appDS2.controller('adminController', function($scope, $http,AdminService, $modal, $routeParams, $rootScope){ $scope.totalPages = 5; $scope.viewPerPage = 8; $scope.searchString = ""; $scope.currentPage = 1; $scope.nextSort=""; $scope.showLoader = false; $scope.tableData=[]; $scope.showLoader=false; $scope.routeRoleId = $routeParams.roleId; $scope.regions = []; /*function*/ $scope.getFunctionList = function(){ $scope.tableData.length=0; $scope.showLoader=true; AdminService.getRoleFunctionList().then(function(data){ var j = data; $ = JSON.parse(; $scope.tableData =JSON.parse($; },function(error){ console.log("failed"); }).finally(function() { $scope.showLoader=false; // Always execute this on both error and success }); } $scope.getCacheRegionsList = function(){ AdminService.getCacheRegions().then(function(data){ var j = data; $ = JSON.parse(; $scope.regions =$; },function(error){ console.log("failed"); }); } $scope.delRoleFunc = function(roleData){ AdminService.delRoleFunctionList(roleData).then(function(msg){ var message = msg; if(!=null &&!=''){ var status =; if(status=='"success"'){ $scope.successPopUp(); $scope.getFunctionList(); }else{ $scope.errorPopUp(''); } } },function(error){ }); } $scope.saveRoleFunction = function(roleData){ AdminService.saveRoleFunctionList(roleData).then(function(msg){ var message = msg; if(!=null &&!=''){ var status =; if(status=='"success"'){ $scope.successPopUp(); $scope.getFunctionList(); }else{ $scope.errorPopUp(''); } } },function(error){ }); } $scope.addRoleFunction = function(roleData){ if(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-\.\_]/.test(roleData.type)){ errorMsg = 'Type can only contain alphanumeric characters, dots(.) and underscores(_)'; var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-modal/error_modal.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve: { items: function () { return errorMsg; } } }); return; } if(roleData.action !== '*' && /[^a-zA-Z0-9\-\.\_]/.test(roleData.action)){ errorMsg = 'Action can only contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens(-), dots(.) and underscores(_) and single asterisk character(*)'; var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-modal/error_modal.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve: { items: function () { return errorMsg; } } }); return; } if(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-\:\_\./*]/.test(roleData.code)){ errorMsg = 'Code can only contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens(-), dots(.), colons(:), forwardSlash(/) , asterisk(*) and underscores(_)'; var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-modal/error_modal.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve: { items: function () { return errorMsg; } } }); return; } if(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-\_ \.]/.test({ errorMsg = 'Name can only contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, hyphens(-), dots(.) and underscores(_)'; var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-modal/error_modal.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve: { items: function () { return errorMsg; } } }); return; } AdminService.addRoleFunctionList(roleData).then(function(msg){ var message = msg; if(!=null &&!=''){ var status =; if(status=='"success"'){ $scope.successPopUp(); $scope.getFunctionList(); }else if(status=='"code exists"'){ $scope.errorPopUp('Code already exists'); $scope.getFunctionList(); }else{ $scope.errorPopUp(''); } } },function(error){ }); } /*init*/ $scope.getFunctionList(); $scope.getCacheRegionsList(); /*popup*/ var ModalInstanceCtrl = function ($scope, $modalInstance, items, AdminService,$rootScope) { $scope.roleFun=items; $scope.msg=items; $scope.ngRepeatDemo = [ {id: 'menuradiobutton1', value: 'menu', labelvalue: 'menu'}, {id: 'urlradiobutton2', value: 'url', labelvalue: 'url'}, {id: 'otherradiobutton3', value: 'other', labelvalue: 'other'} ] $scope.selectedvalueradioButtonGroup = { type: 'menu' } $scope.roleFun = { action: '*' } $scope.selectedvalueradioButtonOther = { type: '' } // remove role function associated to a role on Role Edit page $scope.roleFunRemoveRole = function (roleFunction) { AdminService.removeRoleFunction(roleFunction, $routeParams.roleId).then(function(msg){ var message = msg; $scope.cancel(); if(message.role){ $rootScope.$broadcast('updateRoleFunctions',{data:message.role,removedRoleFunc:}); }else{ ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-modal/error_modal.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve: { items: function () { return msg; } } }) } },function(error){ console.log("error"); }); } //role activation for selected child role $scope.activateRoleChildConfirmPopUp = function (selected, availableRole) { $scope.msg.roleFun =; $scope.msg.selected = selected; $scope.msg.availableRole = availableRole; var toggleType = null; if(selected) { toggleType = "activate"; } else { toggleType = "inactivate"; } var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-view-models/ds2-admin/modals/role-child-add-confirm.