from toscalib.templates.constant import * from toscalib.types.node import NodeType from toscalib.templates.requirement_item import RequirementItem from toscalib.templates.property_item import PropertyItem from toscalib.templates.capability_item import CapabilityItem from toscalib.utils import tosca_import, tosca_heat import copy, re, logging from toscalib.templates.interface_item import InterfaceItem #Author: Shu Shi #emaiL: class Node(object): def __init__(self, template, node_name, node_type): self.template = template = node_name = PropertyItem( self_id_str = {} self_id_str['get_attribute']= [node_name, 'id'] self.mapping_template = None self.tran_template = None self.fe_json = None self.fe_nid = None if node_type is None: logging.warning( 'Empty node type') return elif isinstance(node_type, NodeType) is False: logging.warning( 'Invalid NodeType passed to Node: '+ node_name+ 'construction') return else: self._instatiateWithType(node_type) #Instantiate the node type, when substitution mapping is attached, create the new template for it def _instatiateWithType(self, node_type): self.type = self.type_obj = node_type = {} for prop in[prop] = PropertyItem([prop]) self.attributes = {} for attr in node_type.attributes.keys(): self.attributes[attr] = PropertyItem(node_type.attributes[attr]) self.requirements = [] for req in node_type.requirements: self.requirements.append(RequirementItem(req)) self.capabilities = {} for cap in node_type.capabilities.keys(): self.capabilities[cap] = CapabilityItem(node_type.capabilities[cap]) self.interfaces = {} for intf in node_type.interfaces.keys(): self.interfaces[intf] = InterfaceItem(node_type.interfaces[intf]) if node_type.mapping_template is not None: from toscalib.templates.topology import ToscaTopology self.mapping_template = copy.deepcopy(node_type.mapping_template) self.mapping_template._update_prefix( + '_') self.mapping_template._verify_substitution(self) # for sub_rule in node_type.mapping_template.sub_rules: # sub_rule._update_pointer(self, self.mapping_template) self._update_parent_node() #used to parse node template structure written in a template #Assign values if needed #For requirement fulfillment, add pending mode to check whether the value is a node template or type def _parse_pre_defined_content(self, content): # if content.has_key(NOD_PROPERTIES): if NOD_PROPERTIES in content: prop_sec = content[NOD_PROPERTIES] if prop_sec is not None: for prop_name in prop_sec.keys(): prop_item = self._get_property_item(prop_name) if prop_item is not None: prop_item._assign(prop_sec[prop_name]) if prop_sec[prop_name] == '__GET_NODE_NAME__': prop_item._assign( # if content.has_key(NOD_REQUIREMENTS): if NOD_REQUIREMENTS in content: req_sec = content[NOD_REQUIREMENTS] if req_sec is not None: for req in req_sec: req_item_name, req_item_value = tosca_import._parse_requirement_name_and_value(req) #TODO: the same requirement name can only appear once!! req_item = self._get_requirement_item_first(req_item_name) if req_item is not None: req_item._parse_pre_defined_content(req_item_value) else: logging.warning( 'Requirement '+ req_item_name +'not defined in Node '+ + ' of type '+ self.type) # if content.has_key(NOD_CAPABILITIES): if NOD_CAPABILITIES in content: cap_sec = content[NOD_CAPABILITIES] if cap_sec is not None: for cap_name in cap_sec.keys(): cap_item = self._get_capability_item(cap_name) if cap_item is not None: cap_item._parse_pre_defined_content(cap_sec[cap_name]) # if content.has_key(NOD_INTERFACES): if NOD_INTERFACES in content: interface_sec = content[NOD_INTERFACES] if interface_sec is not None: for interface_name in interface_sec.keys(): interface_item = self._get_interface_item(interface_name) if interface_item is not None: interface_item._parse_pre_defined_content(interface_sec[interface_name]) else: self.interfaces[interface_name] = InterfaceItem(None, interface_name, interface_sec[interface_name]) self._update_parent_node() def _get_property_item(self, prop_name): # if if prop_name in return[prop_name] else: logging.warning('Node: '+ ' of type: '+ self.type+ ' has no property: '+ prop_name) return None def _get_attribute_item(self, attr_name): # if self.attributes.has_key(attr_name): if attr_name in self.attributes: return self.attributes[attr_name] else: logging.warning('Node: '+ ' of type: '+ self.type+ ' has no attribute: '+ attr_name) return None def _get_interface_item(self, interface_name): # if self.interfaces.has_key(interface_name): if interface_name in self.interfaces: return self.interfaces[interface_name] else: logging.warning( 'Node: '+ ' of type: '+ self.type+ ' has no interface: '+ interface_name) return None def _get_capability_item(self, cap_name): # if self.capabilities.has_key(cap_name): if cap_name in self.capabilities: return self.capabilities[cap_name] else: #logging.debug('Node: '+ ' of type: '+ self.type+ ' has no capability: '+ cap_name) return None def _get_capability_property(self, cap_name, prop_name): cap_item = self._get_capability_item(cap_name) if cap_item is not None: return cap_item._get_property_item(prop_name) else: #logging.debug( 'Node: '+ ' of type: '+ self.type+ ' has no capability: '+ cap_name) return None def _get_requirement_item_first(self, req_name): for req_item in self.requirements: if == req_name: return req_item logging.warning( 'Node: '+ ' of type: '+ self.type+ ' has no requirement: '+ req_name) return None def _verify_requirements(self, node_dict): for req in self.requirements: req._verify_requirement(node_dict) def _verify_functions(self): if is not None:, self, for prop_item in iter( if prop_item.value is not None: prop_item.value._update_function_reference(self.template, self, prop_item) for cap_item in iter(self.capabilities.values()): for cap_item_prop in iter( if cap_item_prop.value is not None: cap_item_prop.value._update_function_reference(self.template, self, cap_item_prop) for interface_item in iter(self.interfaces.values()): for interface_item_input in iter(interface_item.inputs.values()): if interface_item_input.value is not None: interface_item_input.value._update_function_reference(self.template, self, interface_item_input) for operation_item in iter(interface_item.operations.values()): for input_item in iter(operation_item.inputs.values()): if input_item.value is not None: input_item.value._update_function_reference(self.template, self, input_item) def _update_parent_node(self): for prop in iter( prop._update_parent_node(self) for cap in iter(self.capabilities.values()): cap._update_parent_node(self) for req in self.requirements: req._update_parent_node(self) for interface in iter(self.interfaces.values()): interface._update_parent_node(self) def _update_prefix(self, prefix): if == 'NO_PREFIX': = prefix[:len(prefix)-1] else: = prefix + for prop_item in iter( if prop_item.value is not None: prop_item.value._update_prefix(prefix) for cap_item in iter(self.capabilities.values()): for cap_item_prop in iter( if cap_item_prop.value is not None: cap_item_prop.value._update_prefix(prefix) for interface_item in iter(self.interfaces.values()): for interface_item_input in iter(interface_item.inputs.values()): if interface_item_input.value is not None: interface_item_input.value._update_prefix(prefix) for operation_item in iter(interface_item.operations.values()): for input_item in iter(operation_item.inputs.values()): if input_item.value is not None: input_item.value._update_prefix(prefix) for req in self.requirements: req._update_prefix(prefix) self._update_parent_node() def _verify_req_node(self, req_type, req_cap, req_filter): if req_type is not None and self.type_obj._verify_req_type(req_type) is False: logging.warning( 'Type matching failed') return False if req_cap is not None: cap_found = None for cap_item in iter(self.capabilities.values()): if cap_item._validate_capability(req_cap) is True: cap_found = cap_item break if cap_found is None: logging.warning( 'Capability matching failed') return False return self._verify_node_filter(req_filter) def _verify_node_filter(self, req_filter): return True def _propagate_substitution_value(self): converge = True for prop_item in iter( converge = converge