appDS2.controller('profileSearchCtrlDS2', function($scope, $log, $modal, ProfileServiceDS2){ $scope.showInput = true; $scope.totalPages1 = 0; $scope.viewPerPage1 = 8; $scope.currentPage1 = 1; $scope.showLoader = false; var debug = false; $scope.$watch('viewPerPage1', function(val) { $scope.showLoader = true; ProfileServiceDS2.getProfilePagination($scope.currentPage1, val).then(function(data){ var j = data; $ = JSON.parse(; $scope.tableData =JSON.parse($; $scope.totalPages1 =JSON.parse($; $scope.showLoader = false; },function(error){ console.log("watch of viewPerPage1 failed"); reloadPageOnce(); }); }); $scope.customHandler = function(num) { $scope.currentPage1 = num; $scope.showLoader = true; ProfileServiceDS2.getProfilePagination($scope.currentPage1,$scope.viewPerPage1).then(function(data){ var j = data; $ = JSON.parse(; $scope.tableData =JSON.parse($; $scope.totalPages1 =JSON.parse($; $scope.showLoader = false; },function(error){ console.log("customHandler failed"); reloadPageOnce(); }); }; $scope.editRow = function(profileId){ window.location = 'userProfile#/profile/' + profileId; }; var ModalInstanceCtrl = function ($scope, $log, $modalInstance, items) { $scope.msg = items; $scope.toggleUserStatus = function(id) { if (debug) $log.debug('profileSearchCtrlDS2:ModalInstanceCtrl:toggleUserStatus: data is ' + id); ProfileServiceDS2.toggleProfileStatus(id); $modalInstance.close(); }; $scope.cancelUserStatusToggle = function(rowData) { if (debug) $log.debug('profileSearchCtrlDS2:ModalInstanceCtrl: cancelUserStatusToggle: data is ' + JSON.stringify(rowData)); // Undo the toggle of the checkbox = !; $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); } } // user activation/deactivation $scope.toggleProfileActive = function(rowData) { if (debug) $log.debug('profileSearchCtrlDS2:toggleProfileActive: id is ' + + ', active is ' +; var toggleType = null; // The checkbox is already in the desired state, // so the sense of the "if" is reversed here. if ( toggleType = "activate"; else toggleType = "deactivate"; var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-view-models/ds2-profile/modals/profile-confirm-toggle.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve: { items: function () { var message = { text : toggleType, rowData : rowData }; return message; } } }); }; });