/* * ============LICENSE_START========================================== * ONAP Portal SDK * =================================================================== * Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * =================================================================== * * Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed * under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed * under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the "License"); * you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * ============LICENSE_END============================================ * * */ package org.onap.portalsdk.core.service; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.commons.io.FilenameUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.onap.portalsdk.core.domain.support.*; import org.onap.portalsdk.core.logging.logic.EELFLoggerDelegate; import org.onap.portalsdk.core.util.SystemProperties; import org.onap.portalsdk.core.util.YamlUtils; import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml; import org.yaml.snakeyaml.nodes.Tag; import org.yaml.snakeyaml.representer.Representer; public class ElementMapService { private static final EELFLoggerDelegate logger = EELFLoggerDelegate.getLogger(ElementMapService.class); private static HashMap toscaElementsMap = new HashMap<>(); private static HashMap elementMap = new HashMap<>(); private static HashMap miscElementMap = new HashMap<>(); private static HashMap outercontainers = new HashMap<>(); private static HashMap innercontainers = new HashMap<>(); private static HashMap domainMap = new HashMap<>(); private static String filePath = SystemProperties.getProperty("element_map_file_path"); private static String networkToscaYml = null;// "NetworkMap_topology_composition.yml"; private static String networkLayoutYml = null;// "network_map_layout.yml"; /** * * @param contextRealPath * @param layout * @return * @throws IOException */ private String convertToYAML(String contextRealPath, Layout layout) throws IOException { // Used to build image file relative URLs final String iconRelPath = SystemProperties.getProperty("element_map_icon_path"); Map resultDomain = layout.getDomainRowCol(); Map> domainMap = new HashMap<>(); List domainList = new ArrayList<>(); for (Domain d : resultDomain.values()) { d.setWidth(10 * d.computeSize().getWidth()); d.setHeight(10 * d.computeSize().getHeight()); d.setLeft(10 * d.getP().getX()); d.setTop(10 * d.getP().getY()); List containerList = new ArrayList<>(); for (Container c : d.getContainerRowCol().values()) { c.setWidth(10 * c.computeSize().getWidth()); c.setHeight(10 * c.computeSize().getHeight()); c.setLeft(10 * c.getP().getX()); c.setTop(10 * c.getP().getY()); Element ue = (Element) c.getElementRowCol().values().toArray()[0]; if (ue.getName().equals("ue1") || ue.getName().equals("ue2") || ue.getName().equals("ue3") || ue.getName().equals("ue4") || ue.getName().equals("ue5") || ue.getName().equals("ue6")) { c.setVisibilityType("invisible"); } if (c.getContainerRowCol() != null) { List innerContainerList = new ArrayList<>(); for (Container innerC : c.getContainerRowCol().values()) { innerC.setName(innerC.getName()); innerC.setWidth(10 * innerC.computeSize().getWidth()); innerC.setHeight(10 * innerC.computeSize().getHeight()); innerC.setLeft(10 * innerC.getP().getX()); innerC.setTop(10 * innerC.getP().getY()); if (innerC.getElementRowCol() != null) { List innerContainerEList = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element ele : innerC.getElementRowCol().values()) { ele.setWidth(10 * ele.computeSize().getWidth()); ele.setHeight(10 * ele.computeSize().getHeight()); ele.setLeft(10 * ele.getP().getX()); ele.setTop(10 * ele.getP().getY() - 10); ele.setImgFileName(iconRelPath + "/" + ele.getImgFileName()); if (ele.getBorderType().equals("V")) ele.setBorderType("dashed"); else