in the second tile.
