app.controller('workflowsController', function($scope, $http, $uibModal, $log, modalService, $modal) { $scope.viewPerPage = 5; $scope.scrollViewsPerPage = 20; $scope.currentPage = 2; $scope.totalPage; $scope.searchCategory = ""; $scope.searchString = ""; $ = { value: "" }; $scope.showModal = false; $scope.toggleModal = function(){ $scope.showModal = !$scope.showModal; }; $scope.workflow = {}; $ = "true"; $scope.updateAllWorkflowStatus = function() { angular.forEach($scope.workflows,function(value){ $scope.checkWorkflowStatus(value); }) } $scope.fetchWorkflowsList = function() { $http.get('workflows/list').then(function(workflowList){ console.log('Got new list from server = ' +; $scope.workflows =; $scope.updateAllWorkflowStatus(); }); }; $scope.addNewWorkflow = function(newWorkflow) { $'workflows/addWorkflow/', JSON.stringify(newWorkflow)).success(function() { $scope.fetchWorkflowsList(); }); $ = ''; }; $scope.updateWorkflow = function (workflowToEdit) { //'true'; var modalInstance = ${ animation: $scope.animationsEnabled, templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/view-models/workflows/workflow-new.html', //size : modalSize, controller: ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', '$http', function ($scope, $uibModalInstance, $http) { $scope.workflow = workflowToEdit; $scope.ok = function() { console.log('Updating existing workflow ... ' + JSON.stringify($scope.workflow)); $'workflows/editWorkflow/', JSON.stringify($scope.workflow)).then(function(returnedWorkflow){ console.log('Returned Workflow = ' + JSON.stringify(returnedWorkflow)); $uibModalInstance.close($scope.workflow); }); }; $scope.cancel = function() { $uibModalInstance.dismiss(); }; }], //End of inner controller resolve: { workflow: function() { console.log('Passing ' + JSON.stringify($scope.workflow)); return $scope.workflow; } } }); modalInstance.result.then(function (editedWorkFlow) { //Need to convert to proper date - later delete editedWorkFlow.created; delete editedWorkFlow.updated; delete editedWorkFlow.createdBy; delete editedWorkFlow.modifiedBy; console.log('selected Item ' + JSON.stringify(editedWorkFlow)); $scope.$emit('workflowAdded', editedWorkFlow); }, function () { $'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date()); }); }; $scope.reset = function(){ console.log("Resetting ...."); }; $scope.update = function(){ console.log("updating ...."); }; $scope.createWorkflow = function (modalSize) { var modalInstance = ${ animation: $scope.animationsEnabled, templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/view-models/workflows/workflow-new.html', size : modalSize, controller: ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', '$http', function ($scope, $uibModalInstance, $http) { $scope.workflow = {}; $ = 'true'; $scope.ok = function() { console.log('Saving new workflow ... ' + JSON.stringify($scope.workflow)); $'workflows/addWorkflow/', JSON.stringify($scope.workflow)).then(function(returnedWorkflow){ console.log('Returned Workflow = ' + JSON.stringify(returnedWorkflow)); $uibModalInstance.close($scope.workflow); }); }; /* console.log(size);*/ $scope.cancel = function() { $uibModalInstance.dismiss(); }; }], //End of inner controller resolve: { workflow: function() { console.log('Passing ' + JSON.stringify($scope.workflow)); return $scope.workflow; } } }); modalInstance.result.then(function (newWorkflow) { console.log('selected Item ' + JSON.stringify(newWorkflow)); $scope.$emit('workflowAdded', newWorkflow); }, function () { $'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date()); }); };//End of createWorkflow function $scope.removeWorkflow = function(workflowToRemove){ var modalInstance = ${ animation: $scope.animationsEnabled, templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/view-models/workflows/workflow-remove.html', controller: ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', '$http', function ($scope, $uibModalInstance, $http) { $scope.workflowToRemove = workflowToRemove; $scope.ok = function() { console.log('Removing workflow ... ' + JSON.stringify($scope.workflowToRemove) + ' on client request.'); $'workflows/removeWorkflow/', JSON.stringify(${ console.log('Workflow successfully removed !!!'); $uibModalInstance.close(); }); }; $scope.cancel = function() { $uibModalInstance.dismiss(); }; }] }); modalInstance.result.then(function () { $scope.