path: root/asdctool/sdc-cassandra-init
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2018-05-17update docker bases used by sdcMichael Lando1-1/+1
2018-05-14Raise JUnit coverage catalog-beTal Gitelman1-1/+0
2018-04-28set base imagesMichael Lando1-1/+1
2018-04-24Add cluster resiliance supportAreli, Fuss (af732p)3-4/+4
2018-04-24Create on boarding dockerAvi Ziv1-1/+0
2018-04-09fix use of user credentials logicYuli Shlosberg1-1/+1
2018-03-07Sync Integ to MasterMichael Lando1-5/+34
2018-02-04Cassandra OOM AlignmentYuli Shlosberg22-0/+1319
151'>151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334
# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

  Resolve the name of a chart's service.

  The default will be the chart name (or .Values.nameOverride if set).
  And the use of overrides all.

  - override default service (ie. chart) name
  Expand the service name for a chart.
{{- define "common.servicename" -}}
  {{- $name := default .Chart.Name .Values.nameOverride -}}
  {{- default $name | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}}
{{- end -}}

  Resolve the prefix node port to use. We look at these different values in
  order of priority (first found, first chosen)
  - .Values.service.nodePortPrefixOverride: override value for nodePort which
                                            will be use locally;
  -         : global value for nodePort which will
                                            be used for all charts (unless
                                            previous one is used);
  -      : global value for nodePort which will
                                            be used for all charts (unless
                                            previous one is used) if
                                            useNodePortExt is set to true in
                                            service or on port;
  - .Values.service.nodePortPrefix        : value used on a pert chart basis if
                                            no other version exists.

  The function takes two arguments (inside a dictionary):
     - .dot : environment (.)
     - .useNodePortExt : does the port use the "extended" nodeport part or the
                         normal one?
{{- define "common.nodePortPrefix" -}}
{{-   $dot := default . .dot -}}
{{-   $useNodePortExt := default false .useNodePortExt -}}
{{-   if or $useNodePortExt $dot.Values.service.useNodePortExt -}}
{{      $dot.Values.service.nodePortPrefixOverride | default $ | default $dot.Values.nodePortPrefix }}
{{-   else -}}
{{      $dot.Values.service.nodePortPrefixOverride | default $ | default $dot.Values.nodePortPrefix }}
{{-   end -}}
{{- end -}}

{{/* Define the metadata of Service
     The function takes from one to four arguments (inside a dictionary):
     - .dot : environment (.)
     - .suffix : a string which will be added at the end of the name (with a '-').
     - .annotations: the annotations to add
     - .msb_informations: msb information in order to create msb annotation
     - .labels : labels to add
     Usage example:
      {{ include "common.serviceMetadata" ( dict "suffix" "myService" "dot" .) }}
      {{ include "common.serviceMetadata" ( dict "annotations" .Values.service.annotation "dot" .) }}
{{- define "common.serviceMetadata" -}}
  {{- $dot := default . .dot -}}
  {{- $suffix := default "" .suffix -}}
  {{- $annotations := default "" .annotations -}}
  {{- $msb_informations := default "" .msb_informations -}}
  {{- $labels := default (dict) .labels -}}
{{- if or $annotations $msb_informations -}}
{{-   if $annotations }}
{{      include "common.tplValue" (dict "value" $annotations "context" $dot) | indent 2 }}
{{-   end }}
{{-   if $msb_informations }} '[
{{-     range $index, $msb_information := $msb_informations }}
{{-       if ne $index 0 }}
{{-       end }}
        "serviceName": "{{ default (include "common.servicename" $dot) $msb_information.serviceName  }}",
        "version": "{{ default "v1" $msb_information.version }}",
        "url": "{{ default "/" $msb_information.url }}",
        "protocol": "{{ default "REST" $msb_information.protocol }}",
        "port": "{{ $msb_information.port }}",
        "visualRange":"{{ default "1" $msb_information.visualRange }}"
{{-    end }}
{{-   end}}
{{- end }}
name: {{ include "common.servicename" $dot }}{{ if $suffix }}{{ print "-" $suffix }}{{ end }}
namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" $dot }}
labels: {{- include "common.labels" (dict "labels" $labels "dot" $dot) | nindent 2 -}}
{{- end -}}

