(function () { 'use strict'; angular .module('dcaeApp') .config(routeConfig); function routeConfig($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, dcaeConstants) { //$urlRouterProvider.otherwise('/dcae/home'); var layoutStyle = 'contentOnly'; var layouts = { contentWithHeaderAndNavigation: { main: 'core/layouts/header-navigation-content/header-navigation-content.html', header: 'core/header/layouts/horizontal-navigation/header.html', navigation: 'core/navigation/layouts/horizontal-navigation/navigation.html' }, contentOnly: { main: 'core/layouts/content-only/content-only.html', header: '', navigation: '' }, contentWithHeader: { main: 'core/layouts/content-with-header/content-with-header.html', header: 'header/layouts/content-with-header/header.html', navigation: '' } }; // @if DEBUG // Note: this section is removed when running grunt. // If you want to run the application as standalone from the dist folder you need to remove: if DEBUG and endif and build the grunt again. $stateProvider.state('dcae', { url: '/dcae', views: { 'dcae@': { template: '
' } } }); // @endif // State definitions $stateProvider .state('dcae.app', { parent: 'dcae', abstract: true, views: { // This is the main view (defined in the hosting application) 'main@dcae': { templateUrl: layouts[layoutStyle].main, controller: 'MainController as vm' }/*, // According to the view used in "main@" we have another 3 views in main: 'header@app', 'navigation@app' and 'content@app' (defined in each page module) 'header@dcae.app': { // View inside the main templateUrl: layouts[layoutStyle].header, controller: 'HeaderController as vm' }, 'navigation@dcae.app': { // View inside the main templateUrl: layouts[layoutStyle].navigation, controller: 'NavigationController as vm' }*/ } }); } })();