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve: { items: function () { return $scope.msg; } } }); } // confirm Child Role Add $scope.confirmRoleChildAdd = function(selected,availableRole,id){ AdminService.confirmRoleChildAdd(selected,availableRole,id).then(function(msg){ var message = msg; $scope.cancel(); if(message.role){ }else{ ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-modal/error_modal.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve: { items: function () { return msg; } } }) } },function(error){ console.log("error"); }); } // confirm Child Role Remove $scope.confirmRoleChildRemove = function(selected,availableRole,id){ AdminService.confirmRoleChildRemove(selected,availableRole,id).then(function(msg){ var message = msg; $scope.cancel(); if(message.role){ //$rootScope.$broadcast('updateAvailbleRoles',{data:message.availableRoles}); /*${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-modal/success_modal.html', sizeClass: 'modal-small', })*/ }else{ ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-modal/error_modal.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve: { items: function () { return msg; } } }) } },function(error){ console.log("error"); }); } //role activation for role function $scope.activateRoleConfirmPopUp = function (selected, availableRole) { $scope.msg.roleFun =; $scope.msg.selected = selected; $scope.msg.availableRole = availableRole; var toggleType = null; if(selected) { toggleType = "activate"; } else { toggleType = "inactivate"; } var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-view-models/ds2-admin/modals/role-fun-add-confirm.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve: { items: function () { return $scope.msg; } } }); } // confirm Role Function Add $scope.confirmRoleFunAdd = function(selected,availableRole,id){ AdminService.confirmRoleFunAdd(selected,availableRole,id).then(function(msg){ var message = msg; $scope.cancel(); if(message.role){ $rootScope.$broadcast('updateRoleFunctions',{data:message.role}); }else{ ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-modal/error_modal.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve: { items: function () { return msg; } } }) } },function(error){ console.log("error"); }); } // confirm Role Function Remove $scope.confirmRoleFunRemove = function(selected,availableRole,id){ AdminService.confirmRoleFunRemove(selected,availableRole,id).then(function(msg){ var message = msg; $scope.cancel(); if(message.role){ $rootScope.$broadcast('updateRoleFunctions',{data:message.role}); }else{ ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-modal/error_modal.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve: { items: function () { return msg; } } }) } },function(error){ console.log("error"); }); } //role activation $scope.roleActivate = function(selected,availableRole){ AdminService.activateRole(selected,availableRole).then(function(msg){ var message = msg; $scope.cancel(); if(message.availableRoles){ $rootScope.$broadcast('updateAvailbleRoles',{data:message.availableRoles}); }else{ ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-modal/error_modal.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve: { items: function () { return msg; } } }) } },function(error){ console.log("error"); }); } //role deletion $scope.delRole = function(roleData){ AdminService.delRoleList(roleData).then(function(msg){ var message = msg; $scope.cancel(); if(message.availableRoles){ $rootScope.$broadcast('updateAvailbleRoles',{data:message.availableRoles}); }else{ ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-modal/error_modal.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve: { items: function () { return msg; } } }) } },function(error){ }); } $ = function (data,type) { if(type !== 'other'){ data.type = type ; } else{ data.type = $scope.selectedvalueradioButtonOther.type ; } $modalInstance.close(data); }; // Cancel for toggle switch on Role Fn $scope.cancelRoleFunSwitch = function (msg) { $scope.msg.availableRole.selected = !$scope.msg.availableRole.selected; $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; // Cancel for toggle switch on Role List $scope.cancelRoleSwitch = function (msg) { $ = !$; $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; $scope.cancel = function () { $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; $scope.deleteFun = function(data){ $modalInstance.close(data); } }; $scope.successPopUp = function () { var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-modal/success_modal.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve: { items: function () { return ''; } } }); }; $scope.successTestModelPopUp = function (response) { var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-modal/success_modalpopup.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-large', resolve: { items: function () { var message = { title: '', text: response }; return message; } } }); }; $scope.errorPopUp = function (msg) { var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-modal/error_modal.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve: { items: function () { return msg; } } }); }; $scope.saveRoleFuncPopUp = function (availableRoleFunction) { var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-view-models/ds2-admin/modals/role-function-edit.