appDS2.controller('adminClosedLoopController', ['$scope','$http','$q','$log',function ($scope, $http,$q, $log){ $scope.camunda_cockpit_url = ''; var deferred = $q.defer(); $http({ method: "GET", url: "get_camunda_cockpit_link", }).success( function(res) { // if the returned response is error HTML page in string format if(res.link_defined=='false'){ $log.error('Retrieval of camunda cockpit link failed. Please make sure the variable "camunda_cockpit_url" is defined in the file.'); deferred.reject(status); } // valid cockpit url else if(res.camunda_cockpit_link!=null & res.camunda_cockpit_link!= '') { $scope.camunda_cockpit_url = res.camunda_cockpit_link; deferred.resolve(res); // if the defined url is empty; } else { $log.error('Please ensure the variable "camunda_cockpit_url" is properly defined in file (i.e., neither null nor empty).'); deferred.reject(status); } // API call fails }).error( function(status) { $log.error('get_camunda_cockpit_link RestAPI call failed.'); deferred.reject(status); }); return deferred.promise; }]);