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// composition item | composition right side background @color_l: #1e9a33; // valid @color_m: #a8b3b9; // composition sub category @color_n: #ECEFF3; // dashboard main section @color_o: #798996; // composition category @color_p: #8c8c8c; // composition relation tab? @color_q: #b5b5b5; // Liz please change from b6b5b5 to b5b5b5 @color_r: #e85858; // dashboard resource (R at the top left of the card) @color_s: #000000; // #62727f @color_t: #3196c9; // #346d8a @color_u: #23aa63; @color_v: #198682; @color_w: #384752; @color_x: #c91d39; @color_y: #697a87; @color_z: #28bd6e; @color_zz: #93deb6; .bg_a {.backgroundColor > .a;} .bg_b {.backgroundColor > .b;} .bg_c {.backgroundColor > .c;} .bg_d {.backgroundColor > .d;} .bg_e {.backgroundColor > .e;} .bg_f {.backgroundColor > .f;} .bg_g {.backgroundColor > .g;} .bg_h {.backgroundColor > .h;} .bg_i {.backgroundColor > .i;} .bg_j {.backgroundColor > .j;} .bg_k {.backgroundColor > .k;} .bg_l {.backgroundColor > .l;} .bg_m {.backgroundColor > .m;} .bg_n {.backgroundColor > .n;} .bg_o {.backgroundColor > .o;} .bg_p {.backgroundColor > .p;} .bg_q {.backgroundColor > .q;} .bg_r {.backgroundColor > .r;} .bg_s {.backgroundColor > .s;} .bg_t {.backgroundColor > .t;} .bg_u {.backgroundColor > .u;} .bg_v {.backgroundColor > .v;} .bg_w {.backgroundColor > .w;} .bg_x {.backgroundColor > .x;} .bg_y {.backgroundColor > .y;} .bg_z {.backgroundColor > .z;} .bg_zz {.backgroundColor > .zz;} .bg_a_hover {.backgroundColor > .hover > .a;} .bg_b_hover {.backgroundColor > .hover > .b;} .bg_c_hover {.backgroundColor > .hover > .c;} .bg_d_hover {.backgroundColor > .hover > .d;} .bg_e_hover {.backgroundColor > .hover > .e;} .bg_f_hover {.backgroundColor > .hover > .f;} .bg_g_hover {.backgroundColor > .hover > .g;} .bg_h_hover {.backgroundColor > .hover > .h;} .bg_i_hover {.backgroundColor > .hover > .i;} .bg_j_hover {.backgroundColor > .hover > .j;} .bg_l_hover {.backgroundColor > .hover > .l;} .bg_m_hover {.backgroundColor > .hover > .m;} .bg_n_hover {.backgroundColor > .hover > .n;} .bg_o_hover {.backgroundColor > .hover > .o;} .bg_p_hover {.backgroundColor > .hover > .p;} .bg_q_hover {.backgroundColor > .hover > .q;} .bg_r_hover {.backgroundColor > .hover > .r;} .bg_s_hover {.backgroundColor > .hover > .s;} .bg_t_hover {.backgroundColor > .hover > .t;} .bg_u_hover {.backgroundColor > .hover > .u;} .bg_v_hover {.backgroundColor > .hover > .v;} .bg_w_hover {.backgroundColor > .hover > .w;} .bg_x_hover {.backgroundColor > .hover > .x;} .bg_y_hover {.backgroundColor > .hover > .y;} .bg_z_hover {.backgroundColor > .hover > .z;} .bg_zz_hover {.backgroundColor > .hover > .zz;} //Variables.css // Colors @color_a: #3b7b9b; // product category @color_b: #666666; @color_c: #ffffff; @color_d: #1d9a95; // dashboard service (S at the top left of the card) @color_e: #cdcdcd; @color_f: #506472; // #e0e5e9 composition right side tabs @color_g: #263d4d; // dashboard left sidebar categories @color_h: #da1f3d; // not valid @color_i: #445663; // dashboard left sidebar @color_j: #D3DBE0; // dashboard header | view left side @color_k: #e1e7ec; // composition item | composition right side background @color_l: #1e9a33; // valid @color_m: #a8b3b9; // composition sub category @color_n: #ECEFF3; // dashboard main section @color_o: #798996; // composition category @color_p: #8c8c8c; // composition relation tab? @color_q: #b5b5b5; // Liz please change from b6b5b5 to b5b5b5 @color_r: #e85858; // dashboard resource (R at the top left of the card) @color_s: #000000; // #62727f @color_t: #3196c9; // #346d8a @color_u: #23aa63; @color_v: #198682; @color_w: #384752; @color_x: #c91d39; @color_y: #697a87; @color_z: #28bd6e; @color_zz: #93deb6; // Color hover @color_a_hover: darken(@color_a, 10.0%); @color_b_hover: darken(@color_b, 10.0%); @color_c_hover: darken(@color_c, 10.0%); @color_d_hover: darken(@color_d, 10.0%); @color_e_hover: darken(@color_e, 10.0%); @color_f_hover: darken(@color_f, 10.0%); @color_g_hover: darken(@color_g, 10.0%); @color_h_hover: darken(@color_h, 10.0%); @color_i_hover: darken(@color_i, 10.0%); @color_j_hover: darken(@color_j, 10.0%); @color_k_hover: darken(@color_k, 10.0%); @color_l_hover: darken(@color_l, 10.0%); @color_m_hover: darken(@color_m, 10.0%); @color_n_hover: darken(@color_n, 10.0%); @color_o_hover: darken(@color_o, 10.0%); @color_q_hover: darken(@color_q, 10.0%); @color_p_hover: darken(@color_p, 10.0%); @color_r_hover: darken(@color_r, 10.0%); @color_s_hover: darken(@color_s, 10.0%); @color_t_hover: darken(@color_t, 10.0%); @color_u_hover: darken(@color_u, 10.0%); @color_v_hover: darken(@color_v, 10.0%); @color_w_hover: darken(@color_w, 10.0%); @color_x_hover: darken(@color_x, 10.0%); @color_y_hover: darken(@color_y, 10.0%); @color_z_hover: darken(@color_z, 10.0%); @color_zz_hover: darken(@color_zz, 10.0%); /* to check if can delete */ @border_color_a: #1D3A52; @border_color_c: #C1CDD5; @border_color_d: rgba(120, 136, 148, 0.26); @border_color_e: rgba(59, 123, 155, 0.5); @border_color_f: #cfcfcf; @border_color_g: @color_a; @border_color_view-mode: #ededed; // Fonts @font-omnes-light: omnes-light, sans-serif; @font-omnes-regular: omnes-regular, sans-serif; @font-omnes-medium: omnes-medium, sans-serif; @font-omnes-medium-italic: omnes-medium-italic, sans-serif; @font-omnes-bold: omnes-bold, sans-serif;