{{/* Define the ports of Service
     The function takes three arguments (inside a dictionary):
     - .dot : environment (.)
     - .ports : an array of ports
     - .serviceType: the type of the service
     - .add_plain_port: add tls port AND plain port
{{- define "common.servicePorts" -}}
{{- $serviceType := .serviceType }}
{{- $dot := .dot }}
{{- $add_plain_port := default false .add_plain_port }}
{{-   range $index, $port := .ports }}
{{-     if (include "common.needTLS" $dot) }}
- port: {{ $port.port }}
  targetPort: {{ $ }}
{{-       if $port.port_protocol }}
  name: {{ printf "%ss-%s" $port.port_protocol $ }}
{{-       else }}
  name: {{ $ }}
{{-       end }}
{{-       if (eq $serviceType "NodePort") }}
  nodePort: {{ include "common.nodePortPrefix" (dict "dot" $dot "portNodePortExt" $port.useNodePortExt) }}{{ $port.nodePort }}
{{-       end }}
{{-     else }}
- port: {{ default $port.port $port.plain_port }}
  targetPort: {{ $ }}
{{-       if $port.port_protocol }}
  name: {{ printf "%s-%s" $port.port_protocol $ }}
{{-       else }}
  name: {{ $ }}
{{-       end }}
{{-     end }}
{{-     if (and (and (include "common.needTLS" $dot) $add_plain_port) $port.plain_port)  }}
{{-       if (eq $serviceType "ClusterIP")  }}
- port: {{ $port.plain_port }}
  targetPort: {{ $ }}-plain
{{-         if $port.port_protocol }}
  name: {{ printf "%s-%s" $port.port_protocol $ }}
{{-         else }}
  name: {{ $ }}-plain
{{-         end }}
{{-       end }}
{{-     end }}
{{-   end }}
{{- end -}}

{{/* Create generic service template
     The function takes several arguments (inside a dictionary):
     - .dot : environment (.)
     - .ports : an array of ports
     - .serviceType: the type of the service
     - .suffix : a string which will be added at the end of the name (with a '-')
     - .annotations: the annotations to add
     - .msb_informations: msb information in order to create msb annotation
     - .publishNotReadyAddresses: if we publish not ready address
     - .headless: if the service is headless
     - .add_plain_port: add tls port AND plain port
     - .labels : labels to add (dict)
     - .matchLabels: selectors/machLabels to add (dict)
     - .sessionAffinity: ClientIP  - enables sticky sessions based on client IP, default: None
{{- define "common.genericService" -}}
{{- $dot := default . .dot -}}
{{- $suffix := default "" .suffix -}}
{{- $annotations := default "" .annotations -}}
{{- $msb_informations := default "" .msb_informations -}}
{{- $publishNotReadyAddresses := default false .publishNotReadyAddresses -}}
{{- $serviceType := .serviceType -}}
{{- $ports := .ports -}}
{{- $headless := default false .headless -}}
{{- $add_plain_port := default false .add_plain_port }}
{{- $labels := default (dict) .labels -}}
{{- $matchLabels := default (dict) .matchLabels -}}
{{- $sessionAffinity := default "None" $dot.Values.service.sessionAffinity -}}
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
metadata: {{ include "common.serviceMetadata" (dict "suffix" $suffix "annotations" $annotations "msb_informations" $msb_informations "labels" $labels "dot" $dot) | nindent 2 }}
  {{- if $headless }}
  clusterIP: None
  {{- end }}
  ports: {{- include "common.servicePorts" (dict "serviceType" $serviceType "ports" $ports "dot" $dot "add_plain_port" $add_plain_port) | nindent 4 }}
  {{- if $publishNotReadyAddresses }}
  publishNotReadyAddresses: true
  {{- end }}
  type: {{ $serviceType }}
  selector: {{- include "common.matchLabels" (dict "matchLabels" $matchLabels "dot" $dot) | nindent 4 }}
  sessionAffinity: {{ $sessionAffinity }}
{{- end -}}

    Create service template
    Will create one or two service templates according to this table:

    | serviceType   | both_tls_and_plain | result       |
    | ClusterIP     | any                | one Service  |
    | Not ClusterIP | not present        | one Service  |
    | Not ClusterIP | false              | one Service  |
    | Not ClusterIP | true               | two Services |

    If two services are created, one is ClusterIP with both crypted and plain
    ports and the other one is NodePort (or LoadBalancer) with crypted port only.
{{- define "common.service" -}}
{{-   $dot := default . .dot -}}
{{-   $suffix := default "" $dot.Values.service.suffix -}}
{{-   $annotations := default "" $dot.Values.service.annotations -}}
{{-   $publishNotReadyAddresses := default false $dot.Values.service.publishNotReadyAddresses -}}
{{-   $msb_informations := default "" $dot.Values.service.msb -}}
{{-   $serviceType := $dot.Values.service.type -}}
{{-   $ports := $dot.Values.service.ports -}}
{{-   $both_tls_and_plain:= default false $dot.Values.service.both_tls_and_plain }}
{{-   $labels := default (dict) .labels -}}
{{-   $matchLabels := default (dict) .matchLabels -}}

