import { HttpClientTestingModule } from '@angular/common/http/testing'; import { TestBed, async, inject } from '@angular/core/testing'; import { BaseRequestOptions, Http, HttpModule, Response, ResponseOptions, XHRBackend } from '@angular/http'; import { MockBackend } from '@angular/http/testing'; import { v4 as genrateUuid } from 'uuid'; import { Store } from '../store/store'; import { RestApiService } from './rest-api.service'; describe('RestApiService', () => { let service: RestApiService; let backend: MockBackend; beforeEach( async(() => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({ imports: [HttpModule, HttpClientTestingModule], providers: [ RestApiService, Store, MockBackend, BaseRequestOptions, { provide: Http, deps: [MockBackend, BaseRequestOptions], useFactory: ( backend: XHRBackend, defaultOptions: BaseRequestOptions ) => { return new Http(backend, defaultOptions); } } ] }); // Get the MockBackend backend = TestBed.get(MockBackend); service = TestBed.get(RestApiService); }) ); it( 'should be created', inject([RestApiService], () => { expect(service).toBeTruthy(); }) ); it('should baseUrl match localhost', () => { expect(service.baseUrl).toBe('http://localhost:8446'); }); it('should headers user id get default', () => { service.addHeaders(); expect(service.headers.get('USER_ID')).toBe('ym903w'); }); it('should headers Content-Type json', () => { service.addHeaders(); expect(service.headers.get('Content-Type')).toBe('application/json'); }); it( 'should get service instance from API', async(() => { const serviceInstances = [ { name: 'ciService669277f472b0', category: 'Mobility' } ]; backend.connections.subscribe(connection => { connection.mockRespond( new Response( new ResponseOptions({ body: JSON.stringify(serviceInstances) }) ) ); }); service.getServiceInstances('123456').subscribe(_res => { expect(_res.length).toBe(1); expect(_res).toEqual(serviceInstances); }); }) ); it( 'should get template resources from API', async(() => { const template = [ { name: 'AviStone1234', version: '0.1' } ]; backend.connections.subscribe(connection => { connection.mockRespond( new Response( new ResponseOptions({ body: JSON.stringify(template) }) ) ); }); service.getTemplateResources().subscribe(_res => { expect(_res.length).toBe(1); expect(_res).toEqual(template); }); }) ); it( 'should getCompositionMonitoringComponent from API', async(() => { const template = [ { name: 'AviStone1234', version: '0.1' } ]; backend.connections.subscribe(connection => { connection.mockRespond( new Response( new ResponseOptions({ body: JSON.stringify(template) }) ) ); }); service.getCompositionMonitoringComponent('123456').subscribe(_res => { expect(_res.length).toBe(1); expect(_res).toEqual(template); }); }) ); it( 'importVFCMT from API', async(() => { const template = [ { name: 'AviStone1234', version: '0.1' } ]; backend.connections.subscribe(connection => { connection.mockRespond( new Response( new ResponseOptions({ body: JSON.stringify(template) }) ) ); }); service.importVFCMT({}).subscribe(_res => { expect(_res.length).toBe(1); expect(_res).toEqual(template); }); }) ); it( 'deleteMonitoringComponent from API', async(() => { const template = [ { name: 'AviStone1234', version: '0.1' } ]; backend.connections.subscribe(connection => { connection.mockRespond( new Response( new ResponseOptions({ body: JSON.stringify(template) }) ) ); }); service .deleteMonitoringComponent( { contextType: 'service', uuid: '123456' }, '45678', 'liav' ) .subscribe(_res => { console.log('delete', _res); }); }) ); it( 'deleteMonitoringComponentWithBlueprint from API', async(() => { const template = [ { name: 'AviStone1234', version: '0.1' } ]; backend.connections.subscribe(connection => { connection.mockRespond( new Response( new ResponseOptions({ body: JSON.stringify(template) }) ) ); }); service .deleteMonitoringComponentWithBlueprint( { contextType: 'service', uuid: '123456' }, 'voskComp', '45678', 