.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0


Configurations .properties files are located under ``WEB-INF/conf/``, while .js files are under ``scripts/constants/``

system.properties file

  The connection URL for the VID database

  The username for the VID database

  The password for the VID database

  Base URL for the A&AI server

  URL for the A&AI server including its version (default: v11)

``aai.vid.username``, ``aai.vid.pass``
  Credentials for accessing A&AI server offered APIs

  Base URL for the SO server

  Interval in milliseconds for polling the SO for the instantiation status

  Max attempts for polling the SO instantiation status
``mso.user.name``,  ``mso.password.x``
  Credentials for accessing the SO server

  Base URL for the Scheduler

``scheduler.create.new.vnf.change.instance``, ``scheduler.get.time.slots``, ``scheduler.submit.new.vnf.change``, ``scheduler.get.schedules``
  Scheduler endpoints

asdc.properties file
  States the protocol used for accessing SDC: http or https

  States the hostname of the SDC instance

  States the port of the SDC instance

  Basic authorization string for accessing SDC
vidConfiguration.js file
  Max attempts for polling the SO instantiation status
  Interval in milliseconds for polling the SO for the instantiation status
  Interval in milliseconds for polling the Scheduler

  Max attempts for polling the Scheduler
  |  List of all service model invariant UUIDs that need macro instantiation.
  |  Example: ["3cf30cbb-5fe7-4fb3-b049-559a4997b221", "b135a703-bab5-4295-a37f-580a4f2d0961"]