# Local DEMO
### How to compile
Go to root folder (sdc-ui) and run: `npm run build`
This will compile all scss files and will copy generated style.css and assets folder to gen folder inside demo project.
### How to run
Go to demo and run: `npm start`
This will open the default browser at port 2900.
### How to build component HTML for DEMO
- Create new HTML file for the component and put it in components folder
- In the top of the HTML add
Name of component
- Inside the HTML for each type of component add header
sub component name
In order to show the HTML of the component to the user, add data-code attribute to the outerHTML of the component.
This component outerHTML will be copied and will be shown highlighted below the component.
You can also use data-code-ref and data-code-id where data-code-ref is a reference to the
component data-code-id, the data-code-ref will be replaced by highlighted outerHTML of the component.
For more info see example in tiles.html file
### How add the new component to router for DEMO
In index.html file (under id main-navigation) add new with id equal to HTML file you created above