ele.setBorderType("solid"); innerContainerEList.add(ele); } innerC.setElementList(innerContainerEList); } innerContainerList.add(innerC); } c.setInnerCList(innerContainerList); } if (c.getElementRowCol() != null) { List elementList = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element e : c.getElementRowCol().values()) { e.setWidth(10 * e.computeSize().getWidth()); e.setHeight(10 * e.computeSize().getHeight()); e.setLeft(10 * e.getP().getX()); e.setTop(10 * e.getP().getY() - 10); e.setImgFileName(iconRelPath + "/" + e.getImgFileName()); if (e.getBorderType().equals("V")) e.setBorderType("dashed"); else e.setBorderType("solid"); if (e.getName().equals("ue1") || e.getName().equals("ue2") || e.getName().equals("ue3") || e.getName().equals("ue4") || e.getName().equals("ue5") || e.getName().equals("ue6")) e.setBgColor("white"); elementList.add(e); } c.setElementList(elementList); } containerList.add(c); } d.setContainerList(containerList); domainList.add(d); } domainMap.put("domainList", domainList); List collapsedDomains = new ArrayList<>(); // nline for (Domain collapsed : layout.getCollapsedDomainsNewList()) { collapsed.setWidth(10 * collapsed.computeSize().getWidth()); collapsed.setHeight(10 * collapsed.computeSize().getHeight()); collapsed.setLeft(10 * collapsed.getP().getX()); collapsed.setTop(10 * collapsed.getP().getY()); // nline collapsed.setNewXafterColl(10 * collapsed.getNewXafterColl()); collapsed.setYafterColl(10 * collapsed.getYafterColl()); collapsedDomains.add(collapsed); } domainMap.put("collapsedDomainList", collapsedDomains); Representer representer = new Representer(); representer.addClassTag(Domain.class, Tag.MAP); Yaml yaml = new Yaml(representer); String output = yaml.dump(domainMap); return output; } /** * Builds renderable model of elements in the network map. Parses YAML files * with metadata and builds input for JoinJS to render in the browser as SVG. * * @param args * arg 0 - collapsedDomains; arg 1 - expandedDomains; arg 2 - context * real path; arg 3 - contentFileName; arg 4 - layoutFileName * @return Renderable model of elements * @throws IOException */ public String buildElementMapYaml(String args[]) throws IOException { final String yamlDirPath = FilenameUtils.normalize(new File(args[2], filePath).getPath()); if (args != null && args.length > 4) { if (args[3] != null) networkToscaYml = args[3] + ".yml"; if (args[4] != null) networkLayoutYml = args[4] + ".yml"; } Map toscaYaml = YamlUtils.readYamlFile(yamlDirPath, networkToscaYml); Map networkMapLayoutYaml = YamlUtils.readYamlFile(yamlDirPath, networkLayoutYml); toscaElementsMap = new HashMap<>(); elementMap = new HashMap<>(); domainMap = new HashMap<>(); outercontainers = new HashMap<>(); innercontainers = new HashMap<>(); miscElementMap = new HashMap<>(); if (toscaYaml != null) { for (String key : toscaYaml.keySet()) { if ("topology_template".equalsIgnoreCase(key) && toscaYaml.get(key) instanceof HashMap) { HashMap toscaTopologyDetails = (HashMap) toscaYaml.get(key); for (String detailsKey : toscaTopologyDetails.keySet()) { if ("node_templates".equalsIgnoreCase(detailsKey) && toscaTopologyDetails.get(detailsKey) instanceof HashMap) { toscaElementsMap = (HashMap) toscaTopologyDetails.get(detailsKey); } } } } } if (networkMapLayoutYaml != null) { if (networkMapLayoutYaml.containsKey("toscaNetworkMapElementStyleList") && networkMapLayoutYaml.get("toscaNetworkMapElementStyleList") instanceof ArrayList) { ArrayList elementlist = (ArrayList) networkMapLayoutYaml .get("toscaNetworkMapElementStyleList"); String elementName; String elementID; String imgPath; String row; String column; String mapKey; int i = 0; if (elementlist != null) { for (Object eachElement : elementlist) { if (eachElement != null && eachElement instanceof HashMap) { HashMap elementDetails = (HashMap) eachElement; if (elementDetails != null) { elementName = "NA" + i; elementID = "NA" + i; imgPath = "NA" + i; row = "0"; column = "0"; for (String detailsKey : elementDetails.keySet()) { if ("tosca_id".equalsIgnoreCase(detailsKey)) elementName = elementDetails.get(detailsKey); if ("id".equalsIgnoreCase(detailsKey)) { elementID = String.valueOf(elementDetails.get(detailsKey)); } if ("row".equalsIgnoreCase(detailsKey)) { row = String.valueOf(elementDetails.get(detailsKey)); } if ("column".equalsIgnoreCase(detailsKey)) { column = String.valueOf(elementDetails.get(detailsKey)); } if ("icon".equalsIgnoreCase(detailsKey)) imgPath = elementDetails.get(detailsKey); } if (elementMap.containsKey(elementName.concat("/").concat(row).concat(column))) { if (elementMap.containsKey(elementName.concat("/").concat(String.valueOf(i)) .concat(String.valueOf(i)))) { mapKey = elementName; } else mapKey = elementName.concat("/").concat(String.valueOf(i)) .concat(String.valueOf(i)); } else mapKey = elementName.concat("/").concat(row).concat(column); elementMap.put(mapKey, fetchElementObject(elementID, elementName, imgPath)); } } i++; } } for (String elementkey : elementMap.keySet()) { Element c = (Element) elementMap.get(elementkey); logger.trace(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, "buildElementMapYaml: element {}", c); } if (!elementMap.isEmpty()) { miscElementMap = new HashMap<>(elementMap); } } if (networkMapLayoutYaml.containsKey("containerStyleList") && networkMapLayoutYaml.get("containerStyleList") instanceof ArrayList) { ArrayList containerstylelist = (ArrayList) networkMapLayoutYaml .get("containerStyleList"); String containerName; String containerID; String domain; String row; String column; String mapKey; int i = 0; if (containerstylelist != null) { // Inner Containers for (Object eachContainer : containerstylelist) { if (eachContainer != null && eachContainer instanceof HashMap) { HashMap containerDetails = (HashMap) eachContainer; if (containerDetails != null) { containerName = "NA" + i; containerID = "NA" + i; domain = "NA" + i; row = "0"; column = "0"; for (String detailsKey : containerDetails.keySet()) { if ("logical_group_name".equalsIgnoreCase(detailsKey)) containerName = containerDetails.get(detailsKey); if ("id".equalsIgnoreCase(detailsKey)) { containerID = String.valueOf(containerDetails.get(detailsKey)); } if ("domain".equalsIgnoreCase(detailsKey)) { domain = containerDetails.get(detailsKey); } if ("row".equalsIgnoreCase(detailsKey)) { row = String.valueOf(containerDetails.get(detailsKey)); } if ("column".equalsIgnoreCase(detailsKey)) { column = String.valueOf(containerDetails.get(detailsKey)); } } if (containerName.contains("/")) { if (innercontainers.containsKey( (domain + ":" + containerName).concat("/").concat(row).concat(column))) { if (elementMap.containsKey((domain + ":" + containerName).concat("/") .concat(String.valueOf(i)).concat(String.valueOf(i)))) { mapKey = (domain + ":" + containerName); } else mapKey = (domain + ":" + containerName).concat("/") .concat(String.valueOf(i)).concat(String.valueOf(i)); } else mapKey = (domain + ":" + containerName).concat("/").concat(row).concat(column); innercontainers.put(mapKey, fetchContainerObject(containerID, containerName.substring(containerName.indexOf("/") + 1), true, containerName, domain)); } } } i++; } // OuterContainers i = 0; for (Object eachContainer : containerstylelist) { if (eachContainer != null && eachContainer instanceof HashMap) { HashMap containerDetails = (HashMap) eachContainer; if (containerDetails != null) { containerName = "NA" + i; containerID = "NA" + i; domain = "NA" + i; row = "0"; column = "0"; for (String detailsKey : containerDetails.keySet()) { if ("logical_group_name".equalsIgnoreCase(detailsKey)) containerName = containerDetails.get(detailsKey); if ("id".equalsIgnoreCase(detailsKey)) { containerID = String.valueOf(containerDetails.get(detailsKey)); } if ("domain".equalsIgnoreCase(detailsKey)) { domain = containerDetails.get(detailsKey); } if ("row".equalsIgnoreCase(detailsKey)) { row = String.valueOf(containerDetails.get(detailsKey)); } if ("column".equalsIgnoreCase(detailsKey)) { column = String.valueOf(containerDetails.get(detailsKey)); } } if (!containerName.contains("/")) { if (outercontainers.containsKey( (domain + ":" + containerName).concat("/").concat(row).concat(column))) { if (outercontainers.containsKey((domain + ":" + containerName).concat("/") .concat(String.valueOf(i)).concat(String.valueOf(i)))) { mapKey = (domain + ":" + containerName); } else mapKey = (domain + ":" + containerName).concat("/") .concat(String.valueOf(i)).concat(String.valueOf(i)); } else mapKey = (domain + ":" + containerName).concat("/").concat(row).concat(column); outercontainers.put(mapKey, fetchContainerObject(containerID, containerName, false, containerName, domain)); } } } i++; } } for (String innerContainerkey : innercontainers.keySet()) { Container c = (Container) innercontainers.get(innerContainerkey); logger.trace(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, "buildElementMapYaml: inner container {}", c); } for (String outerContainerkey : outercontainers.keySet()) { Container c = (Container) outercontainers.get(outerContainerkey); logger.trace(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, "buildElementMapYaml: outer container {}", c); } } if (networkMapLayoutYaml.containsKey("domainList") && networkMapLayoutYaml.get("domainList") instanceof ArrayList) { ArrayList domainlist = (ArrayList) networkMapLayoutYaml.get("domainList"); String domainName; String domainID; String row; String column; String mapKey; int i = 0; if (domainlist != null) { HashMap domainStagingMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Object eachDomain : domainlist) { if (eachDomain != null && eachDomain instanceof HashMap) { HashMap domainDetails = (HashMap) eachDomain; if (domainDetails != null) { domainName = "NA" + i; domainID = "NA" + i; row = "0"; column = "0"; for (String detailsKey : domainDetails.keySet()) { if ("name".equalsIgnoreCase(detailsKey)) domainName = domainDetails.get(detailsKey); if ("id".equalsIgnoreCase(detailsKey)) { domainID = String.valueOf(domainDetails.get(detailsKey)); } if ("row".equalsIgnoreCase(detailsKey)) { row = String.valueOf(domainDetails.get(detailsKey)); } if ("column".equalsIgnoreCase(detailsKey)) { column = String.valueOf(domainDetails.get(detailsKey)); } } if (domainStagingMap.containsKey(row.concat(column))) { mapKey = domainName; } else mapKey = row.concat(column); domainStagingMap.put(mapKey, domainID + "%" + domainName); } } i++; } if (domainStagingMap != null && !domainStagingMap.isEmpty()) { for (String domainsKey : new TreeSet(domainStagingMap.keySet())) { String value = domainStagingMap.get(domainsKey); if (value.contains("%")) { domainMap.put(domainsKey, fetchDomainObject(value.substring(0, value.indexOf("%")), value.substring(value.indexOf("%") + 1))); } } } } } } Layout dynamicLayout = new Layout(domainMap, 2, 10, 1, 5); dynamicLayout.computeDomainPositionsModified(); ElementMapService cm2 = new ElementMapService(); try { if (args != null && args.length > 0) { if (args[0] != null) { String[] collapsedDomains = args[0].split(","); for (String collapsedDomain : collapsedDomains) dynamicLayout.collapseDomainNew(collapsedDomain); } if (args[1] != null) { String[] expandedDomains = args[1].split(","); for (String expandedDomain : expandedDomains) dynamicLayout.uncollapseDomainNew1(expandedDomain); } return cm2.convertToYAML(args[2], dynamicLayout); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(EELFLoggerDelegate.errorLogger, "buildElementMapYaml failed", e); } return ""; } private static int computeRows(Set keys) { int i = 0; if (keys != null && !keys.isEmpty()) { for (String s : keys) { String r = s.substring(0, 1); if (StringUtils.isNumeric(r)) { int