appDS2.directive('ds2Header', function () { return { restrict: 'A', //This menas that it will be used as an attribute and NOT as an element. I don't like creating custom HTML elements replace: false, templateUrl: "app/fusion/scripts/DS2-view-models/ds2Header.html", controller: ['$scope', '$filter','$http','$timeout', '$log','UserInfoServiceDS2', '$window', '$cookies', "$cookieStore", function ($scope, $filter, $http, $timeout, $log,UserInfoServiceDS2, $window, $cookies, $cookieStore) { // copy from existing DS1 /*Define fields*/ $scope.userName; $scope.userFirstName; /*$scope.redirectUrl; $scope.contactUsUrl; $scope.getAccessUrl; $scope.childData=[]; $scope.parentData=[]; $scope.menuItems = []; $scope.loadMenufail=false; $scope.megaMenuDataObject=[]; $scope.activeClickSubMenu = { x: '' }; $scope.activeClickMenu = { x: '' }; $scope.favoritesMenuItems = []; $scope.favoriteItemsCount = 0; $scope.showFavorites = false; $scope.emptyFavorites = false; $scope.favoritesWindow = false;*/ //DS2 code $scope.tabItems = [ { 'title': 'ECOMP' }, { 'title': 'Help', 'subitems': [{ 'value': 'Contact Us' }, { 'value': 'Get Access' }, ]}, ]; $scope.userProfile = {}; $scope.showInfo = false; $scope.showProfile = function () { $scope.showInfo = !$scope.showInfo; }; $scope.loginOptions1 = [ {value: '', text: 'Log In..'}, {value: '1', text: 'Premier'}, {value: '2', text: 'Wifi Services'}, {value: '3', text: 'Cloud Solutions'} ]; $scope.loginVal = {}; $scope.loginVal.value = $scope.loginOptions1[0].value; $scope.clickLogin = function () { $scope.openDropdown = !$scope.openDropdown; }; $scope.skipNavigation = function () { var element = angular.element(document.querySelector('li.last'))[0]; element.children[0].focus(); }; /***************functions**************/ /*Put user info into fields*/ $scope.inputUserInfo = function(userInfo){ if (typeof(userInfo) != "undefined" && userInfo!=null && userInfo!=''){ if(typeof(userInfo.USER_FIRST_NAME) != "undefined" && userInfo.USER_FIRST_NAME!=null){ $scope.userFirstName = userInfo.USER_FIRST_NAME; } } } /*getting user info from session*/ $scope.getUserNameFromSession = function(){ UserInfoServiceDS2.getFunctionalMenuStaticDetailSession() .then(function (res) { $scope.contactUsUrl=res.contactUsLink; $scope.userName = res.userName; $scope.userFirstName = res.firstName; $scope.redirectUrl = res.portalUrl; $scope.getAccessUrl = res.getAccessUrl; $scope.userProfile.fullName = res.userName; $ =; }); } /*Put user info into fields*/ $scope.inputUserInfo = function(userInfo){ if (typeof(userInfo) != "undefined" && userInfo!=null && userInfo!=''){ if (typeof(userInfo.USER_FIRST_NAME) != "undefined" && userInfo.USER_FIRST_NAME!=null && userInfo.USER_FIRST_NAME!='') $scope.userProfile.firstName = userInfo.USER_FIRST_NAME; if (typeof(userInfo.USER_LAST_NAME) != "undefined" && userInfo.USER_LAST_NAME!=null && userInfo.USER_LAST_NAME!='') $scope.userProfile.lastName = userInfo.USER_LAST_NAME; if (typeof(userInfo.USER_EMAIL) != "undefined" && userInfo.USER_EMAIL!=null && userInfo.USER_EMAIL!='') $ = userInfo.USER_EMAIL; } } /*getting user info from shared context*/ $scope.getUserName=function() { var promise = UserInfoServiceDS2.getFunctionalMenuStaticDetailShareContext(); promise.then( function(res) { if(res==null || res==''){ $log.warn('DS2HeaderCtlr::getUserName: failed to get info from shared context'); $scope.getUserNameFromSession(); }else{ // $'Received User information from shared context',res); var resData = res; $scope.inputUserInfo(resData); $scope.userProfile.fullName = $scope.userProfile.firstName+ ' '+ $scope.userProfile.lastName; } }, function(err) { console.log('error'); } ); }; $scope.adjustHeader=function() { $scope.showHeader = ($cookieStore.get("show_app_header") == undefined ? true : $cookies.show_app_header); if($scope.showHeader == true) { $scope.drawer_margin_top = 70; $scope.drawer_custom_top = 54; $scope.toggle_drawer_top = 55; } else { $scope.drawer_margin_top = 60; $scope.drawer_custom_top = 0; $scope.toggle_drawer_top = 10; } } /*call the get user info function*/ try{ $scope.getUserName(); $scope.adjustHeader(); }catch(err){ $'Error while getting User information',err); } }] } });