import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/angular'; import { withKnobs, text, number, boolean, array, select, color, date, button, object } from '@storybook/addon-knobs'; import { withNotes } from '@storybook/addon-notes'; import { action, configureActions } from '@storybook/addon-actions'; import { moduleMetadata } from '@storybook/angular'; import { CheckboxComponent, DropDownComponent, SvgIconComponent } from '../../src/angular/components'; import { RippleClickAnimationDirective } from '../../src/angular/animations/ripple-click.animation.directive'; import { DropDownTypes, IDropDownOption, DropDownOptionType } from '../../src/angular/form-elements/dropdown/dropdown-models'; import { DropDownTriggerDirective } from '../../src/angular/form-elements/dropdown/dropdown-trigger.directive'; const dropdownTypes = Object.values(DropDownTypes); const options1: IDropDownOption[] = [ { label: 'First Option Label', value: 'firstOptionValue', }, { label: 'Second Option Label', value: 'secondOptionValue', }, { label: 'Third Option Label', value: 'thirdOptionValue', type: DropDownOptionType.Simple } ]; const options2: IDropDownOption[] = [ { label: 'Header Label', value: 'headerValue', type: DropDownOptionType.Header }, { label: 'First Option Label', value: 'firstOptionValue', type: DropDownOptionType.Simple }, { label: 'Disabled Option Label', value: 'headerValue', type: DropDownOptionType.Disable }, { label: 'Second Option Label', value: 'secondOptionValue', type: DropDownOptionType.Simple }, { label: 'Ruler Label', value: 'rulerValue', type: DropDownOptionType.HorizontalLine }, { label: 'Third Option Label', value: 'thirdOptionValue', type: DropDownOptionType.Simple }, { label: 'Fourth Option Label', value: 'FourthOptionValue', type: DropDownOptionType.Simple }, { label: 'Fifth Option Label', value: 'fifthOptionValue', type: DropDownOptionType.Simple }, { label: 'Ruler Label', value: 'rulerValue', type: DropDownOptionType.HorizontalLine }, { label: 'Third Option Label', value: 'thirdOptionValue', type: DropDownOptionType.Simple }, { label: 'Fourth Option Label', value: 'FourthOptionValue', type: DropDownOptionType.Simple }, { label: 'Fifth Option Label', value: 'fifthOptionValue', type: DropDownOptionType.Simple } ]; storiesOf('Form elements|Dropdown', module) .addDecorator(withKnobs) .addDecorator(withNotes) .addDecorator( moduleMetadata({ declarations: [ DropDownComponent, RippleClickAnimationDirective, SvgIconComponent, DropDownTriggerDirective ], imports: [ ] }) ) .add('All options', () => { const _label = text('label', 'Simple dropdown'); const _placeHolder = text('placeHolder', 'Sample placeholder'); const _disabled = boolean('disabled', false); const _options = object('options', options1); const _testId = text('testId', 'smalpe-test-id'); const _required = boolean('required', false); const _maxHeight = number('maxHeight', 20); const _selectedOption = object('selectedOption', {}); const _type = select('type', dropdownTypes, DropDownTypes.Regular); const _onChange = text('*(onChange)', 'Event throws when dropdown changed, see in Action logger tab.'); return { props: { onChange: action('Dropdown value changed '), _label, _placeHolder, _disabled, _required, _testId, _options, _maxHeight, _selectedOption, _type }, template: ` ` } }, { notes: `


Full example of checkbox. Use the KNOBS tab to change values.` } ) .add('With groups', () => { const _label = text('label', 'Simple dropdown'); const _placeHolder = text('placeHolder', 'Sample placeholder'); const _disabled = boolean('disabled', false); const _options = object('options', options2); const _testId = text('testId', 'smalpe-test-id'); const _required = boolean('required', false); const _maxHeight = number('maxHeight', 20); const _selectedOption = object('selectedOption', {}); const _type = select('type', dropdownTypes, DropDownTypes.Regular); const _onChange = text('*(onChange)', 'Event throws when dropdown changed, see in Action logger tab.'); return { props: { onChange: action('Dropdown value changed '), _label, _placeHolder, _disabled, _required, _testId, _options, _maxHeight, _selectedOption, _type }, template: ` ` } }, { notes: `


Full example of checkbox with groups. Use the KNOBS tab to change values.` } ) .add('Pre selected', () => { const _label = text('label', 'Simple dropdown'); const _placeHolder = text('placeHolder', 'Sample placeholder'); const _disabled = boolean('disabled', false); const _options = object('options', options2); const _testId = text('testId', 'smalpe-test-id'); const _required = boolean('required', false); const _maxHeight = number('maxHeight', 20); const _selectedOption = object('selectedOption', { label: 'Second Option Label', value: 'secondOptionValue'}); const _type = select('type', dropdownTypes, DropDownTypes.Regular); const _onChange = text('*(onChange)', 'Event throws when dropdown changed, see in Action logger tab.'); return { props: { onChange: action('Dropdown value changed '), _label, _placeHolder, _disabled, _required, _testId, _options, _maxHeight, _selectedOption, _type }, template: ` ` } }, { notes: `


Full example of checkbox with groups pre selected option. Use the KNOBS tab to change values.` } ) .add('Headless mode', () => { const _label = text('label', 'Simple dropdown'); const _placeHolder = text('placeHolder', 'Sample placeholder'); const _disabled = boolean('disabled', false); const _options = object('options', options1); const _testId = text('testId', 'smalpe-test-id'); const _required = boolean('required', false); const _maxHeight = number('maxHeight', 20); const _selectedOption = object('selectedOption', {}); const _type = select('type', dropdownTypes, DropDownTypes.Headless); const _onChange = text('*(onChange)', 'Event throws when dropdown changed, see in Action logger tab.'); return { props: { onChange: action('Dropdown value changed '), _label, _placeHolder, _disabled, _required, _testId, _options, _maxHeight, _selectedOption, _type }, template: ` ` } }, { notes: `


Full example of checkbox (headless mode). Use the KNOBS tab to change values.` } ) .add('Insert text (auto)', () => { const _label = text('label', 'Simple dropdown'); const _placeHolder = text('placeHolder', 'Sample placeholder'); const _disabled = boolean('disabled', false); const _options = object('options', options1); const _testId = text('testId', 'smalpe-test-id'); const _required = boolean('required', false); const _maxHeight = number('maxHeight', 20); const _selectedOption = object('selectedOption', {}); const _type = select('type', dropdownTypes, DropDownTypes.Auto); const _onChange = text('*(onChange)', 'Event throws when dropdown changed, see in Action logger tab.'); return { props: { onChange: action('Dropdown value changed '), _label, _placeHolder, _disabled, _required, _testId, _options, _maxHeight, _selectedOption, _type }, template: ` ` } }, { notes: `


Full example of checkbox (auto mode). Use the KNOBS tab to change values.` } )