'liav', '98765' ) .subscribe(_res => { console.log('delete', _res); }); }) ); it( 'createNewVFCMT from API', async(() => { const template = [ { name: 'AviStone1234', version: '0.1' } ]; backend.connections.subscribe(connection => { connection.mockRespond( new Response( new ResponseOptions({ body: JSON.stringify(template) }) ) ); }); service.createNewVFCMT({}).subscribe(_res => { expect(_res.length).toBe(1); expect(_res).toEqual(template); }); }) ); // it( 'saveMonitoringComponent from API', async(() => { const template // = [ { name: 'AviStone1234', version: '0.1' } // ]; backend.connections.subscribe(connection => { // connection.mockRespond( new Response( new ResponseOptions({ // body: JSON.stringify(template) }) ) ); // }); service .saveMonitoringComponent({ contextType: // 'service', serviceUuid: '123456', vfiName: 'liavVfi', // vfcmtUuid: '987456', cdump: {} }) .subscribe(_res => { // expect(_res.length).toBe(1); expect(_res).toEqual(template); // }); }) ); it( 'submitMonitoringComponent from API', async(() => { const template = [ { name: 'AviStone1234', version: '0.1' } ]; backend.connections.subscribe(connection => { connection.mockRespond( new Response( new ResponseOptions({ body: JSON.stringify(template) }) ) ); }); service .submitMonitoringComponent({ contextType: 'service', serviceUuid: '123456', vfiName: 'liavVfi', vfcmtUuid: '987456', cdump: {}, flowType: 'SNMP' }) .subscribe(_res => { expect(_res.length).toBe(1); expect(_res).toEqual(template); }); }) ); it( 'should get Vfcmt Reference Data from API', async(() => { const template = [ { name: 'AviStone1234', version: '0.1' } ]; backend.connections.subscribe(connection => { connection.mockRespond( new Response( new ResponseOptions({ body: JSON.stringify(template) }) ) ); }); service.getVfcmtReferenceData('123456').subscribe(_res => { expect(_res.length).toBe(1); expect(_res).toEqual(template); }); }) ); it( 'should get vfcmt list from API', async(() => { const dummyVfcmts = [ { uuid: 'cba37ed8-94e1-406f-b4f5-b5edbc31ac85', name: 'CIe4d5a9b271d6' }, { uuid: '64471437-8feb-40d9-a8b0-9407a81dd5c0', name: 'teSt.__.monitoring---TempLATE.6hnc' } ]; backend.connections.subscribe(connection => { expect(connection.request.url).toMatch( 'http://localhost:8446/service/123456/0.1/monitoringComponents' ); connection.mockRespond( new Response( new ResponseOptions({ body: JSON.stringify(dummyVfcmts) }) ) ); }); service .getMonitoringComponents({ contextType: 'service', uuid: '123456', version: '0.1' }) .subscribe(_res => { expect(_res.length).toBe(2); expect(_res).toEqual(dummyVfcmts); }); }) ); it( 'should get migration vfcmt list from API', async(() => { const dummyVfcmts = [ { uuid: 'cba37ed8-94e1-406f-b4f5-b5edbc31ac85', name: 'CIe4d5a9b271d6' }, { uuid: '64471437-8feb-40d9-a8b0-9407a81dd5c0', name: 'teSt.__.monitoring---TempLATE.6hnc' } ]; backend.connections.subscribe(connection => { expect(connection.request.url).toMatch( 'http://localhost:8446/service/123456/0.1/getVfcmtsForMigration' ); connection.mockRespond( new Response( new ResponseOptions({ body: JSON.stringify(dummyVfcmts) }) ) ); }); service .getVfcmtsForMigration({ contextType: 'service', uuid: '123456', version: '0.1' }) .subscribe(_res => { expect(_res.length).toBe(2); expect(_res).toEqual(dummyVfcmts); }); }) ); it( 'should get flow type from API', async(() => { const flowType = ['syslog', 'SNMP']; backend.connections.subscribe(connection => { expect(connection.request.url).toMatch( 'http://localhost:8446/conf/composition' ); connection.mockRespond( new Response( new ResponseOptions({ body: JSON.stringify(flowType) }) ) ); }); service.getFlowType().subscribe(_res => { expect(_res.length).toBe(2); expect(_res).toEqual(flowType); }); }) ); it('should genrate deffrent uuid each time for request id', () => { const firstUuid = genrateUuid(); const secondUuid = genrateUuid(); expect(firstUuid !== secondUuid).toBe(true); }); });