j = Integer.parseInt(r); if (i <= j) { i = j; } } } return i + 1; } return 1; } private static int computeColumns(Set keys) { int i = 0; if (keys != null && !keys.isEmpty()) { for (String s : keys) { String r = s.substring(1, 2); if (StringUtils.isNumeric(r)) { int j = Integer.parseInt(r); if (i <= j) { i = j; } } } return i + 1; } return 1; } private static Container fetchContainerObject(String id, String name, boolean isInner, String logicalGroupName, String domain) { Map containerElementsMap = new HashMap<>(); containerElementsMap = fetchElementsMapForContainer(name, isInner, logicalGroupName, domain); int rows = 1; int columns = 1; if (isInner) { if (containerElementsMap != null && !containerElementsMap.isEmpty()) { rows = computeRows(containerElementsMap.keySet()); columns = computeColumns(containerElementsMap.keySet()); } Container thisContainer = new Container(id, name, rows, columns, 1, 4, 8, 12, 1, 2); thisContainer.setElements(containerElementsMap); return thisContainer; } else { Map innerContainersMap = fetchInnerContainersMapForOuter(name, isInner, logicalGroupName, domain); if (innerContainersMap != null && !innerContainersMap.isEmpty()) { if (containerElementsMap != null && !containerElementsMap.isEmpty()) { Set keys = new HashSet<>(innerContainersMap.keySet()); keys.addAll(containerElementsMap.keySet()); rows = computeRows(keys); columns = computeColumns(keys); } else { rows = computeRows(innerContainersMap.keySet()); columns = computeColumns(innerContainersMap.keySet()); } } else if (containerElementsMap != null && !containerElementsMap.isEmpty()) { rows = computeRows(containerElementsMap.keySet()); columns = computeColumns(containerElementsMap.keySet()); } Container thisContainer = new Container(id, name, rows, columns, 2, 6, 2, 5, 0, 0); thisContainer.setElements(containerElementsMap); thisContainer.setInnerContainer(innerContainersMap); if (containerElementsMap != null && !containerElementsMap.isEmpty()) { for (Element thisElement : containerElementsMap.values()) { if (thisElement.getId() != null) { thisContainer.setVisibilityType("invisible"); } } } return thisContainer; } } private static Domain fetchDomainObject(String id, String name) { Map domainContainersMap = fetchContainersForDomain(name); int rows = 1; int columns = 1; if (domainContainersMap != null && !domainContainersMap.isEmpty()) { rows = computeRows(domainContainersMap.keySet()); columns = computeColumns(domainContainersMap.keySet()); } double domainWidth = 11; Domain thisDomain; if (domainMap != null && !domainMap.isEmpty()) { int domainsCountSoFar = domainMap.size(); switch (domainsCountSoFar) { case 1: domainWidth = 12.1; break; case 2: domainWidth = 13.3; break; case 3: domainWidth = 14.5; break; case 4: domainWidth = 15.6; break; default: domainWidth = 11; break; } for (String domainsKey : new TreeSet(domainMap.keySet())) { Domain eachDomain = domainMap.get(domainsKey); domainWidth += eachDomain.computeSize().getWidth(); } thisDomain = new Domain.DomainBuilder().setId(id).setName(name).setInterContWd(2).setInterContH(2) .setDomainToLayoutWd(domainWidth).setDomainToLayoutH(10).setDomainToContH(3) .setNumOfRowsofContainer(rows).setNumOfColsofContainer(columns).createDomain(); } else { thisDomain = new Domain.DomainBuilder().setId(id).setName(name).setInterContWd(2).setInterContH(1) .setDomainToLayoutWd(11).setDomainToLayoutH(10).setDomainToContH(3).setNumOfRowsofContainer(rows) .setNumOfColsofContainer(columns).createDomain(); } thisDomain.setContainers(domainContainersMap); thisDomain.computeConatinerPositions(); if (domainContainersMap != null && !domainContainersMap.isEmpty()) { for (Container thisContainer : domainContainersMap.values()) { thisContainer.computeSize(); thisContainer.computeElementPositions(); Map resultElementMap = thisContainer.getElementRowCol(); for (String key : resultElementMap.keySet()) { if (resultElementMap.get(key) == null || resultElementMap.get(key).getP() == null) { logger.debug(EELFLoggerDelegate.debugLogger, "fetchDomainObject: {}", key); } } HashMap innerContainersMap = (HashMap) thisContainer .getContainerRowCol(); if (innerContainersMap != null && !innerContainersMap.isEmpty()) { for (Container thisInnerContainer : innerContainersMap.values()) { thisInnerContainer.computeElementPositions(); } } } } return thisDomain; } private static Map fetchContainersForDomain(String domain) { Map domainContainersMap = fetchFromOuterContainers(domain); return domainContainersMap; } private static Element fetchElementObject(String id, String name, String imgPath) { if (toscaElementsMap.containsKey(name)) { if (toscaElementsMap.get(name) != null && toscaElementsMap.get(name) instanceof HashMap) { HashMap toscaElementDetails = (HashMap) toscaElementsMap.get(name); for (String detailsKey : toscaElementDetails.keySet()) { if ("properties".equalsIgnoreCase(detailsKey) && toscaElementDetails.get(detailsKey) instanceof Map) { Map elementDetails = (Map) toscaElementDetails.get(detailsKey); if (elementDetails != null) { String logical_group = elementDetails.get("logical_group") == null ? "" : elementDetails.get("logical_group"); String display_longname = elementDetails.get("display_longname") == null ? "" : elementDetails.get("display_longname"); String display_shortname = elementDetails.get("display_shortname") == null ? "" : elementDetails.get("display_shortname"); String description = elementDetails.get("description") == null ? "" : elementDetails.get("description"); String primary_function = elementDetails.get("primary_function") == null ? "" : elementDetails.get("primary_function"); String key_interfaces = elementDetails.get("key_interfaces") == null ? "" : elementDetails.get("key_interfaces"); String location = elementDetails.get("location") == null ? "" : elementDetails.get("location"); String vendor = elementDetails.get("vendor") == null ? "" : elementDetails.get("vendor"); String vendor_shortname = elementDetails.get("vendor_shortname") == null ? "" : elementDetails.get("vendor_shortname"); String enclosingContainer = logical_group.replace("/", "-"); String network_function = elementDetails.get("network_function"); String borderType = elementDetails.get("network_function") == null ? "P" : elementDetails.get("network_function").toUpperCase(); String bgColor = elementDetails.get("background_color") == null ? "bgColor" : elementDetails.get("background_color"); ElementDetails details = new ElementDetails.ElementDetailsBuilder().setLogical_group(logical_group).setDisplay_longname(display_longname).setDescription(description).setPrimary_function(primary_function).setNetwork_function(network_function).setKey_interfaces(key_interfaces).setLocation(location).setVendor(vendor).setVendor_shortname(vendor_shortname).setEnclosingContainer(enclosingContainer).createElementDetails(); return new Element(name, display_shortname, imgPath, bgColor, borderType, details); } } } } } else { return new Element(id, name); } return new Element(id, name); } private static String fetchDomainNameOfElement(String name) { if (toscaElementsMap.containsKey(name)) { if (toscaElementsMap.get(name) != null && toscaElementsMap.get(name) instanceof HashMap) { HashMap toscaElementDetails = (HashMap) toscaElementsMap.get(name); for (String detailsKey : toscaElementDetails.keySet()) { if ("properties".equalsIgnoreCase(detailsKey) && toscaElementDetails.get(detailsKey) instanceof HashMap) { HashMap elementDetails = (HashMap) toscaElementDetails .get(detailsKey); if (elementDetails != null) { return elementDetails.get("domain") == null ? "" : elementDetails.get("domain"); } } } } } else { return ""; } return ""; } private static Map fetchInnerContainersMapForOuter(String name, boolean isInner, String logicalGroupName, String