var pointLayer= null; var animateFlag = false; var frame = 0; var dates = []; var delay = 1000; var intervalId = null; $( document ).ready(function() { map(,,; pointLayer = new L.layerGroup().addTo(map); var point = getDates(data2.points); drawPoints(data2,point); $('#timeUp').bind('click',function(){ delay += 500; if ( animateFlag ) { clearInterval(intervalId); intervalId = window.setInterval(function(){animate(data2);},delay); } }); $('#timeDown').bind('click',function(){ if ( delay === 500 ) { return false; } delay -= 500; if ( animateFlag ) { clearInterval(intervalId); intervalId = window.setInterval(function(){animate(data2);},delay); } }); $('#date').bind('change',function(){ drawPoints(data2,$('#date').val()); }); $('#animate').bind('click',function(){ if ( animateFlag ) { animateFlag = false; $('#animate_color').html('Off'); $('#animate_color').removeClass('animateOn'); $('#animate_color').addClass('animateOff'); clearInterval(intervalId); } else { animateFlag = true; $('#animate_color').html('On'); $('#animate_color').removeClass('animateOff'); $('#animate_color').addClass('animateOn'); intervalId = window.setInterval(function(){animate(data2);},delay); } }); }); function abc() { var abc = 1; var xyz = ""; return nul; } function animate(obj){ var point = dates[frame]; drawPoints(obj,point); frame++; if ( frame >= dates.length ) { frame = 0; } $('#currDate').val(point); $('#showDelay').html(delay); } function someFunction() { var self = this; var x = 1; var z = self + x; } /** * drawPoints - Draw the points provided by point(date) * obj JSON Object - Data for Map * p String - Key (date) from the JSON object. */ function drawPoints(obj,p){ pointLayer.clearLayers(); var lats = obj.points[p].lats; var lons = obj.points[p].lons; var txt = obj.points[p].text; var fills = obj.points[p].colors; points(lats, lons,txt,fills); } /** * Get dates from the list provided in pIn and put them in Select. * then return the fist date. * */ function getDates(pIn) { var html = ""; var c = 0; var ret = 0; for (var d in pIn ) { var val = d.replace('"',''); if ( c === 0 ) { ret = val;}; html += ""; dates[c] = val; c++; } $('#date').html(html); return ret; } /** * Map - pass argumets to build map as specified Lat/Lon and zoom level * String lat - Latitude * String lon - Longitude * String zoom - Zoom Level (1-18) * */ function map(lat,lon,zoom){ var map ='map').setView([lat,lon],zoom); map.addControl(new L.control.scale()); L.tileLayer('http://localhost/tiles-light/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {maxZoom:18}).addTo(map); window.L=L;; } /** * points - pass argumets to points specified Lat/Lon. Text and color for point is also passed. * Input is either all singe values or all arrays. * String[] lat - Latitude * String[] lon - Longitude * String[] text - Single/Array of Text for points * String[] fill - Single/Array of Fill colors. */ function points(lat,lon,text,fill){ if(lat.length) { for(i=0;i