{{-   if (and (include "common.needTLS" $dot) $both_tls_and_plain) }}
{{      include "common.genericService" (dict "suffix" $suffix "annotations" $annotations "msb_informations" $msb_informations "dot" $dot "publishNotReadyAddresses" $publishNotReadyAddresses "ports" $ports "serviceType" "ClusterIP" "add_plain_port" true $labels "matchLabels" $matchLabels) }}
{{-     if (ne $serviceType "ClusterIP") }}
{{-       if $suffix }}
{{-         $suffix = printf "%s-external" $suffix }}
{{-       else }}
{{-         $suffix = "external" }}
{{-       end }}
{{        include "common.genericService" (dict "suffix" $suffix "annotations" $annotations "dot" $dot "publishNotReadyAddresses" $publishNotReadyAddresses "ports" $ports "serviceType" $serviceType $labels "matchLabels" $matchLabels) }}
{{-     end }}
{{-   else }}
{{      include "common.genericService" (dict "suffix" $suffix "annotations" $annotations "dot" $dot "publishNotReadyAddresses" $publishNotReadyAddresses "ports" $ports "serviceType" $serviceType $labels "matchLabels" $matchLabels) }}
{{-   end }}
{{- end -}}

{{/* Create headless service template */}}
{{- define "common.headlessService" -}}
{{- $dot := default . .dot -}}
{{- $suffix := include "common._makeHeadlessSuffix" $dot -}}
{{- $annotations := default "" $dot.Values.service.headless.annotations -}}
{{- $publishNotReadyAddresses := default false $dot.Values.service.headless.publishNotReadyAddresses -}}
{{- $ports := $dot.Values.service.headlessPorts -}}
{{- $labels := default (dict) .labels -}}
{{- $matchLabels := default (dict) .matchLabels -}}
{{ include "common.genericService" (dict "suffix" $suffix "annotations" $annotations "dot" $dot "publishNotReadyAddresses" $publishNotReadyAddresses "ports" $ports "serviceType" "ClusterIP" "headless" true "labels" $labels "matchLabels" $matchLabels) }}
{{- end -}}

  Generate the right suffix for headless service
{{- define "common._makeHeadlessSuffix" -}}
{{-   if hasKey .Values.service.headless "suffix" }}
{{-     .Values.service.headless.suffix }}
{{-   else }}
{{-     print "headless" }}
{{-   end }}
{{- end -}}

  Calculate if we need to use TLS ports.
  We use TLS by default unless we're on service mesh with TLS.
  We can also override this behavior with override toggles:
  -  : override default TLS behavior for all charts
  - .Values.tlsOverride : override global and default TLS on a per chart basis

  this will give these combinations:
  | tlsOverride | global.tlsEnabled | global.serviceMesh.enabled | global.serviceMesh.tls | result |
  | not present | not present       | not present                | any                    | true   |
  | not present | not present       | false                      | any                    | true   |
  | not present | not present       | true                       | false                  | true   |
  | not present | not present       | true                       | true                   | false  |
  | not present | true              | any                        | any                    | true   |
  | not present | false             | any                        | any                    | false  |
  | true        | any               | any                        | any                    | true   |
  | false       | any               | any                        | any                    | false  |

{{- define "common.needTLS" -}}
{{-   if hasKey .Values "tlsOverride" }}
{{-     if .Values.tlsOverride -}}
{{-       end }}
{{-   else }}
{{-     if hasKey "tlsEnabled" }}
{{-       if }}
{{-       end }}
{{-     else }}
{{-       if not (include "common.onServiceMesh" .) -}}
{{-       else }}
{{-         if not (default false -}}
{{-         end }}
{{-       end }}
{{-     end }}
{{-   end }}
{{- end -}}

{{- define "common.port.buildCache" -}}
  {{- $global := . }}
  {{- if not $global.Values._DmaapDrNodePortsCache }}
    {{- $portCache := dict }}
    {{- range $port := .Values.service.ports }}
      {{- $_ := set $portCache $ (dict "port" $port.port "plain_port" $port.plain_port) }}
    {{- end }}
    {{- $_ := set $global.Values "_DmaapDrNodePortsCache" $portCache }}
  {{- end }}
{{- end -}}

  Get Port value according to its name and if we want tls or plain port.
  The template takes below arguments:
    - .global: environment (.)
    - .name: name of the port
    - .getPlain: boolean allowing to choose between tls (false, default) or
                 plain (true)
    If plain_port is not set and we ask for plain, it will return empty.
{{- define "common.getPort" -}}
  {{- $global := .global }}
  {{- $name := .name }}
  {{- $getPlain := default false .getPlain }}
  {{- include "common.port.buildCache" $global }}
  {{- $portCache := $global.Values._DmaapDrNodePortsCache }}
  {{- $port := index $portCache $name }}
  {{- ternary $port.plain_port $port.port $getPlain }}
{{- end -}}