#Author: Shu Shi #emaiL: shushi@research.att.com from toscalib.tosca_workbook import ToscaWorkBook from toscalib.tosca_builder import ToscaBuilder import getopt, sys, json, logging def usage(): print('OPTIONS:') print('\t-h|--help: print this help message') print('\t-i|--input: The home folder where all spec files are') print('\t-o|--output: the output file name') print('\t-v|--value: the json value file') def main(): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hi:o:v:", ["help", "input=", "output=", "value="]) except getopt.GetoptError as err: # print help information and exit: logging.error( str(err)) # will print something like "option -a not recognized" usage() sys.exit(2) spec_prefix = None output_file = None value_file = None for o, a in opts: if o in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit() elif o in ("-i", "--input"): spec_prefix = a elif o in ("-o", "--output"): output_file = a elif o in ("-v", "--value"): value_file = a else: logging.error( 'Unrecognized option: ' + o) usage() sys.exit(2) if spec_prefix is None or output_file is None: logging.error( 'Incorrect arguments!') usage() sys.exit(2) model_prefix = './data/tosca_model' meta_model = './data/meta_model/meta_tosca_schema.yaml' for ms in ['map', 'enrich', 'supplement']: builder = ToscaBuilder() builder.import_schema(meta_model) builder.import_spec(spec_prefix+'/dcae-event-proc/dcae-event-proc-cdap-' + ms+ '\\' + ms+ '_spec.json') builder.create_node_type() builder.export_schema(model_prefix+'/' + ms + '/schema.yaml') builder.import_schema(model_prefix+'/' + ms + '/schema.yaml') builder.create_model(ms) builder.export_model(model_prefix+'/' + ms + '/template.yaml') builder.create_translate(ms) builder.export_translation(model_prefix+'/' + ms + '/translate.yaml') workbook = ToscaWorkBook() workbook._import_dir(model_prefix) workbook._import_dir('./data/shared_model/') workbook._use('map','NO_PREFIX') workbook._use('supplement','NO_PREFIX') workbook._use('enrich','NO_PREFIX') if value_file is not None: try: with open(value_file) as data_file: data = json.load(data_file) for ms in ['map', 'enrich', 'supplement']: # if data.has_key(ms): if ms in data: prop_sec = data[ms] for key in prop_sec.keys(): workbook._assign(ms, key, prop_sec[key]) except err : logging.error( "Unable to read " +value_file) logging.error( str(err)) workbook._add_shared_node([{'dcae.capabilities.cdapHost':'cdap_host'}, {'dcae.capabilities.dockerHost': 'docker_host'}, {'dcae.capabilities.composition.host': 'composition_virtual'}]) workbook._assign('supplement', 'stream_publish_0', 'map') workbook._assign('enrich', 'stream_publish_0', 'supplement') workbook.tran_db = workbook.db workbook._export_yaml('event_proc.yaml', 'no_expand,main') workbook._export_yaml(output_file, 'cloudify,main') if __name__ == "__main__": main()