This package will install the Virtual Infrastructure Deployment (VID) war to the local tomcat server. The Tomcat server is marked as a dependency of this package and will be installed automatically on the target server if it has not already been installed. The current version of Tomcat used by VID is 8.0.36. MariaDB is also necessary for VID and can be installed by whichever method you choose. The following are variables that can be set to customize your installation of VID: Variable Default Description ASDC_CLIENT_REST_AUTH unset Basic authentication header value (e.g. Basic asdfoijwelkjsg=) ASDC_CLIENT_REST_HOST unset Host where the ASDC Catalog Service is running ASDC_CLIENT_REST_PORT 8080 Port where the ASDC Catalog Service is running ASDC_CLIENT_TYPE REST Set to IN_MEMORY for testing, REST for connecting with an actual ASDC Catalog Service MSO_DME2_CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT unset Time in ms before DME2 MSO read requests timeout MSO_DME2_CLIENT_TIMEOUT unset Time in ms before DME2 MSO requests timeout MSO_DME2_ENABLED unset Whether the enable the MSO DME2 client or not MSO_DME2_SERVER_URL unset The server URL for connecting to the MSO service MSO_POLLING_INTERVAL_MSECS 10000 The interval at which to poll MSO for orchestration requests VID_MSO_PASS unset The password for connecting with the MSO service VID_MSO_SERVER_URL unset The server URL for connecting with the MSO service VID_MSO_USER unset The user name for connecting with the MSO service VID_LOG_DIR ${ROOT_DIR}/logs The directory to store log files in VID_LOG_LEVEL INFO The level at which to log (follows logback logging levels) VID_ECOMP_REDIRECT_URL See ECOMP SDK Documentation VID_ECOMP_REST_URL See ECOMP SDK Documentation VID_ENDPOINT_NAME vid http://{host}:{port}/{VID_ENDPOINT_NAME} VID_MYSQL_HOST unset The host where the VID MariaDB instance is running VID_MYSQL_MAXCONNECTIONS 5 The maximum connections to use to connect to the MariaDB instance VID_MYSQL_PORT 3306 The port where the VID MariaDB instance is running VID_MYSQL_DBNAME vid_portal The database name (i.e. CREATE DATABASE ${VID_MYSQL_DBNAME} VID_MYSQL_USER vidadmin The user to connect as to the MariaDB instance VID_MYSQL_PASS unset The password for the ${VID_MYSQL_USER} @ ${VID_MYSQL_HOST} VID_AAI_HOST unset The host where the A&AI service is running VID_AAI_PORT 8443 The port where the A&AI service is running VID_TRUSTSTORE_PASS unset The password for the VID truststore (A&AI client) VID_TRUSTSTORE_FILE unset The location on the file system of the truststore (A&AI client) AAI_TRUSTSTORE_FILENAME tomcat_keystore A file name AAI_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWD_X (dev env creds) A password AAI_KEYSTORE_FILENAME aai-client-cert.p12 A file name AAI_KEYSTORE_PASSWD_X (dev env creds) A password VID_UEB_URL_LIST The hosts where UEB is running VID_UEB_CONSUMER_GROUP VID The UEB consumer group name to use VID_ECOMP_PORTAL_INBOX_NAME ECOMP-PORTAL-INBOX-DEV-LOCAL A UEB Topic to send messages to the ECOMP portal on VID_UEB_APP_KEY sYH0NJnsKmJC1B2A The UEB App Key (mandatory) VID_UEB_APP_SECRET YOtknsT2wVFz9WISlSPDaAtd The UEB App Secret VID_UEB_APP_MAILBOX_NAME ECOMP-PORTAL-OUTBOX-90 A UEB Topic to listen for messages from the ECOMP portal on VID_UEB_LISTENERS_ENABLE false Enable the UEB listeners for the specified mailboxes (In 1610, this should always be false)