app.directive('qHeader', function () { return { restrict: 'A', //This menas that it will be used as an attribute and NOT as an element. I don't like creating custom HTML elements replace: false, templateUrl: "app/fusion/scripts/view-models/header.html", controller: ['$scope', '$filter','$http','$timeout', '$log','UserInfoService', '$window', '$cookies', function ($scope, $filter, $http, $timeout, $log,UserInfoService, $window, $cookies) { /*Define fields*/ $scope.userName; $scope.userFirstName; $scope.redirectUrl; $scope.contactUsUrl; $scope.getAccessUrl; $scope.childData=[]; $scope.parentData=[]; $scope.menuItems = []; $scope.loadMenufail=false; $scope.megaMenuDataObject=[]; $scope.activeClickSubMenu = { x: '' }; $scope.activeClickMenu = { x: '' }; $scope.favoritesMenuItems = []; $scope.favoriteItemsCount = 0; $scope.showFavorites = false; $scope.emptyFavorites = false; $scope.favoritesWindow = false; /*Menu Structure*/ var menuStructureConvert = function(menuItems) { // console.log(menuItems); $scope.megaMenuDataObjectTemp = [ { text: "ECOMP", children: menuItems }, { text: "Help", children: [ { text:"Contact Us", url:$scope.contactUsUrl }, { text:"Get Access", url:$scope.getAccessUrl }] } ]; return $scope.megaMenuDataObjectTemp; }; /***************functions**************/ /*Put user info into fields*/ $scope.inputUserInfo = function(userInfo){ if (typeof(userInfo) != "undefined" && userInfo!=null && userInfo!=''){ if(typeof(userInfo.USER_FIRST_NAME) != "undefined" && userInfo.USER_FIRST_NAME!=null){ $scope.userFirstName = userInfo.USER_FIRST_NAME; } } } /*getting user info from session*/ $scope.getUserNameFromSession = function(){ UserInfoService.getFunctionalMenuStaticDetailSession() .then(function (res) { $scope.contactUsUrl=res.contactUsLink; $scope.userName = res.userName; $scope.userFirstName = res.firstName; $scope.redirectUrl = res.portalUrl; $scope.getAccessUrl = res.getAccessUrl; }); } $scope.getTopMenuStaticInfo=function() { var promise = UserInfoService.getFunctionalMenuStaticDetailShareContext(); promise.then( function(res) { if(res==null || res==''){ $log.error('failed to get static User information'); $scope.getUserNameFromSession(); }else{ // $'Received static User information'); var resData = res; // console.log(resData); $scope.inputUserInfo(resData); $scope.userName = $scope.firstName+ ' '+ $scope.lastName; } }, function(err) { $log.error('getFunctionalMenuStaticDetailShareContext failed', err); } ); } $scope.returnToPortal=function(){ window.location.href = $scope.redirectUrl; } var unflatten = function( array, parent, tree ){ tree = typeof tree !== 'undefined' ? tree : []; parent = typeof parent !== 'undefined' ? parent : { menuId: null }; var children = _.filter( array, function(child){ return child.parentMenuId == parent.menuId; }); if( !_.isEmpty( children ) ){ if( parent.menuId === null ){ tree = children; }else{ parent['children'] = children } _.each( children, function( child ){ unflatten( array, child ) } ); } return tree; } $scope.getMenu=function() { $scope.getTopMenuStaticInfo(); $http({ method: "GET", url: 'get_functional_menu', // TIMEOUT USED FOR LOCAL TESTING ONLY // timeout: 100 }).success(function (response) { if (response == '101: Timeout') { $log.debug('Timeout attempting to get_functional_menu'); $scope.megaMenuDataObject = menuStructureConvert(""); // $scope.createErrorMenu(); //$scope.loadMenufail=true; } else { if(typeof response != 'undefined' && response.length!=0 && typeof response[0] != 'undefined' && typeof response[0].error!