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve: { items: function () { return availableRoleFunction; } } }); modalInstance.result.then(function (data) { $scope.saveRoleFunction(data); }); } $scope.addRoleFuncPopUp = function (availableRoleFunction) { var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-view-models/ds2-admin/modals/role-function-add.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve: { items: function () { return availableRoleFunction; } } }); modalInstance.result.then(function (data,type) { $scope.addRoleFunction(data,type); }); } $scope.delRoleFuncConfirmPopUp = function (availableRoleFunction) { var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-view-models/ds2-admin/modals/role-function-del-confirm.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve: { items: function () { var message = { title: '', text:, content: availableRoleFunction }; return message; } } }); modalInstance.result.then(function (data) { $scope.delRoleFunc(data.content); }); } $scope.clearAllFuncPopUp = function () { var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-view-models/ds2-admin/modals/cache-menu-clear-confirm.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve: { items: function () { } } }); modalInstance.result.then(function () { $scope.clearAll(); }); } $scope.clearAll = function(){ AdminService.clearAdminRegions().then(function(msg){ var message = msg; if(!=null &&!=''){ var status =; if(status=='"success"'){ $scope.successTestModelPopUp(''); $scope.getCacheRegionsList(); }else{ $scope.errorPopUp(); } } },function(error){ }); } $scope.showRegionDetailsFuncPopUp = function (response) { var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-view-models/ds2-admin/modals/success_modalpopup.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, resolve: { items: function () { var message = { title: '', text: response, }; return message; } } }); modalInstance.result.then(function (response) { $scope.showRegionDetails(response); }); } $scope.showRegionDetails = function(cacheName) { AdminService.showRegionDetails(cacheName).then(function(res){ var message =; var msgParsed = JSON.stringify(message); var messaged =; var msgParsedd = JSON.stringify(messaged); if(!=null &&!=''){ var status = res.status; if(status==200){ var htmlstring =; var htmlStrReplace = htmlstring.replace(/['"]+/g, ''); var htmlStrReplaceSplit = htmlStrReplace.split('\n'); var dataStr = htmlStrReplace.replace(/\\n/g, "\n"); $scope.successTestModelPopUp(dataStr); }else{ $scope.errorPopUp(''); } } },function(error){ }); } $scope.clearRegionFuncPopUp = function (cacheName) { var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-view-models/ds2-admin/modals/cache-menu-clear-region-confirm.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve: { items: function () { var message = { title: '', text: cacheName }; return message; } } }); modalInstance.result.then(function (cacheName) { $scope.clearRegionFunction(cacheName); }); } $scope.clearRegionFunction = function(cacheName){ AdminService.clearRegionFunction(cacheName).then(function(msg){ var message = msg; if(!=null &&!=''){ var status =; if(status=='"success"'){ $scope.successPopUp(); $scope.getCacheRegionsList()(); }else{ $scope.errorPopUp(''); } } },function(error){ }); } $scope.clearItemFuncPopUp = function (cacheName, key) { var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-view-models/ds2-admin/modals/clearItem-region-confirm.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve: { items: function () { var message = { title: '', text: cacheName }; return message; } } }); modalInstance.result.then(function (cacheName, key) { $scope.clearItemFunction(cacheName, key); }); } $scope.clearItemFunction = function(cacheName, key){ AdminService.clearItemnFunction(cacheName, key).then(function(msg){ var message = msg; if(!=null &&!=''){ var status =; if(status=='"success"'){ $scope.successPopUp(); $scope.getCacheRegionsList()(); }else{ $scope.errorPopUp(''); } } },function(error){ }); } $scope.showItemDetails = function(cacheName, key){ AdminService.showItemDetails(cacheName, key).then(function(msg){ var message = msg; if(!=null &&!=''){ var status =; if(status=='"success"'){ $scope.successPopUp(); $scope.getCacheRegionsList()(); }else{ $scope.errorPopUp(''); } } },function(error){ }); } //role deletion pop up $scope.delRoleConfirmPopUp = function (availableRole) { var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-view-models/ds2-admin/modals/role-delete-confirm.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve: { items: function () { var message = { availableRole:availableRole, roleName: }; return message; } } }); } // role activation $scope.activateRoleConfirmPopUp = function (selected, availableRole) { var toggleType = null; if(selected) { toggleType = "activate"; } else { toggleType = "inactivate"; } var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-view-models/ds2-admin/modals/role-confirm-activation.