$emit('workflowRemoved'); }, function () { $'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date()); }); }; $scope.scheduleWorkflow = function(workflowToSchedule){ var modalInstance = ${ animation: $scope.animationsEnabled, templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/view-models/workflows/workflow-schedule.html', size:'lg', controller: ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', '$http','dateFilter', function ($scope, $uibModalInstance, $http,dateFilter) { $scope.workflowToSchedule = workflowToSchedule; $scope.dt = new Date(); $scope.dt2 = new Date(); $scope.dateformat = 'MM/dd/yyyy', $scope.datetimeformat = "hh:mm a"; $scope.recurrenceOptions =[{ index:0, value:'One-Time', title:'One-Time' },{ index:1, value: 'Hourly',title:'Hourly' },{ index:2, value: 'Daily',title:'Daily' },{ index:3, value: 'Weekly',title:'Weekly' }] $scope.selectRecurrenceOpt = $scope.recurrenceOptions[0]; $scope.hours = []; for (var i=0; i<24; i++){ var newObj={} newObj.index = i; newObj.value = ""+i; newObj.title = ""+i; $scope.hours.push(newObj); } $scope.minutes = []; for (var i=0; i<60; i++){ var newObj={} newObj.index = i; newObj.value = ""+i; newObj.title = ""+i; $scope.minutes.push(newObj); } $scope.AMPMOptions =[ { index:0, value:'AM', title:'AM' },{ index:1, value: 'PM',title:'PM' }] $scope.selectFirstHour =$scope.hours[0]; $scope.selectFirstMinute =$scope.minutes[0]; $scope.selectLastHour =$scope.hours[0]; $scope.selectLastMinute =$scope.minutes[0]; $scope.selectStartAMPMOption=$scope.AMPMOptions[0]; $scope.selectLastAMPMOption=$scope.AMPMOptions[0]; var GenerateCronExpression = function(trigger_dt, RecurrenceOpt) { var CRON_sec = trigger_dt.getSeconds(); var CRON_min = trigger_dt.getMinutes(); var CRON_hr = trigger_dt.getHours(); var CRON_date= trigger_dt.getDate(); var CRON_month = trigger_dt.toLocaleString('en-US', {month: 'short'}).toUpperCase(); var CRON_day = trigger_dt.toLocaleString('en-US', {weekday: 'short'}).toUpperCase(); var CRON_year = trigger_dt.getFullYear(); if (RecurrenceOpt ==="One-Time") { CRON_day = '?' } else { if (RecurrenceOpt ==="Hourly") { CRON_hr = '*'; CRON_date = '*' CRON_month = '*' CRON_day = '?' CRON_year = '*' } else if (RecurrenceOpt ==="Daily") { CRON_date = '*' CRON_month = '*' CRON_day = '?' CRON_year = '*' } else if (RecurrenceOpt ==="Weekly") { CRON_date = '*' CRON_month = '*' CRON_year = '*' } } var CRON_Expression = [CRON_sec, CRON_min, CRON_hr, CRON_date, CRON_month, CRON_day, CRON_year]; return CRON_Expression.join(" "); } $scope.ok = function() { // DateTime for the start time: it should be noted that the start time // for a CRON job should be prior to the trigger time. $scope.trigger_dt = new Date( $scope.dt.getFullYear() + "-" + ("0"+($scope.dt.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2) + "-" +("0"+ $scope.dt.getDate()).slice(-2) + " " + ("0" + $scope.selectFirstHour.value).slice(-2) + ":" +("0" + $scope.selectFirstMinute.value).slice(-2) + ":00.0"); $scope.startDateTime_CRON = GenerateCronExpression($scope.trigger_dt, $scope.selectRecurrenceOpt.value) //roll back the the start date time by 30 seconds (start time should be 30 seconds prior to trigger time) dt_st = new Date($scope.trigger_dt - 30*1000) startDateTime = dt_st.getFullYear() + "-" + ("0"+(dt_st.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2) + "-" +("0"+ dt_st.getDate()).slice(-2) + " " + ("0" + dt_st.getHours()).slice(-2) + ":" +("0" + dt_st.getMinutes()).slice(-2) + ":" + ("0" + dt_st.getSeconds()).slice(-2) +".0"; $scope.startDateTime = startDateTime; $scope.endDateTime = $scope.dt2.getFullYear() + "-" + ("0"+($scope.dt2.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2) + "-" +("0"+ $scope.dt2.getDate()).slice(-2) + " " + ("0"+ $scope.selectLastHour.value).slice(-2) + ":" +("0" + $scope.selectLastMinute.value).slice(-2) + ":00.0" $scope.WorkflowScheduleObject = {}; $scope.WorkflowScheduleObject['startDateTime_CRON'] = $scope.startDateTime_CRON; $scope.WorkflowScheduleObject['startDateTime'] = $scope.startDateTime; $scope.WorkflowScheduleObject['endDateTime'] = $scope.endDateTime; $scope.WorkflowScheduleObject['workflowKey'] = $scope.workflowToSchedule.workflowKey; $scope.WorkflowScheduleObject['recurrence'] = $scope.selectRecurrenceOpt.value; $scope.WorkflowScheduleObject['workflow_arguments'] = "test"; $scope.WorkflowScheduleObject['workflow_server_url'] = $scope.workflowToSchedule.runLink; TimeFromNowToStart = new Date($scope.startDateTime)-new Date() TimeStartToEnd = new Date($scope.endDateTime)-new Date($scope.startDateTime) if (TimeFromNowToStart<=0) { console.log("invalid start time input") alert("Please ensure the scheduled start date time is later than current time.") return; } if (TimeStartToEnd<=0) { console.log("invalid end time input") alert("Please ensure the schduled end date time is later than the start time.") return; } // if successful then save and close $scope.saveCronJob($scope.WorkflowScheduleObject); $uibModalInstance.close(); }; $scope.saveCronJob = function(cronJobData){ console.log('saving cron job data: ' + cronJobData); var uuu = "workflows/saveCronJob.htm"; var postData={cronJobDataObj: cronJobData}; $.ajax({ type : 'POST', url : uuu, //dataType: 'json', // data type expected from server contentType: 'application/json', data: JSON.stringify(postData), // data type sent to server success : function(data){ $scope.