const loadVfcmtList = () => { return cy .server() .route({ method: 'GET', url: Cypress.env('backendUrl') + '/SERVICE/06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a/0.1/getVfcmtsForMigration', response: 'fixture:importVfcmt' }) .as('importVfcmtList') .visit( 'http://localhost:4300/#/main/SERVICE/06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a/0.1/import' ); }; const getVfcmtRefData = data => { return cy .server() .route({ method: 'GET', url: Cypress.env('backendUrl') + '/getVfcmtReferenceData/cb06b8a9-c7e0-4451-a941-89fc338303c9', response: data }) .as('vfcmtRef'); }; const getFlowType = () => { return cy .server() .route({ method: 'GET', url: Cypress.env('backendUrl') + '/conf/composition', response: { flowTypes: ['Syslog', 'SNMP', 'FOI'] } }) .as('flowTypes'); }; const getVfniList = () => { return cy .server() .route({ method: 'GET', url: Cypress.env('backendUrl') + '/service/06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a', response: 'fixture:serviceDdl' }) .as('vfniListApi'); }; const importMCServerApi = () => { return cy .server() .route({ method: 'POST', url: Cypress.env('backendUrl') + '/importMC', response: 'fixture:createMcRes' }) .as('importMC'); }; const chooseVfcmtFromDDLWithVersion = () => { return cy .get('.ng-input > input') .click() .type('liav') .type('{enter}') .get('select[data-tests-id="vfcmtVersion"]') .select('0.1'); }; const getName = () => { return cy.get('input[data-tests-id="nameMc"]'); }; const getDescription = () => { return cy.get('textarea[data-tests-id="descMc"]'); }; const getFlowTypeSelect = () => { return cy.get('select[data-tests-id="flowTypeDdl"]'); }; const getVfniSelect = () => { return cy.get('select[data-tests-id="vfniDdl"]'); }; const getImportButton = () => { return cy.get('button[data-tests-id="importMonitoring"]'); }; describe('Import Page', () => { context('First step - get vfcmts list and pick one', () => { beforeEach(() => { loadVfcmtList(); }); it('should have values in ddl', () => { cy .get('ng-select') .should('be.visible') .click() .get('.ng-option') .should('contain', 7); }); it('should have value on typing and press enter key', () => { cy .get('.ng-input > input') .click() .type('liav') .type('{enter}') .get('.ng-value-label') .should('contain', 'LiavSprint10.3'); }); it('should have version when pick vfcmt from list', () => { cy .get('.ng-input > input') .click() .type('liav') .type('{enter}') .get('select[data-tests-id="vfcmtVersion"]') .should('be.visible') .and('contain', '0.1'); }); }); context('second step - fill fileds according to server response', () => { beforeEach(() => { loadVfcmtList(); }); it('get flow type true and service is match to context service', () => { getVfcmtRefData({ serviceUuid: '06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a', name: 'test', description: 'test', flowType: 'FOI', vfiName: 'LiavSrv' }); chooseVfcmtFromDDLWithVersion(); getName() .should('have.value', 'test') .and('be.disabled'); getDescription() .should('have.value', 'test') .and('be.disabled'); getFlowTypeSelect().should('have.value', 'FOI'); getVfniSelect().should('have.value', 'LiavSrv'); getImportButton() .not('[disabled]') .should('not.contain', 'Disabled'); }); it('get flow type true but service not match', () => { getVfcmtRefData({ serviceUuid: '555555-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a', name: 'test', description: 'test', flowType: 'FOI', vfiName: 'ChcoSrv' }); getVfniList(); chooseVfcmtFromDDLWithVersion(); getFlowTypeSelect().should('have.value', 'FOI'); }); it('get flow type false service match', () => { getVfcmtRefData({ serviceUuid: '06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a', name: 'test', description: 'test', vfiName: 'LiavSrv' }); getImportButton() .should('be.visible') .and('be.disabled'); getFlowType(); chooseVfcmtFromDDLWithVersion(); getName() .should('have.value', 'test') .and('be.disabled'); getDescription() .should('have.value', 'test') .and('be.disabled'); getVfniSelect().should('have.value', 'LiavSrv'); }); it('get flow type false service not match', () => { getVfcmtRefData({ serviceUuid: '555555-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a', name: 'test', description: 'test', vfiName: 'ChcoSrv' }); getImportButton() .should('be.visible') .and('be.disabled'); getFlowType(); getVfniList(); chooseVfcmtFromDDLWithVersion(); getName().should('have.value', ''); getDescription().should('have.value', ''); }); }); context('final step - import vfcmt and getting cdump for tabs', () => { beforeEach(() => { loadVfcmtList(); getVfcmtRefData({ serviceUuid: '06c7d927-4e2f-47e1-a29d-b6ed229ebc0a', name: 'test', description: 'test', flowType: 'FOI', vfiName: 'LiavSrv' }); chooseVfcmtFromDDLWithVersion(); }); it('should get cdump after import and vfcmt import not visible', () => { importMCServerApi(); getImportButton().click({ force: true }); cy .get('.import-wrapper') .should('') .get('#ui-tabpanel-1-label') .should('contain', 'map'); }); }); });