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve: { items: function () { var message = { text: toggleType, selected:selected, availableRole:availableRole, }; return message; } } }); } $scope.roleFnInit = function(){ $scope.showLoader=true; AdminService.getRole($routeParams.roleId).then(function(data){ var j = data; $ = JSON.parse(; $scope.role =JSON.parse($; $scope.ociavailableRoleFunctions =JSON.parse($; $scope.availableRoleFunctions=[]; if($scope.ociavailableRoleFunctions) angular.forEach($scope.ociavailableRoleFunctions, function(a,i){ var availableRoleFunction = a; availableRoleFunction.selected = false; angular.forEach($scope.role.roleFunctions, function(b,j){ if(a.code === b.code) { availableRoleFunction.selected = true; } }); $scope.availableRoleFunctions.push(availableRoleFunction); }); $scope.ociavailableRoles=JSON.parse($; $scope.availableRoles=[]; },function(error){ console.log("roleControllerDS2 failed: " + error); // reloadPageOnce(); }).finally(function() { $scope.showLoader=false; // Always execute this on both error and success }); } // updating roles on role list page after deletion of a role $rootScope.$on('updateAvailbleRoles', function(e,d){ $scope.ociavailableRoles =; }) // updating role functions on roles page after deletion of a role function $rootScope.$on('updateRoleFunctions',function(e,d){ $scope.role =; if (typeof d.removedRoleFunc != 'undefined' && d.removedRoleFunc!=''){ for(var i=0;i<$scope.ociavailableRoleFunctions.length;i++){ if($scope.ociavailableRoleFunctions[i].name==d.removedRoleFunc) $scope.ociavailableRoleFunctions[i].selected=false; } } }) $scope.roleFnInit(); $scope.updateRoleFunction = function(){ $scope.role.roleFunctions=[]; for(var i=0;i<$scope.ociavailableRoleFunctions.length;i++){ if($scope.ociavailableRoleFunctions[i].selected) $scope.role.roleFunctions.push($scope.ociavailableRoleFunctions[i]); } } $scope.saveRole = function() { var errorMsg; $scope.showLoader=true; if($ == null || $ == undefined ){ $scope.role = { 'id':null, 'created':null, 'modified':null, 'createdId':null, 'modifiedId':null, 'rowNum':null, 'auditUserId':null, 'auditTrail':null, 'name':$, 'active':false, 'priority':$scope.role.priority, 'roleFunctions':null, 'childRoles':null, 'toggleActiveAltText':"Click to Activate Role ", 'toggleActiveImage':" / static fusion images inactive.png ", 'editUrl':" role.htm ? role_id = null", }; } // Validate non-empty priority as integer if ($scope.role.priority && $scope.role.priority != '' && isNaN(parseInt($scope.role.priority))) { errorMsg = 'Priority must be an integer.'; var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-modal/error_modal.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve: { items: function () { return errorMsg; } } }); return; } for (x in $scope.availableRoles){ if ($scope.availableRoles[x].name==${ errorMsg = 'Role already exists.'; var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-modal/error_modal.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve: { items: function () { return errorMsg; } } }); return; } } if(!errorMsg){ var postData={ role: $scope.role, childRoles: $scope.role.childRoles, roleFunctions : $scope.role.roleFunctions }; AdminService.saveRole(postData, $routeParams.roleId).then(function(msg){ if(msg.role){ sessionStorage.setItem('addCall', true); location.href='admin#/role/'; $scope.availableRoles.push(msg); $scope.routeRoleId =; $rootScope.$broadcast('updateAvailbleRoles',{data:$scope.availableRoles}); //saving the addCall variable in sessionStorage to change the url from AddRole to Edit Role on success of Save and displaying the success pop up if(sessionStorage.addCall){ ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-modal/success_modal.html', sizeClass: 'modal-small' }); sessionStorage.removeItem('addCall'); } } else{ var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-modal/error_modal.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve: { items: function () { msg = 'Error saving Role. Please retry'; return msg; } } }); } },function(error){ console.log("error msg"); }).finally(function() { $scope.showLoader=false; // Always execute this on both error and success }); } } $scope.addNewRoleFunctionModalPopup = function(data, role,info) { var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-view-models/ds2-admin/modals/role-functions-modal.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-large', resolve: { items: function () { var message = { role:role,, availableRoleFunctions:$scope.ociavailableRoleFunctions }; return message; } } }); modalInstance.result.finally(function () { $scope.updateRoleFunction(); }); } $scope.addNewChildRoleFunctionModalPopup = function(data, role,info) { data = $scope.role; var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-view-models/ds2-admin/modals/role-functions-child-roles-modal.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-large', resolve: { items: function () { var message = { roleChildFunctions:$scope.ociavailableRoles, role:role, }; return message; } } }); modalInstance.result.finally(function () { alert(); }); } // remove role function associated to a role on Role Edit page $scope.removeRoleFunction= function(roleFunction){ var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl: 'app/fusion/scripts/DS2-view-models/ds2-admin/modals/role-fun-role-del-confirm.html', controller: ModalInstanceCtrl, sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve: { items: function () { var message = { roleFunction:roleFunction }; return message; } } }); } });