="undefined"){ $log.debug('Timeout attempting to get_functional_menu'); $scope.menuItems = unflatten( response); $scope.megaMenuDataObject = menuStructureConvert($scope.menuItems); // $scope.createErrorMenu(); //$scope.loadMenufail=true; }else{ $scope.loadMenufail=false; $scope.contactUsURL = response.contactUsLink; $log.debug('functional_menu',response); $scope.megaMenuDataObject = menuStructureConvert(""); } } }).error(function (response){ $scope.megaMenuDataObject = menuStructureConvert(""); // $scope.createErrorMenu(); //$scope.loadMenufail=true; $log.debug('REST API failed get_functional_menu...'); }); } $scope.adjustHeader=function() { $scope.showHeader = ($cookies.show_app_header == undefined ? true : $cookies.show_app_header); if($scope.showHeader == true) { $scope.drawer_margin_top = 70; $scope.drawer_custom_top = 54; $scope.toggle_drawer_top = 55; } else { $scope.drawer_margin_top = 60; $scope.drawer_custom_top = 0; $scope.toggle_drawer_top = 10; } } $scope.getMenu(); $scope.adjustHeader(); /* **************************************************************************/ /* Logic for the favorite menus is here */ $scope.loadFavorites = function () { $log.debug('loadFavorites has happened.'); if ($scope.favoritesMenuItems == '') { $scope.generateFavoriteItems(); $log.debug('loadFavorites is calling generateFavoriteItems()'); } else { $log.debug('loadFavorites is NOT calling generateFavoriteItems()'); } } $scope.goToUrl = function (item) { $log.debug("goToUrl called", item); var url = item.url; var restrictedApp = item.restrictedApp; // $log.debug('Restricted app status is: ' + restrictedApp); if (!url) { $log.error('No url found for this application, doing nothing..'); return; } if (restrictedApp) { $, '_blank'); } else { $, '_self'); } } $scope.submenuLevelAction = function(index, column) { if ($scope.favoritesMenuItems == '') { $scope.generateFavoriteItems(); $log.debug('submenuLevelAction is calling generateFavoriteItems()'); } $log.debug('item hovered/clicked: ' + index + '; column = ' + column); if (column == 2) { // 2 is Design $scope.favoritesWindow = false; $scope.showFavorites = false; $scope.emptyFavorites = false; } if (index=='Favorites' && $scope.favoriteItemsCount != 0) { $log.debug('Showing Favorites window'); $scope.favoritesWindow = true; $scope.showFavorites = true; $scope.emptyFavorites = false; } if (index=='Favorites' && $scope.favoriteItemsCount == 0) { $log.debug('Hiding Favorites window in favor of No Favorites Window'); $scope.favoritesWindow = true; $scope.showFavorites = false; $scope.emptyFavorites = true; } if (column > 2) { $scope.favoritesWindow = false; $scope.showFavorites = false; $scope.emptyFavorites = false; } }; $scope.hideFavoritesWindow = function() { $log.debug('$scope.hideFavoritesWindow has been called'); $scope.showFavorites = false; $scope.emptyFavorites = false; } $scope.isUrlFavorite = function (menuId) { // $log.debug('array objects in menu favorites = ' + $scope.favoriteItemsCount + '; menuId=' + menuId); var jsonMenu = JSON.stringify($scope.favoritesMenuItems); var isMenuFavorite = jsonMenu.indexOf('menuId\":' + menuId); if (isMenuFavorite==-1) { return false; } else { return true; } } $scope.generateFavoriteItems = function() { $http({ method: "GET", url: 'get_favorites', // TIMEOUT USED FOR LOCAL TESTING ONLY // timeout: 100 }).success(function (response) { if (response == '101: Timeout') { $log.error('Timeout attempting to get_favorites_menu'); } else { if(typeof response != 'undefined' && response.length!=0 && typeof response[0] != 'undefined' && typeof response[0].error!="undefined"){ $log.error('REST API failed get_favorites' + response); }else{ $log.debug('get_favorites = ' + JSON.stringify(response)); $scope.favoritesMenuItems = response; $scope.favoriteItemsCount = Object.keys($scope.favoritesMenuItems).length; // $'number of favorite menus: ' + $scope.favoriteItemsCount); } } }).error(function (response){ $log.error('REST API failed get_favorites' + response); //createFavoriteErrorMenu() USED FOR LOCAL TESTING ONLY // $scope.createFavoriteErrorMenu(); }); } $scope.createFavoriteErrorMenu=function() { $scope.favoritesMenuItems = []; $scope.favoriteItemsCount = Object.keys($scope.favoritesMenuItems).length; // $'number of favorite menus: ' + $scope.favoriteItemsCount); } /* end of Favorite Menu code */ /* **************************************************************************/ /* **************************************************************************/ // THIS IS USED FOR LOCAL TESTING ONLY /* **************************************************************************/ $scope.createErrorMenu=function() { $log.debug('Creating fake menu now...'); // $scope.loadMenufail=true; $scope.menuItems = [ { "menuId": 1, "column": 2, "text": "Design", "parentMenuId": null, "url": "" }, { "menuId": 2, "column": 3, "text": "Infrastructure Ordering", "parentMenuId": null, "url": "" }, { "menuId": 3, "column": 4, "text": "Service Creation", "parentMenuId": null, "url": "" }, { "menuId": 4, "column": 5, "text": "Service Mgmt", "parentMenuId": null, "url": "" }, { "menuId": 90, "column": 1, "text": "Google", "parentMenuId": 1, "url": "" }, { "menuId": 91, "column": 1, "text": "Mike Little's Coffee Cup", "parentMenuId": 2, "url": "" }, { "menuId": 92, "column": 2, "text": "Andy and his Astrophotgraphy", "parentMenuId": 3, "url": "" }, { "menuId": 93, "column": 1, "text": "JSONLint", "parentMenuId": 4, "url": "http://" }, { "menuId": 94, "column": 2, "text": "HROneStop", "parentMenuId": 4, "url": "" }, { "menuId": 95, "column": 2, "text": "4th Level App4a R16", "parentMenuId": 4, "url": "" }, { "menuId": 96, "column": 3, "text": "3rd Level App1c R200", "parentMenuId": 4, "url": "" }, { "menuId": 97, "column": 1, "text": "3rd Level App4b R16", "parentMenuId": 5, "url": "" }, { "menuId": 98, "column": 2, "text": "3rd Level App2b R16", "parentMenuId": 5, "url": "" }, { "menuId": 99, "column": 1, "text": "Favorites", "parentMenuId": null, "url": "" } ]; $scope.menuItems = unflatten( $scope.menuItems ); //remove this $scope.megaMenuDataObject = menuStructureConvert($scope.menuItems); } }] } }); app.filter("ellipsis", function(){ return function(text, length){ if (text) { var ellipsis = text.length > length ? "..." : ""; return text.slice(0, length) + ellipsis; }; return text; } }); function reloadPageOnce() { if( window.localStorage ) { if( !localStorage.getItem('firstLoad') ) { localStorage['firstLoad'] = true; window.location.reload(); } else localStorage.removeItem('firstLoad'); } } app.controller('loginSnippetCtrl', function ($scope,$http, $log,UserInfoService){ /*Define fields*/ $scope.userProfile={ firstName:'', lastName:'', fullName:'', email:'', } /*Put user info into fields*/ $scope.inputUserInfo = function(userInfo){ if (typeof(userInfo) != "undefined" && userInfo!=null && userInfo!=''){ if (typeof(userInfo.USER_FIRST_NAME) != "undefined" && userInfo.USER_FIRST_NAME!=null && userInfo.USER_FIRST_NAME!='') $scope.userProfile.firstName = userInfo.USER_FIRST_NAME; if (typeof(userInfo.USER_LAST_NAME) != "undefined" && userInfo.USER_LAST_NAME!=null && userInfo.USER_LAST_NAME!='') $scope.userProfile.lastName = userInfo.USER_LAST_NAME; if (typeof(userInfo.USER_EMAIL) != "undefined" && userInfo.USER_EMAIL!=null && userInfo.USER_EMAIL!='') $ = userInfo.USER_EMAIL; } } /*getting user info from session*/ $scope.getUserNameFromSession = function(){ UserInfoService.getFunctionalMenuStaticDetailSession() .then(function (response) { $scope.userProfile.fullName = response.userName; $ =; }); } /*getting user info from shared context*/ $scope.getUserName=function() { var promise = UserInfoService.getFunctionalMenuStaticDetailShareContext(); promise.then( function(res) { if(res==null || res==''){ $log.error('getFunctionalMenuStaticDetailShareContext failed'); $scope.getUserNameFromSession(); }else{ // $'Received User information from shared context',res); var resData = res; // console.log(resData); $scope.inputUserInfo(resData); $scope.userProfile.fullName = $scope.userProfile.firstName+ ' '+ $scope.userProfile.lastName; } }, function(err) { console.log('getFunctionalMenuStaticDetailShareContext failed', err); } ); }; /*call the get user info function*/ try{ $scope.getUserName(); }catch(err){ $'getUserName failed', err); } });