import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/angular'; import { withKnobs, text, number, boolean, array, select, color, date, button } from '@storybook/addon-knobs'; import { withNotes } from '@storybook/addon-notes'; import { action, configureActions } from '@storybook/addon-actions'; import { moduleMetadata } from '@storybook/angular'; import { AccordionComponent, SvgIconComponent } from '../../src/angular/components'; import { SvgIconModule } from '../../src/angular/svg-icon/svg-icon.module'; import { Mode, Placement, Size, BackgroundShape, ButtonType, BackgroundColor } from "../../src/angular/common/enums"; const mode = Object.keys(Mode); const size = Object.keys(Size); const icons_categories: Array = Object.keys(SvgIconComponent.Icons()); const background_shape: Array = Object.keys(BackgroundShape); const background_color: Array = Object.keys(BackgroundColor); const caption_full_options = 'Icon full options'; let stories = storiesOf('Icons|Show case', module) .addDecorator(withKnobs) .addDecorator(withNotes) .addDecorator( moduleMetadata({ declarations: [SvgIconComponent], imports: [ ] }) ); background_shape.push(undefined); background_color.push(undefined); // resource: #9063CD // services: #71C5E8 // red: console.log(icons_categories); => stories.add(category, () => { let _mode = select('mode', mode, 'primary', ''); let _size = select('size', size, 'medium', ''); let _backgroundShape = select('backgroundShape', background_shape, '', ''); let _backgroundColor = select('backgroundColor', background_color, '', ''); const _debug_icon = boolean('Debug icon', false); if (category === 'resources_60') { _mode = select('mode', mode, 'white', ''); _size = select('size', size, 'x_large', ''); _backgroundShape = select('backgroundShape', background_shape, 'circle', ''); _backgroundColor = select('backgroundColor', background_color, 'primary', ''); } return { props: { _debug_icon, _mode, _size, _backgroundShape, _backgroundColor }, template: `
` + Object.keys(SvgIconComponent.Icons()[category]).map((iconName) => `
` ).join('\n') + `
` } }, { notes: `

Showcase of all icons

To see all the options for specific icon, select 'Icon full options' in left panel. ` }) ); stories.add(caption_full_options, () => { const _mode = select('mode', mode, 'primary', ''); const _size = select('size', size, 'x_large', ''); const _category = select('category', icons_categories, 'common', ''); const _name = select('name', Object.keys(SvgIconComponent.Icons().common), 'alert-triangle-o', ''); const _backgroundShape = select('backgroundShape', background_shape, '', ''); const _backgroundColor = select('backgroundColor', background_color, '', ''); const _disabled = boolean('disabled', false); const _clickable = boolean('clickable', true); const _className = text('className', ''); return { props: { _mode, _size, _name, _backgroundShape, _backgroundColor, _disabled, _clickable, _className, _category }, template: `
Full options, look in the KNOBS options
` } }, { notes: `

SVG icon full example

Full example of SVG icon, use the KNOBS tab to change @Inputs. ` } );