$apply(function(){ //$scope.availableRoleFunctions=[];$scope.$apply(); // new // $scope.availableFnMenuItems=data.availableFnMenuItems; } ); //alert("Update Successful.") ; //$scope.editRoleFunction = null; // new /// $modalInstance.close({availableFnMenuItems:$scope.availableRoleFunctions}); }, error : function(data){ alert("Error while saving."); } }); }; $scope.cancel = function() { console.log("cancel triggered") $uibModalInstance.dismiss(); }; }] }); modalInstance.result.then(function () { $scope.$emit('workflowRemoved'); }, function () { $'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date()); }); }; $scope.previewWorkflow = function(workflowToPreview,modalSize){ var modalInstance = ${ animation: $scope.animationsEnabled, templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/view-models/workflows/workflow-preview.html', size:modalSize, controller: ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', '$http', function ($scope, $uibModalInstance, $http) { $scope.workflowToPreview = workflowToPreview; console.log('previewWorkFlow invoked'); console.log($scope.workflowToPreview); $scope.cancel = function() { $uibModalInstance.dismiss(); }; }] }); modalInstance.result.then(function () { $scope.$emit('workflowRemoved'); }, function () { $'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date()); }); }; /* change work flow status based on the boolean variable "suspendBool" which corresponds whether * we would like to suspend or activate a workflow specified by key. */ $scope.changeWorkflowStatus = function(workflowToChangeStatus,suspendBool){ if (workflowToChangeStatus!==null) { var statusUrl= workflowToChangeStatus.runLink+"/engine-rest/process-definition/key/"+workflowToChangeStatus.workflowKey var suspendedUrl= statusUrl+"/suspended" var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();'PUT', suspendedUrl, false); xmlHttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'); xmlHttp.onload = function() { if (suspendBool) { console.log("process definition is now suspended");"false" } else { console.log("process definition is now activated");"true" } }; xmlHttp.send(JSON.stringify({ "suspended" : suspendBool, "includeProcessInstances" : true, "executionDate" : "2013-11-21T10:49:45" })); } }; $scope.activateWorkflow = function(workflowToActivate){ $scope.changeWorkflowStatus(workflowToActivate,false) }; $scope.suspendWorkflow = function(workflowToActivate){ $scope.changeWorkflowStatus(workflowToActivate,true) }; $scope.checkWorkflowStatus = function(workflow) { if (workflow!==null) { var statusUrl= workflow.runLink+"/engine-rest/process-definition/key/"+workflow.workflowKey var xmlHttp3 = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', statusUrl, true); xmlHttp3.withCredentials = true; xmlHttp3.send(); xmlHttp3.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlHttp3.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp3.status == 200) { // do something with the response in the variable data var temp = JSON.parse(xmlHttp3.responseText) if (temp.suspended == false){ console.log("Activated")"true" } else { console.log("Suspended")"false" } } } } }; $scope.StartWorkflowInstance = function(workflowToStart){ if (workflowToStart!==null) { var statusUrl= workflowToStart.runLink+"/engine-rest/process-definition/key/"+workflowToStart.workflowKey var suspendedUrl= statusUrl+"/submit-form" var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', suspendedUrl, false); xmlHttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'); xmlHttp.onload = function() { }; xmlHttp.send(JSON.stringify({ "variables": { "customerId": {"value":"asdasda","type":"String"}, "amount":{"value":"100","type":"String"} } })); } }; $scope.$on('workflowAdded', function(event, newWorkflow) { console.log("New Workflow to be added in list scope " + JSON.stringify(newWorkflow)); //$scope.workflows.push(newWorkflow); $scope.fetchWorkflowsList(); console.log('newly added workflow = ' + JSON.stringify(newWorkflow)); }); $scope.$on('workflowRemoved', function(event) { $scope.fetchWorkflowsList(); }); $scope.fetchWorkflowsList(); });