domain) { return fetchInnerContainersMap(name, logicalGroupName, domain); } private static Map fetchElementsMapForContainer(String name, boolean isInner, String logicalGroupName, String domain) { return fetchElementsMap(logicalGroupName, domain); } private static Map fetchInnerContainersMap(String name, String logicalGroupName, String domain) { HashMap containersMap = new HashMap<>(); if (innercontainers != null && !innercontainers.isEmpty()) { for (String key : innercontainers.keySet()) { Container eachContainer = innercontainers.get(key); if (key.toUpperCase().contains((domain + ":" + name).toUpperCase())) { String rowColumnKey = ""; if (key.contains("/")) { rowColumnKey = key.substring(key.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } if (rowColumnKey.isEmpty() || containersMap.containsKey(rowColumnKey)) { int count = 0; while (count <= 9) { if (containersMap.containsKey(String.valueOf(count).concat(String.valueOf(count)))) { count++; } else { rowColumnKey = String.valueOf(count).concat(String.valueOf(count)); break; } } } containersMap.put(rowColumnKey, eachContainer); } } } return containersMap.isEmpty() ? null : containersMap; } private static Map fetchFromOuterContainers(String domain) { HashMap thisContainersMap = new HashMap<>(); if (outercontainers != null && !outercontainers.isEmpty()) { for (String key : outercontainers.keySet()) { Container eachContainer = outercontainers.get(key); if (key.toUpperCase().contains((domain + ":").toUpperCase())) { String rowColumnKey = ""; if (key.contains("/")) { rowColumnKey = key.substring(key.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } if (rowColumnKey.isEmpty() || thisContainersMap.containsKey(rowColumnKey)) { int count = 0; while (count <= 9) { if (thisContainersMap.containsKey(String.valueOf(count).concat(String.valueOf(count)))) { count++; } else { rowColumnKey = String.valueOf(count).concat(String.valueOf(count)); break; } } } thisContainersMap.put(rowColumnKey, eachContainer); } } } // Misc Elements Containers if (miscElementMap != null && !miscElementMap.isEmpty()) { for (String key : miscElementMap.keySet()) { Element eachElement = miscElementMap.get(key); String elementName = eachElement.getName(); String domainName = fetchDomainNameOfElement(elementName); if (domain.equalsIgnoreCase(domainName)) { String rowColumnKey = ""; Container eachContainer = new Container(domainName + ":" + elementName, elementName, 1, 1, 3, 6, 2, 5, 0, 0); int count = 0; while (count <= 9) { if (thisContainersMap.containsKey(String.valueOf(count).concat(String.valueOf(count)))) { count++; } else { rowColumnKey = String.valueOf(count).concat(String.valueOf(count)); break; } } thisContainersMap.put(rowColumnKey, eachContainer); } } } return thisContainersMap.isEmpty() ? null : thisContainersMap; } private static Map fetchElementsMap(String logicalGroupName, String domain) { HashMap innerElementMap = new HashMap<>(); if (elementMap != null && !elementMap.isEmpty()) { for (String key : elementMap.keySet()) { Element eachElement = elementMap.get(key); String elementName = eachElement.getId(); String elementLogicalGroup = eachElement.getDetails() == null ? "" : eachElement.getDetails().getLogical_group(); if (elementLogicalGroup.equalsIgnoreCase(logicalGroupName) && domain.equalsIgnoreCase(fetchDomainNameOfElement(elementName))) { String rowColumnKey = ""; if (key.contains("/")) { rowColumnKey = key.substring(key.indexOf("/") + 1); } if (rowColumnKey.isEmpty() || innerElementMap.containsKey(rowColumnKey)) { int count = 0; while (count <= 9) { if (innerElementMap.containsKey(String.valueOf(count).concat(String.valueOf(count)))) { count++; } else { rowColumnKey = String.valueOf(count).concat(String.valueOf(count)); break; } } } innerElementMap.put(rowColumnKey, eachElement); miscElementMap.remove(key); } } } return innerElementMap.isEmpty() ? null : innerElementMap; } }