and prop_item._propagate_substitution_value() for req_item in self.requirements: converge = converge and req_item._propagate_substitution_value() for cap_item in iter(self.capabilities.values()): converge = converge and cap_item._propagate_substitution_value() for attr_item in iter(self.attributes.values()): converge = converge and attr_item._propagate_attr_substitution_value() if self.mapping_template is not None: self.mapping_template._propagate_substitution_value() if self.tran_template is not None: self.tran_template._propagate_substitution_value() return converge def _prepare_extra_imports(self, tags = ''): if 'noexpand' in tags: return [] if self.tran_template is not None: return self.tran_template._prepare_extra_imports(tags) if self.mapping_template is not None: return self.mapping_template._prepare_extra_imports(tags) return [] def _prepare_output(self, tags=''): if 'noexpand' not in tags: newtags = tags.replace('main', 'part') if self.tran_template is not None: return self.tran_template._prepare_output(newtags) if self.mapping_template is not None: return self.mapping_template._prepare_output(newtags) output = {} if 'heat' in tags: heat_type = re.sub('tosca.heat.', '', self.type) heat_type = re.sub('\.', '::', heat_type) output[YMO_NOD_TYPE] = heat_type else: output[YMO_NOD_TYPE] = self.type prop_out = {} for prop in prop_item =[prop] # if prop_item.required is False and prop_item.used is not True and prop_item.filled is not True: if prop_item.required is False and prop_item.filled is not True: continue if prop_item.filled is not True or prop_item.value is None: prop_value = None else: prop_value = prop_item.value._get_value(tags)[0] if prop_item.required is False and prop_value in [None, [], {}]: continue else: prop_out[prop] = prop_value cap_out={} for cap in iter(self.capabilities.values()): cap_item = {} for cap_prop in iter( if cap_prop.filled is True: cap_item[] = cap_prop.value._get_value(tags)[0] if len(cap_item) > 0: cap_out[] = {'properties': cap_item} req_out = [] for req in self.requirements: if req.filled is True: req_item = dict() if 'cloudify' in tags: if req.relationship is not None : req_item['type'] = req.relationship else: req_item['type'] = 'cloudify.relationships.connected_to' req_item['target'] = req.str_value else: req_item[] = req.str_value req_out.append(req_item) elif req.filter is not None and 'cloudify' not in tags: req_item = {} if req.req_capability is not None: req_item[YMO_REQ_CAPABILITY] = req.req_capability if req.req_type is not None: req_item[YMO_REQ_NODE] = req.req_type if req.relationship is not None: req_item[YMO_REQ_RELATIONSHIP] = req.relationship req_item[YMO_REQ_FILTER] = req.filter req_out.append({}) int_out = {} for interface_name in self.interfaces.keys(): int_out[interface_name] = self.interfaces[interface_name]._prepare_output(tags) if len(prop_out) > 0: output[YMO_NOD_PROPERTIES]=prop_out if len(req_out) > 0 and 'java_sim' not in tags: if 'cloudify' in tags: output[YMO_NOD_RELATIONSHIPS] = req_out else: output[YMO_NOD_REQUIREMENTS] = req_out if len(cap_out) > 0 and 'cloudify' not in tags: output[YMO_NOD_CAPABILITIES] = cap_out if len(int_out) > 0 : output[YMO_NOD_INTERFACES] = int_out final_out = {} final_out[] = output return final_out def _prepare_heat_output(self, parameters_type, parameters_val): if self.mapping_template is not None: return self.mapping_template._prepare_heat_output(parameters_type, parameters_val, True) else: if tosca_heat._type_validate(self.type) is not True: return None output = {} output[YMO_NOD_TYPE] = tosca_heat._type_translate(self.type) prop_out = {} for prop_item in iter( if prop_item.filled: prop_out[] = prop_item.value else: input_name = + '_' + prop_out[] = '{ get_param: ' + input_name + ' }' input_type = {} input_type[input_name] = prop_item.type input_val = {} input_val[input_name] = prop_item.value parameters_type.update(input_type) parameters_val.udpate(input_val) if len(prop_out) > 0: output[YMO_NOD_PROPERTIES] = prop_out final_out = {} final_out[] = output return final_out def toJson(self): return self.fe_json